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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by Fernando Sun 18 Sep 2011, 11:08 pm

Ric Flair suffered a broken bursa sac in his left elbow during his match against Sting last Monday, which aired on Thursday's episode of Impact Wrestling. The injury occurred when he took a superplex off the top rope.

"It was brutal," Flair told Mike Mooneyham of The Post and Courier. "I thought I had broken my arm on that spot. I don't know how I did it either.

"Sting put me down flat on that superplex, but somehow I hit something. It broke the bursa sack in my elbow. But at that moment I was sure I had broken my arm in half."

Flair says the move was perfectly executed.

"I must have put my arm down wrong or something," he said. "I really don't know how it happened. I've got one arm twice the size of the other right now.”

Flair says the injury definitely affected the rest the match, though they were able to finish it.

"When he hit me with the (Stinger) splash and went for the Scorpion, I couldn't even take a face bump. I couldn't put my arm down to take it. I couldn't hit him either. It was brutal."

Flair added that his elbow no longer hurts and he merely needs to be cautious of acquiring an infection.



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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Re: Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by User Name Sun 18 Sep 2011, 11:34 pm

Bursa sac?, almost sounds like a burst pish bag.

User Name

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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Re: Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by Guest Mon 19 Sep 2011, 12:43 pm

and he didn't blade himself, what was that all about??


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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Re: Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by Samo Mon 19 Sep 2011, 1:13 pm

Was going to wish him a speedy recovery, but anything that keeps him out the ring is welcome.

Hopefully this'll be the wake up call he needs to realise hes just not able to anymore.


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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Re: Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by Celtic Warrior Mon 19 Sep 2011, 2:18 pm

fernando wrote:Flair says the move was perfectly executed.

"I must have put my arm down wrong or something," he said. "I really don't know how it happened. I've got one arm twice the size of the other right now.”

Perhaps it's the fact you're an old man. You should just return to the Wheelchair Flair manager gimmick and leave the wrestling to the younger guys.

Celtic Warrior

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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Re: Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 21 Sep 2011, 4:28 pm

He should take a leaf out of Hogan's book and stick to speech-making inside the ropes, backroom shenanigans, with the odd Special Enforcer ringside appearance.

Hope his elbow gets better soon, though (I don't dislike him that much).

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Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury  Empty Re: Flair suffers broken bursa sac injury

Post by Guest Thu 22 Sep 2011, 9:16 am

Flair is God


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