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Jesus Christ Superstar 2012 - Tim Minchin and others

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Jesus Christ Superstar 2012 - Tim Minchin and others Empty Jesus Christ Superstar 2012 - Tim Minchin and others

Post by Guest Wed 02 Jan 2013, 3:32 pm

Has anyone else seen the Jesus Christ Superstar show they did in 2012?

I bought it for my wife for Christmas, never expecting she'd make me watch it with her instead of the in-laws, but we had it on last night and I was astounded. What a show!

Tim Minchin was incredible (I've seen him live doing his proper shows, and this was quite the transformation), Mel C was pretty good, and Chris Moyles had a cheeky cameo which went down well with the audience. The only downside for me was the guy playing Jesus, who according to the wife should never have won the competition anyway.

I'd never seen the show before, but I think it's much superior to most of the rubbish in the West End these days.

Is there anyone out there who has also been brow-beaten into seeing it?


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Jesus Christ Superstar 2012 - Tim Minchin and others Empty Re: Jesus Christ Superstar 2012 - Tim Minchin and others

Post by ChequeredJersey Thu 03 Jan 2013, 5:31 pm

No, but I'm pretty interested in seeing it. Minchin sounds interested, I watched his Matilda (obviously he doesn't perform in it) but it was brilliant and JC Superstar is just about the only ALW Musical I can abide now!

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