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This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion

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This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion Empty This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion

Post by George Hotel1895 Wed 10 Feb 2021, 10:45 am

George Hotel1895

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This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion Empty Re: This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion

Post by The Beast Wed 10 Feb 2021, 6:45 pm

Certainly looks that way, albeit there is an obvious issue........where are the local players coming through.

The Beast

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This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion Empty Re: This is a good signing for the Catalans in my opinion

Post by George Hotel1895 Wed 10 Feb 2021, 8:20 pm

The Beast wrote:Certainly looks that way, albeit there is an obvious issue........where are the local players coming through.
Yes that is a worry for French Rugby League.
I don't know how it works in France , but perhaps every team in the top 2 flights should be made to have an Academy if they don't already, and perhaps all clubs below Elite 1 should only have players who qualify for France

George Hotel1895

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Location : A place i call paradise

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