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PRO Rugby North America

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PRO Rugby North America Empty PRO Rugby North America

Post by Eejit Tue 19 Apr 2016, 7:20 pm

The inaugural season of our sport Stateside started on Sunday with Sacremento beating San Francisco and Denver beating Ohio in what looked to be a snowstorm. Games seem to be being streamed for free on AOL.

Official site and the Grauniad write-up of the games below.


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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by munkian Wed 20 Apr 2016, 10:07 am

Fair play, from the pictures there was snow piled up 5 ft high on either side of the pitch for the Ohio game and they still got over 2k supporters.

I object to the phrase 'try zone' though Smile

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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by Intotouch Sat 30 Apr 2016, 10:40 pm

Hi Eejit. Could you tell us more about what you think of the competition and how it's viewed in the states? Do you think it will be successful and is it universally supported?


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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by Sin é Sat 07 May 2016, 11:35 am

An interview here with Sean O'Leary (Irish coach of the Denver franchise).

Seems to be going well - they are getting 2-3,000 at games. Also of interest is the origins of rugby in the US. Seemingly its roots are in catholic private schools which probably explains why there seems to be so many Irish coaches in the US like Sean who has been there for 20 years now.
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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by formerly known as Sam Sat 07 May 2016, 1:06 pm

Are any of the USA Eagles playing in the competition and are the clubs optimistic of their ability to bring them back from Europe?

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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by Rugby Fan Wed 21 Dec 2016, 8:17 am

It's over for now...

USA Rugby's first professional league is defunct less than a year after it kicked off.

PRO Rugby was unveiled as the United States' first professional rugby league, with the competition beginning in April.

But American rugby website, Rugby Today, report that the league is obsolete - eight months after its first game - following a meeting in New York last week between PRO Rugby CEO, Doug Schoninger, and USA Rugby CEO, Dan Payne.

Schoninger has blamed USA Rugby for the league's failings, after informing the players that their contracts were to be terminated.

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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by profitius Wed 21 Dec 2016, 11:31 pm

Looks like Doug Schoninger isn't very popular in American rugby circles.

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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by marty2086 Thu 22 Dec 2016, 9:44 am

profitius wrote:Looks like Doug Schoninger isn't very popular in American rugby circles.

Sounds like a right shark, the whole thing was hap hazard and short sighted from the get go with only 5 teams it was going to be hard to sustain especially with no tv deal


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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by munkian Thu 22 Dec 2016, 1:38 pm

Could they not set something up with Canada ?

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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by marty2086 Thu 22 Dec 2016, 1:51 pm

Think they tried to move into Canada but wanted an exclusive contract with the Canadians who turned it down


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PRO Rugby North America Empty Re: PRO Rugby North America

Post by profitius Thu 22 Dec 2016, 2:43 pm

munkian wrote:Could they not set something up with Canada ?

They don't have the money.

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