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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15

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Group 15 - vote for two!

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_lcap24%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_rcap 24% 
[ 8 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_lcap26%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_rcap 26% 
[ 9 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_lcap15%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_rcap 15% 
[ 5 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_lcap12%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_rcap 12% 
[ 4 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_lcap23%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Vote_rcap 23% 
[ 8 ]
Total Votes : 34

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Empty Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15

Post by Hero Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:20 am

After the heights of Jimi Hendrix and David Bowie yesterday who both swept aside their rivals we move onto perhaps not quite as strong a group (depending on your musical tastes)...

1. Billie Holiday
2. Whitney Houston
3. Ed Sheeran
4. The Four Tops
5. Dr Dre (& NWA)

Last edited by Hero on Thu Sep 21, 2017 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total


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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:05 pm

Ed Sheeran has more votes than Billie Holliday. It's worse than Trump becoming President.


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Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Paisley Park

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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 15

Post by Galted Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:39 pm

First group in which there is no-one I like. I voted for Houston as I sympathise with the residents being affected by the floods.


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