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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster) Empty Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Mon 22 Jun 2015, 11:50 am

He's booked the baseball stadium in Chicago, in November when it'll be 5 degrees and snowing.

Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
Tractor Boy
Tractor Boy

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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster) Empty Re: Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

Post by LondonTiger Mon 22 Jun 2015, 2:40 pm

May get away with Dodgers Stadium, but Wrigley field and Yankee Stadium in November seems an odd call.


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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster) Empty Re: Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

Post by Gooseberry Tue 21 Jul 2015, 3:25 pm

Caught something else about this ...some of the players mooted are so old it will be their first ever T20 games.

Could this be even more embaressing than Warnes fake hair, botox, and failed blood test?

As much as you have to respect his abilities as a player his ego and desire for the limelight (and cash) at the expense of anything resembling class and dignity is getting ridiculous. What the hell Tendulkar is doing with his name on this I dont know, surely he doesnt need the money?


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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster) Empty Re: Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

Post by LondonTiger Thu 08 Oct 2015, 9:23 am

Seems like Warney has realised the errors of his ways. Chicago has been dropped and replaced by Houston. NY fixture has been moved to the Mets slightly smaller stadium.

Warne trying to sell the buggery out of these matches on Twitter - ticket prices start at $50 (up in the gods, in the outfield) to $175


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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster) Empty Re: Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

Post by alfie Thu 08 Oct 2015, 12:47 pm

Disaster is an airliner crashing or an earthquake.

This is just a bit of an embarrassment ...


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Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster) Empty Re: Shane Warne - All star cricket in the US (going to be a disaster)

Post by KP_fan Mon 12 Oct 2015, 10:50 am

these will cater to largely Desi spectators that are plenty in Houston and staved for real view of star cricketers on American soil.

Festival / carnival/ masala Games do well with such desi audiences
a few weeks back there was one such game in Eng somehwere featuring Strauss, Dhoni, Sehwag and a number of retired or about to retire stars

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