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Premiership change to 14

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Premiership change to 14 Empty Premiership change to 14

Post by Welshmushroom Tue 05 Jul 2022, 15:49

So the Premiership is moving to 14 teams after next season and only then will revert to a 1 team relegation system.

What are people opinion on this? What seems nuts to me is the amount of increased games in the league. It's almost like they are goin for the French model. The major problem they have in squad sizes. Given their 36man squad sizes surely 24 games is to much? Seems like a step back for player welfare.

I'm assuming the funding for each of the Premiership sides must be dropping too given they will now share from 13 to 14 sides and assuming whoever gets relegated will still get a parachute payment. I'm sure the additional 2 games will probably add revenue for the clubs but can that really cover the difference in decreases to the RFU funding and TV revenue with more teams taking a slice of the pie?

Given English sides already bemoaned the lack of funding to allow them to compete in Europe with the French sides, is this change going to help that?


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Premiership change to 14 Empty Re: Premiership change to 14

Post by LordDowlais Tue 05 Jul 2022, 15:59

For a minute then I thought you were on about the Welsh Premiership. Laugh


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Premiership change to 14 Empty Re: Premiership change to 14

Post by No 7&1/2 Tue 05 Jul 2022, 16:07

Isn't this old news?

No 7&1/2

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