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today's music

Fists of Fury
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today's music  Empty today's music

Post by matth7 Mon 16 Jan 2012, 10:34 am

it's full of rubbish i mean who wants to listen to lady crap crap and justin bieber for ffs, there's too much of rubbish music, over the last 10 years there has been good music but lately its just full of nonsense, thanks to the x-factor as well the music industry is going down the gutter and you can all thank simon cowell for that.

Last edited by matth7 on Mon 23 Jan 2012, 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Fists of Fury Mon 16 Jan 2012, 11:39 am

2011 gave us Rebecca Black though, which balances things out isn't all bad!

Fists of Fury

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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Beer Mon 16 Jan 2012, 12:19 pm

Fists of Fury wrote:2011 gave us Rebecca Black though, which balances things out isn't all bad!

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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by GG Mon 16 Jan 2012, 1:28 pm

There's still some decent stuff out there...just look beyond radio 1.


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by davidl1061 Mon 16 Jan 2012, 1:38 pm

It depends what you call rubbish music, if you mean the music that is in the charts then I agree. The answer is to not listen to the charts! I cant remember the last time I listened to any 'popular music' I tend to listen to xfm or bbc 6 music, if you look hard enough there will be a digital station to suit your taste.


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 16 Jan 2012, 3:53 pm

matth7 wrote:it's full of rubbish i mean who wants to listen to lady crap crap and justin bieber for ffs, there's too much of rubbuish music, over the last 10 years there has been good music but lately its just full of nonsense, thanks to the x-factor as well the music industry is going down the gutter and you can all thank simon cowell for that.

I agree...which is why I don't listen to Radio 1.

Try listening to Planet Rock, Absolute Radio and (internet only I think). Wink

To be fair there is plenty of great music out there. You just have to dig around to find it. Music mags such as Classic Rock are also a great place to find out about new bands, as well as the oldies. Happy hunting!

Also, in defence of Simon Cowell (I can't believe I'm doing this! Shocked ) the brainwashed masses who buy the dross his companies push out are as much to blame. If there was no-one buying the stuff, he wouldn't be the success he is.

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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Crimey Tue 17 Jan 2012, 8:06 pm

dyrewolfe wrote:Also, in defence of Simon Cowell (I can't believe I'm doing this! Shocked ) the brainwashed masses who buy the dross his companies push out are as much to blame. If there was no-one buying the stuff, he wouldn't be the success he is.

I think he would be, he'd just market whatever else people bought.


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Cari Thu 19 Jan 2012, 5:53 pm

People have been moaning about "today's music" for decades. There was a time when Elvis p*ssed a lot of people off, The Beatles were flash in the pan and Madonna was just an obnoxious woman. These days you can't talk about popular culture without mentioning them. I'm not saying Bieber is a cultural icon, but as I say, every era has its influential artists and its crap ones.


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Guest Thu 19 Jan 2012, 6:13 pm

justin bieber is awful, and im sure im not the only person who hates the jumped up little s**t


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Cari Thu 19 Jan 2012, 8:49 pm

Cricket - but somebody's buying his stuff. Oh yeah, pre-pubescent girlies with hormones all over the shop. They were around in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s too.


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by AberdeenSteve Thu 19 Jan 2012, 9:37 pm

Today's music?

Nothing has changed about metal and such except there are more tattoos and more confusing genres Laugh


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

Post by Guest Thu 19 Jan 2012, 9:43 pm

Today's music?

New banging choons being produced every day! Good times.
Have some Headhunterz:


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today's music  Empty Re: today's music

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