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PGA Tour $$

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PGA Tour $$ Empty PGA Tour $$

Post by Shotrock Tue 08 Mar 2022, 5:21 pm

I sure found this an interesting read:


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PGA Tour $$ Empty Re: PGA Tour $$

Post by TM2K Sun 13 Mar 2022, 9:06 am

Thanks for that Shotrock…very interesting indeed!

There was never going to be a lot of sympathy or support for any golfers claiming to be hard done to begin with but when you put their numbers up against the other sports it’s almost laughable and they just sound like pathetic, whinging prima donnas.


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PGA Tour $$ Empty Re: PGA Tour $$

Post by McLaren Tue 15 Mar 2022, 10:52 am

Got to agree with the sentiments of that article. I am sure there are players lower down the rankings or in smaller tours who struggle to break even but those at the top have nothing to whinge about. And to be fair most of the current top players have not been on the Phil bandwagon.

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