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haye fans or chisora fans ?

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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by rycoys Fri 13 Jul 2012, 6:41 pm

going tomorrow and cant wait ! dont really know what to expect , i went to haye ruiz and haye wlad and it was all pro haye with thousands of fans ! does chisora actually have a fan base ? i know haye has half a million twitter followers to chisoras 40k ! i would imagine haye support would out weigh chisoras by 90/10 but what does everyone think ? or are you going ? who are you supporting ?


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by Lance Fri 13 Jul 2012, 10:02 pm

all of haye detractors will be adoptive chisora fans, so expect a fair amount of these at the moment


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by hampo17 Fri 13 Jul 2012, 10:05 pm

Most definitely in Hayes corner, have always been a fan, Chisora doesn't have the dedication to be a top boxer.


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by tunes666 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 12:24 am

I don't like Haye, Massive Ego, using boxing for money and Ego and shows no real love for the sport...

Chisora is a bit of a twit but not half as bad as the media make out, would love it if Chisora wins.


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by BoxingFan88 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 12:43 am

Haye all the way!


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by rapidringsroad Sat 14 Jul 2012, 5:13 am

Got to go for Haye, don't like Chisora and can't respect anyone who uses his wife as a punchbag. Nigerians are nearly always a bit flaky,you've only got to look at Ibeabuchi.I hope Haye knocks him about for a few rounds then puts him away.


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by hampo17 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 9:09 am

tunes666 wrote:I don't like Haye, Massive Ego, using boxing for money and Ego and shows no real love for the sport...

Chisora is a bit of a twit but not half as bad as the media make out, would love it if Chisora wins.

And yet people who've met him say the complete opposite and that he's quite down to earth and a genuine bloke. Don't be fooled by the persona he puts on, he's his own promoter and does what he has to so there is interest in his fights.

I also don't see an issue with trying to make the most money he can, his career could be ended by one punch so make the most of it while it lasts.

Chisora isn't half as bad as the media make out? He beat his misses, that suggests to me the media are spot on with their judgements.


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by Lance Sat 14 Jul 2012, 9:41 am

i notice a lot of david hayes fans have come back out of the woodwork recently, particularly on here. even hide themselves behind the old..i dont particularly like him.. then go on to argue to the death about how great he is, and how hes the third best heavy.
this is an interesting fight, if haye was ever the third best heavy he should win this fairly comfortably. i think we will get a few unanswered david haye questions finally put to bed tonight.


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by hampo17 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 10:09 am

Haye says he's going to fight Chisora how he fought Enzo, and I hope he keeps to his word. If Haye can let fast powerful uppercuts go when Chisora barges in then he'll wear him down.


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by tunes666 Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:42 am

hampo171 wrote:
And yet people who've met him say the complete opposite and that he's quite down to earth and a genuine bloke. Don't be fooled by the persona he puts on, he's his own promoter and does what he has to so there is interest in his fights.
And people who have met Chisora have also said he is a down to earth nice guy..

I also don't see an issue with trying to make the most money he can, his career could be ended by one punch so make the most of it while it lasts.
He is a good boxer, make money by all means, but for me he seems more focused on money than the sport, so if he is in a boxing match then I will favor the guy who is more passionate about the sport.

Chisora isn't half as bad as the media make out? He beat his misses, that suggests to me the media are spot on with their judgements.
But everyone makes mistakes, has he done it since?.. Mayweather has a huge support and has just been locked up for beating his ex girl friend and leaving her face injured.. Stan Collymore is now a radio presenter and was convicted for hitting his girl friend, Tyson was convicted for r***, and said he would eat Lewis's children... people make mistakes, you can only learn from them and take people as they are.

Also while it does seem he was an arse hole to this woman, it did not sound like he beat her up like people make out, it was more a petty jealous thing where he got rough with her and slapped her arse and stuff... Of course Im not condoning it and while hitting women is totally unacceptable, we do not know what the relationship was like and what she was like? we just hear the highlights though the tabloids and only make judgment on that... point being, he did not leave her injured and while it went to court he did no jail time.

For me Chisroa is more genuine than Haye, he does not claim to be innocent and perfect, like Haye does. I much prefer real with warts an all, than fake.

Last edited by tunes666 on Sat 14 Jul 2012, 4:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by Mayweathers cellmate Sat 14 Jul 2012, 11:57 am

Chisora is the only one with any future in the sport so he gets my vote.

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haye fans or chisora fans ? Empty Re: haye fans or chisora fans ?

Post by Josiah Maiestas Sat 14 Jul 2012, 4:11 pm

Don't like Haye's chances so much, that toe injury seems to have significantly affected his punch power, movement and chin. This fight will finish quickly when Chisora accidentally stands on his toe.

This will not be a phoToe finish.
Josiah Maiestas
Josiah Maiestas

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