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Bish bash bosh

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Bish bash bosh Empty Bish bash bosh

Post by R!skysports Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:26 pm

A lot of posts on the lions squad and a lot of people dissecting the individual selections, but what does this squad mean for the tactics that are going to be played?

I fear that Gatland has not learnt a thing from his repeated loses against a weak Australian side. Bashing it up with huge backs has not, and I fear, will not work.

Australia now have lots of their injured players back and will be a much tougher proposition and the biggest concern for me is the lack of creativity in the back line.

I expect out pack to be on a par with the Australians (they are not as weak as we keep hoping), but as soon as we get to Phillips (who we all know will start) the wheels will start to come off.

While I will get my buzz for the lions again, today I am down

I fear we will get white washed and I fear that could have been avoided


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Bish bash bosh Empty Re: Bish bash bosh

Post by thebluesmancometh Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:03 pm


The backline has picked itself essentially, who exactly would you like to have seen instead of the players selected?

Of the 2 bosh men in midfield who would you drop? Tuilagi or Roberts?

Who exactly is the Bosh men outwide, North and Cuthbert are strike runners and Maitland and Bowe are very handy indeed, 1/2p is a defencive FB, Hogg an excellent broken play runner and Kearney the complete FB IMHO.

So your problem stems from Phillips supposed slow service, and the fact that he's tall, and the 2 centres?


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Join date : 2011-05-04

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