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MLR development over the next few years

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MLR development over the next few years Empty MLR development over the next few years

Post by Recwatcher16 Fri 13 May 2022, 2:13 pm

The departure of Cipriani to the MLR and Dallas specifically, where Henry Trinder and Chris Pennell reside has caught my eye.
Together with the recent announcements from two All Blacks (neither of whom are in the autumn years of their career) moving to the US, makes me wonder whether the US will overtake both France and Japan as destinations for English players.
Ireland Wales and Scotland and Sanzar effectively are shut off to English players but the American lifestyle if not the wages, will surely be attractive.
The MLR wage cap is pretty tight but there must be a number of premiership players weighing up their options. Who is next ?
The recently announced RWC in the US is too far off for the current senior players in the premiership to consider the heightened profile that will inevitably happen at that RWC. However the one thing you can guarantee is that the Americans will throw a lot of marketing know how at the event and if the profile raises the interest in the US for the MLR then we can all see it will be relatively huge compared to the UK.
The other thread on 606 about the welsh rugby future within the URC may well have another factor to consider.


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Join date : 2016-02-15

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