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Joe Gallagher

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Joe Gallagher Empty Joe Gallagher

Post by wheelchair1991 Sun 20 Dec 2020 - 7:29

I see a lot of criticism of Joe Gallagher since Smith got completely outclassed by Alvarez. Most of his fighters do seem to have a similar style which lacks head movement. However Gallagher was ring magazine trainer of the year in 2013 so he obviously has been rated highly in the past.

What do you make of Joe? Is the criticism warranted?


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Joe Gallagher Empty Re: Joe Gallagher

Post by Derbymanc Mon 21 Dec 2020 - 9:17

He coaches in the way he does, same as most coaches. Seems to get the most of his fighters and they don't normally give him Poopie so I think he's a good coach and warranted for his trainer of the year award.

It's tough as a coach sometimes as if your boxer doesn't perform it can fall on you


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Joe Gallagher Empty Re: Joe Gallagher

Post by Soul Requiem Mon 21 Dec 2020 - 9:19

He's very limited as a trainer and always lacks a plan B, his advice in between rounds is often just repeating what the pre fight plan was.

Soul Requiem

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Joe Gallagher Empty Re: Joe Gallagher

Post by Derbymanc Mon 21 Dec 2020 - 10:10

I don't think he's limited as such, he just coaches to his strength, although your right about in between rounds, think maybe he buys into the hype train too much sometimes but he's a nice fella


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