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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 24 Dec 2012, 2:07 pm

Was shocked when I heard about this on the news the other day.

They've been one of my favourite bands for the last decade or so and its absolutely gutting to think one of them may be guilty of such obscene crimes. Two women have also been charged with related offences and all 3 were refused bail.

Lostprophets rock star Ian Watkins in court on child sex charges


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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by Cari Thu 03 Jan 2013, 8:34 pm

My brother was/is very good friends with all the Lost Prophet lads long before they became famous. He's very upset by it all. As you'd expect, he can't believe it's the same person he thought he knew and cared about. I guess we all like to think this sort of thing happens to everyone else.


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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by spencerclarke Fri 04 Jan 2013, 11:45 pm

I for one hope the claims turn out to be false


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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by Cari Sat 05 Jan 2013, 3:42 pm

Not likely Spencer. They've appeared in court, been charged and remanded in custody. They'll be up for a plea and directions hearing in March and then depending on how they plead, it'll go for a trial or sentencing. I'd be very surprised if he's cleared of anything if at all. As much as I'd like to think he hasn't done anything, it's not looking good....and sh*t sticks as they say. Even if he was cleared, the band and his career are finished.


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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by dyrewolfe Tue 08 Jan 2013, 3:20 pm

Thats a real shame.

It'd be nice to think they could hire a new singer and carry on, but with that kind of negative publicity, I'm guessing they'd struggle to get a new recording contract...or any gigs for that matter.

I suppose they could start again with a new band name.

I think I'm starting to understand how Michael Jackson fans felt when his weird habits came to light.

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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by Cari Tue 08 Jan 2013, 8:51 pm

There's nothing preventing the remaining band members from going away and continuing with music elsewhere. I don't suppose many people would know them individually. The Lost Prophets in name couldn't continue though.


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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by Guest Fri 20 Dec 2013, 6:41 pm

Just thought I'd mention how delighted I am that this piece of filth is to be locked away for a very long time. My only hope is that he's attacked by someone brandishing a broken coffee jar and suffers serious injuries, recovers and is immediately attacked again (repeat indefinitely)


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Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children Empty Re: Lostprophets: Ian Watkins charged with offences against children

Post by ShahenshahG Fri 20 Dec 2013, 7:08 pm

Aye death is too good for some crimes


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