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Radio Empty Radio

Post by Guest Sun 27 Mar 2011, 1:12 pm

How often do you listen to the radio and what station do you listen to?

I only listen to Radio 1 and have it on quite often. From about 7am when I start getting ready for school up until 8:15 when I get to school, and then quite often 5pm til 7pm on weekdays. On the weekends I listen to it most of the afternoon, although can't stand Vernon Kay so rarely listen to his show.

I only started this thread because it's Jo Whiley's last show on Radio 1 today, and she is someone who I've listened to for years and enjoyed loads, so I might start listening to Radio 2 for her new show.


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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by randy-poffo Sun 27 Mar 2011, 1:27 pm

Normally listen to Chris Evans on the way to work,then have XFM on while i'm at work.


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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by davidl1061 Tue 29 Mar 2011, 12:56 pm

I listen to radio 1 for the Chris Moyles show, most of the time I have 5 live on and if not its a toss up between xfm and smooth. So I listen to quite a mix really!


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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by Adam D Tue 29 Mar 2011, 1:10 pm

I have been listening to Planet Rock recently.

Cant stand Radio 1 but I do like a bit of Ken Bruce on Radio 2!

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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by David Tails Tue 29 Mar 2011, 1:17 pm

My alarm clock is set to Planet Rock.

If I had my way that is what we would listen to at work too, but we don't get that option. The majority of the office prefer the local station. Terrible choice.

David Tails

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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by ADMIN Tue 29 Mar 2011, 1:44 pm

I always liked listening to Jo Whiley, really passionate about her music. Cannot abide Fearne Cotton, she's 30 this year, the same as my wife yet she talks like Vicky Pollard.

Nowadays I flick between Radio 1 and Xfm depending on the DJ and what song is being played.


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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by Luke Thu 31 Mar 2011, 4:46 am

Quite like Chris Evans, but tend to listen to either 5live/5live sports extra
or talksport.

At work they listen to Heart, and i can't stand that station, the amount
of songs that they cut into is astonishing.All though they top that
when they play Lisa Loeb-stay i missed you, where they start it in
the middle, and still finnish before the end of the song.

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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by BigPhil Fri 01 Apr 2011, 4:15 pm

I've always hated Jo Whiley, found her too condescending and patronizing over the music. Going around thinking that musicians are gods because they made one 'cool track' and live a rockstar life. Plus I can't get over the daft names for her children, Cassius, why on earth would you call your son Cassius, he's clearly going to get bullied even in prep school. - There, rant over, just had to get that off my chest.

Usually I'll have 5 live on in the afternoons, Richard Bacon is okay but sounds a bit smug at times. The old chap who does drive is okay too. I always listen to Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews and Fighting talk, and podcast The Chris Moyles Show (used to love it, now indifferent) and Scott Mills' shows.


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Radio Empty Re: Radio

Post by Miz NG Thu 14 Apr 2011, 1:18 pm

I love listening to the radio in the morning when getting ready for work. I listen to Radio 1 mainly. Sometimes listen to Radio Scotland on a Saturday afternoon for the football when I'm doing my housework.

Miz NG

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Radio Empty Re: Radio

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