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Challenge Cup 20/21

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Would you be happy if Sarries were invited to the Challenge Cup.

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Total Votes : 6

Challenge Cup 20/21 Empty Challenge Cup 20/21

Post by Brendan Wed 24 Jun 2020, 2:39 pm

So not sure how this will work but with the Champions Cup being brought up to 24 teams we will need more teams for the challenge cup.

Generally these are invited teams with the scrapping of the third teir competition.

What would people's view be if Sarries where invited to it.  They could easily mange the championship with their B team.  I know people want to see them punished but they broke nothing in Europe

It would also help their Lions which most of care about.

They could put in a condition that if they win the Cup they still don't get Champions cup



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Join date : 2012-04-08
Location : Cork

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Challenge Cup 20/21 Empty Re: Challenge Cup 20/21

Post by Pete330v2 Wed 24 Jun 2020, 3:06 pm

I do feel sorry for Sarries fans, not an emotion I'd ever have thought possible, but they've had a hell of a lot to celebrate over the years due to their club cheating the system. Therefore it's a big old No from me as I don't feel that they (the club) deserve any celebrations or silverware until they've effectively served their time. Harsh but fair?


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Join date : 2012-05-04

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Challenge Cup 20/21 Empty Re: Challenge Cup 20/21

Post by LondonTiger Wed 24 Jun 2020, 3:25 pm

I had not realised that the Champions Cup was being increased to 24 for next season - and am unable to see anything that officially states that online.

As to the question - No.

Partly because they will not be a top flight team - but actually more importantly because I feel that there is not enough time available next season to fit in all the matches needed. Thus personally I would cancel both European Competitions next season, restarting the current ones with the 1/4 finals in Spring 2021 - which of course would include Saracens.


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Challenge Cup 20/21 Empty Re: Challenge Cup 20/21

Post by Brendan Wed 24 Jun 2020, 10:01 pm

I think part of the possible solution they are looking at is groups of 3.  Each group would have one from each league.  It would mean the weeks the team had a bye they would play league games.

I do like the idea of just playing the quarters in 2021 at their normal time.


Posts : 4253
Join date : 2012-04-08
Location : Cork

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