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Has your golf club membership recovered after COVID?

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Has your golf club membership recovered after COVID? Empty Has your golf club membership recovered after COVID?

Post by I'm never wrong Sun 31 Jul 2022, 10:18 am

I've just received the six monthly newsletter from my club. One paragraph caught my attention. The club now has a two year waiting list for new members. This is made up of two parts - 60 people who are guaranteed a place next year due to the club losing that amount each year, then another 200 in the year after that who are whittled down to 60 in the order that they joined the list. This seems like good news but there are issues. Booking a tee time is sometimes quite difficult, especially on days when competitions take place. Also my club is not a members club. The owner has plans for a small hotel to be built on the site, which I believe would also have an affect on squeezing tee times. Anyone else got similar or different issues?

I'm never wrong

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Has your golf club membership recovered after COVID? Empty Re: Has your golf club membership recovered after COVID?

Post by McLaren Mon 01 Aug 2022, 10:22 am


Not sure about the numbers but I have noticed that some of the people who started playing over the lockdowns haven't continued to play. They may still be members but I think we are back to more traditional users of the course.

Posts : 17636
Join date : 2011-01-27

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