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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction  Empty JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

Post by hbk48942 Sun 01 Sep 2013, 12:44 am

heard a lot of people dislike this bands so I was just wondering do you like any of these boybands?

which do you prefer?


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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction  Empty Re: JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

Post by ONETWOFOREVER Sun 01 Sep 2013, 8:28 am

None of them but if I HAD to choose it would be he Wanted and I don't really know why.

Best boy band was Bros.


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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction  Empty Re: JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

Post by Guest Tue 03 Sep 2013, 5:21 pm

I probably hate The wanted, despise JLS and mega-loathe One Direction


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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction  Empty Re: JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

Post by Duty281 Tue 03 Sep 2013, 5:44 pm

For eye-candy, it has to be One Direction!


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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction  Empty Re: JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

Post by kingraf Tue 03 Sep 2013, 6:56 pm

One Direction - Every now and then, they dont sound like a boy band, while the other two just suck. Also, none of these should be called bands, since, in the words of Proof (Acclaimed Deceased Detroit rapper) "We aint a band b**ch we dont play no instruments"

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JLS or The Wanted or One Direction  Empty Re: JLS or The Wanted or One Direction

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