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Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is?

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Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is? Empty Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is?

Post by TheMessi Thu 15 Jan 2015, 6:05 pm

I am not sure. I think he fought all his life to be champion and achieve all those records and I am pretty he is a little bit rattled by losing them.

I would be!

In that same subject, it was interesting to hear Davis say he hated Hendry's arrival shadowing his reign.

I quite like when champs admit their feeling. However I am pretty that as tehy grow older they care less and less. they might even be happy that their record is being remembered.....only because they are broken.


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Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is? Empty Re: Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is?

Post by CaledonianCraig Thu 15 Jan 2015, 6:08 pm

No I think he is cool with it and realised it was going to happen in time. I think he treasures the world title record more myself.

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Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is? Empty Re: Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is?

Post by TheMessi Fri 16 Jan 2015, 12:35 am

well that kind of answers the question!

Sure Stephen joked about it but still he means it deep down I am pretty sure.


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Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is? Empty Re: Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is?

Post by TheMessi Tue 03 Mar 2015, 12:32 pm

The Welsh open was a joke. If you play best of 7 in the first rounds, it's a bit of russian roulette.

It's annoying to have organisers making a mess of the sport.


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Join date : 2015-01-13

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Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is? Empty Re: Is Hendry cool about losing that century record or is he pretending he is?

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