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Jack Reacher books

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Jack Reacher books Empty Jack Reacher books

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 1:32 pm

With the movie due boxing day I thought i'd give the books ago after hearing very good things from several friends. Only 6 chapters in and already hooked.

However I can't think of anybody further away from the character of Reacher as Tom Cruise, that's quite a poor choice

Anyone else read them?


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Jack Reacher books Empty Re: Jack Reacher books

Post by Luke Thu 06 Sep 2012, 2:21 pm

Have read, The Affair & Persuader, after reading quite abit of love for them from other forum members. Find them interesting, and some of the humour is very funny. There not taxing to read and have enjoyed the 2 I've read. Will over the next few months probably get the rest.

Also agree, Tom Cruise is not the one I would have that about playing Reacher in the film, probably more someone like Tom Hardy.

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Jack Reacher books Empty Re: Jack Reacher books

Post by 6oldenbhoy Thu 06 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm

I think I read them all right up to 'The Hard Way'. I just felt they all became a bit repetitive. Reacher became more and more Superman-esque as the series went one. As Tigerrobbins has said, a lot of others members love them, but I never really got into them. With other series I look forward to new releases, but after about ten I had no desire to read anymore of them.

The casting of Cruise is baffling. With Reacher being about 6'6" and 18 stone in the novels, Tom Cruise was the last person I thought would have been cast in the role.


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Jack Reacher books Empty Re: Jack Reacher books

Post by davidl1061 Tue 11 Sep 2012, 11:06 am

I have read all of them and am currently halfway through A wanted Man. I agree they can seem to be a bit repetative but as long as you dont read them all at once this isnt an issue.

I couldnt think of anyone worse to cast the role of Reacher than Tom Cruise. Inmy head I had somebody like Vin Deisel mainly just for the size element of the character


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Jack Reacher books Empty Re: Jack Reacher books

Post by trottb Tue 11 Sep 2012, 2:04 pm

Repetitive isn't the word for the books, despite being enjoyable easy reads.

I would agree with Cruise being an odd choice. As others have said the bloke is supposed to be a man mountain.


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Jack Reacher books Empty Re: Jack Reacher books

Post by teassoc Wed 12 Sep 2012, 11:18 pm

Cruise must have put some money into the film production otherwise I can't understand his selection for the role.


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