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What does your club do?

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What does your club do? Empty What does your club do?

Post by I'm never wrong Mon 12 Sep 2022, 10:55 am

Sunday morning there was a bit of fog around my part of the country - you might have seen that the PGA Championship got delayed. Anyway my course didn't open until it lifted. As it happened, there was a competition on, I believe everyone just got shifted to a later tee time. But some people who weren't in the comp, who had booked a specific tee time after it, got the hump because they couldn't play at "their" time. They might be on a tight schedule. And if everyone got shifted, the late afternoon tee times wouldn't finish....

I don't think our club has a definitive policy about this, and was wondering what your club does. I think it's a no win situation. Cancel the early tee times (competition or not) and upset those people, push back all the tee times and upset the later tee times. It is also difficult to know how long a weather delay will last.

I'm never wrong

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Location : Just up the road, and turn right at the lights.

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What does your club do? Empty Re: What does your club do?

Post by McLaren Tue 20 Sep 2022, 11:49 am

First off, my club closes the course whenever there is fog.

If weather causes the course to be closed during a comp then the comp is cancelled. Never seen them delay tee times or anything. The seem to operate on a fairly binary basis of the course being either open or closed. Closed at any point during comp tee times equals cancelled comp.

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Join date : 2011-01-27

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