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S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap

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S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap - Page 4 Empty S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap

Post by RugbyFan100 Mon 14 Nov 2022 - 11:40

First topic message reminder :

Stormers coach has his say on the Kitshcoff deal with Ulster:

What it essentially means is different contracting rules for different sides competing in the same competition, which is something that Stormers coach John Dobson acknowledges might be teething problems of the South African move up north.

"Because of the cap in England, we can actually compete with those numbers. But when it comes to the Irish clubs or France or Japan, it just blows you out the water.

"There is no way we can compete with that kind of money, and that's quite sad. Kitsy will immerse himself there and will be superb for them, but it does sit a little bit in the gullet that we were just blown away financially by Irish rugby.

"I think the cap is a good thing because it means we have to be fiscally responsible and produce our own talent. We don't go buy Irish players because it's a very different model here and we try to produce our guys.


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S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap - Page 4 Empty Re: S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap

Post by LordDowlais Wed 23 Nov 2022 - 17:07

PhilBB wrote:
LordDowlais wrote:
PhilBB wrote:
LordDowlais wrote:
Please quote me as saying signing him for that much is unprofessional.


Nope, thats not a quote of me saying that.

That is me saying Cardiff do not need him. Like I said, it's futile debating this with you. OK

"But lets jam pack one region with the Lions share of international back rowers, very professional from the pro side of rugby in Wales"

The sarcasm of the comment "very professional" underlines your claim of it being unprofessional to sign him.

Either you don't understand the words you're typing, or you're now wriggling from being caught out.

Yes it is, because they do not need him there. A professional set-up, which you claim the regions to be would recognise this.

OK lets look at it this way. How was it decided that he should play for Cardiff ? Who has come to this conclusion ? What is the method and thought process for deciding what player goes where and is supplemented financially by the WRU ?

Is there a standard process ? All these questions is something I would like to think a fully professional organisation to have at hand so it is clear and concise to all why the regions and the WRU come to decision of who has these players when they return to Wales, thus everyone is aware of the remit for having Welsh international players at the region and supplemented by the WRU.

Is there anything ?


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S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap - Page 4 Empty Re: S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap

Post by PhilBB Thu 24 Nov 2022 - 8:19

LordDowlais wrote:

Yes it is, because they do not need him there. A professional set-up, which you claim the regions to be would recognise this.

OK lets look at it this way. How was it decided that he should play for Cardiff ? Who has come to this conclusion ? What is the method and thought process for deciding what player goes where and is supplemented financially by the WRU ?

Is there a standard process ? All these questions is something I would like to think a fully professional organisation to have at hand so it is clear and concise to all why the regions and the WRU come to decision of who has these players when they return to Wales, thus everyone is aware of the remit for having Welsh international players at the region and supplemented by the WRU.

Is there anything ?

Previously you claimed that you didn't say it was unprofessional to sign Faletau. Now, in the post above, you've again noted it was unprofessional.

How was it decided? Ok....

His contract was up for renewal at Bath. His agent touts him around. The Welsh clubs approach the WRU to see what wage banding Faletau would be on and whether he'd be in the NS38. The WRU tell them. The clubs then offer the deal to Faletau. And Faletau chose his preferred employer.

I'm a little surprised that you didn't know that.

Plus, you've ignored the fact that Navidi is a flanker and that any team in the world would sign Faletau for £80k, so claiming "Cardiff didn't need him" when refereeing to Faletau is, well, I have no polite words.

p.s Navidi has played 801 minutes for Cardiff since the beginning of the 2019-20 season. In three years, 801 minutes.

Faletau has played 310 minutes THIS season.

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S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap - Page 4 Empty Re: S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap

Post by LordDowlais Thu 24 Nov 2022 - 11:20

PhilBB wrote:His contract was up for renewal at Bath. His agent touts him around. The Welsh clubs approach the WRU to see what wage banding Faletau would be on and whether he'd be in the NS38. The WRU tell them. The clubs then offer the deal to Faletau. And Faletau chose his preferred employer.

So thats it then ? So we could end up with all the Welsh players playing in the same position all at one club ? That doesn't sound very professional to me.

PhilBB wrote:Previously you claimed that you didn't say it was unprofessional to sign Faletau.

No I havent. Stop making things up. OK

PhilBB wrote:Plus, you've ignored the fact that Navidi is a flanker and that any team in the world would sign Faletau for £80k, so claiming "Cardiff didn't need him" when refereeing to Faletau is, well, I have no polite words.

No I havent ignored it. He was playing at 8 for both Cardiff and Wales before his injury, again, I am repeating myself.

PhilBB wrote:p.s Navidi has played 801 minutes for Cardiff since the beginning of the 2019-20 season. In three years, 801 minutes.

Faletau has played 310 minutes THIS season.

Thanks for that, very interesting. But what it has to do with this debate is beyond is beyond me. But thanks for letting me know.


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S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap - Page 4 Empty Re: S African teams can't compete financially with Irish due to no salary cap

Post by RugbyFan100 Thu 24 Nov 2022 - 11:34

You must be on a wind up at this point. I refuse to believe those are actual genuine thoughts that were conceived in a brain and manifested into words typed on a device.


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