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Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A

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Group A - vote for two!

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_lcap7%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_rcap 7% 
[ 2 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_lcap54%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_rcap 54% 
[ 15 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_lcap14%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_rcap 14% 
[ 4 ]
Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_lcap25%Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Vote_rcap 25% 
[ 7 ]
Total Votes : 28

Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A Empty Greatest Musical Artist of the last 100 years Round 2 Group A

Post by Hero Mon 02 Oct 2017, 11:52 am

So the first round is over, the votes are in and probably the biggest shock being that Oasis are out, beaten by their idols.

Today marks the start of the next round, I've decided this round will also be group based being that there's still 66 contenders to whittle through, all the groups contain 4 artists except groups 9 & 10 which were randomly drawn to have the two remaining artists added in to make them both 5 each. As before the top 2 go through (in the event of a tie for 2nd both go through).

So here's the first of today's groups for you...

Neil Young
David Bowie
Bob Marley


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Join date : 2012-03-02
Age : 48
Location : Work toilet

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