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What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend

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What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend - Page 2 Empty What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend

Post by maestegmafia Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:37 pm

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What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend, it has been in the press a few times this week that Wales are now confident that they are in a better physical condition than England.

All well and good, they came back in the match and almost won it, but they still lost.

The Welsh camps synopsis of the game seems to be centred around displaying better fitness and stupidly conceding what they thought were two soft tries. Meaning more defensive work this week and a concentration on power in the set piece, where England also had the upper hand.

Any thoughts?


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What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend - Page 2 Empty Re: What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend

Post by maestegmafia Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:53 pm

Wales definitely had the same exuberance in the final quarter that they showed last week.

I would say much of that is fitness, though we need players to stop breaking limbs...!


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What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend - Page 2 Empty Re: What do you think of the difference in the fitness levels shown by Wales vs England last weekend

Post by Shifty Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:16 pm

maestegmafia wrote:Wales definitely had the same exuberance in the final quarter that they showed last week.

I would say much of that is fitness, though we need players to stop breaking limbs...!

Though you could argue that the extra bulk and weight England have will tire them out, against smaller, fitter Welsh players.
Also Wales aren't hopeless and it is hard to contain them for 80 minutes, Wales will always have a period of the game they can be dangerous in.

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