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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32

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Group 32 - vote for two!

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_lcap20%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_rcap 20% 
[ 8 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_lcap29%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_rcap 29% 
[ 12 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_lcap20%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_rcap 20% 
[ 8 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_lcap15%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_rcap 15% 
[ 6 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_lcap16%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Vote_rcap 16% 
[ 7 ]
Total Votes : 41

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Empty Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32

Post by Hero Fri 29 Sep 2017, 12:19 pm

And here we are, the last five artists of the 160 chosen to decide upon, thank you to everyone who's voted so far, the next round will commence on Monday Smile

1. The Temptations
2. The Clash
3. Foo Fighters
4. Kraftwerk
5. Tina Turner

Last edited by Hero on Mon 02 Oct 2017, 10:55 am; edited 1 time in total


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Age : 48
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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32

Post by Galted Fri 29 Sep 2017, 3:58 pm

Went for The Clash even though there are cusswords in some of their songs.


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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32

Post by JuliusHMarx Fri 29 Sep 2017, 5:03 pm

This is the last group.
We don't need another group Hero.


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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32

Post by Hero Fri 29 Sep 2017, 5:19 pm

It is simply the best one though


Posts : 28291
Join date : 2012-03-02
Age : 48
Location : Work toilet

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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32 Empty Re: Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Group 32

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