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Craig Maxwell-Keys won't be an international referee

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Craig Maxwell-Keys won't be an international referee Empty Craig Maxwell-Keys won't be an international referee

Post by Rugby Fan Thu 21 Apr 2022, 1:24 am

He is taking up a civil service post, and so will go part-time as a referee. He talks about in on The Rugby Paper podcast:

He was talking about moving up to the international circuit only recently, and did run the touch in Rome, so was on the radar. This is a decision he's clearly just taken over the last few months.

His officiating career isn't over, though as his part-time status means he will be available for Premiership fixtures. However, he was the youngest referee to a hundred professional matches, which means the RFU probably had hopes he would continue his development, and maybe get a decent number of Tests out of him.

Rugby Fan

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Join date : 2012-09-14

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