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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by Rugby Fan Sat 27 Jul - 3:00

Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.

Rugby Fan

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by doctor_grey Sat 27 Jul - 16:27

Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.


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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by LeinsterFan4life Tue 30 Jul - 7:24

doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..


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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by doctor_grey Tue 30 Jul - 22:53

LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Most people have. In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.


Posts : 12219
Join date : 2011-04-30

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by doctor_grey Tue 30 Jul - 22:53

LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.


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Join date : 2011-04-30

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by Pete330v2 Wed 31 Jul - 10:47

It was only France and Ireland that didn't want any dealings with Qatar. England, Scotland, Wales and the SANZAAR countries were all willing to go ahead with the deal.


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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by LeinsterFan4life Wed 31 Jul - 14:23

doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.
Rugby has no moral high ground over any sport, none.


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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by doctor_grey Fri 2 Aug - 21:06

LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.
Rugby has no moral high ground over any sport, none.
So, do you think Rugby did the right thing?


Posts : 12219
Join date : 2011-04-30

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by LeinsterFan4life Sat 3 Aug - 9:35

doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.
Rugby has no moral high ground over any sport, none.
So, do you think Rugby did the right thing?
In this instance yeah absolutely. Fans are already against the idea of a world league in the first place, so it's important to get the finals in the right countries.

But in general rugby would be absolutely foolish to not take money for the middle East. This idea that it's more morally acceptable to take money certain places over others, is honestly complete delusion.


Posts : 6160
Join date : 2012-03-13
Age : 34
Location : Meath

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by doctor_grey Tue 6 Aug - 23:29

LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.
Rugby has no moral high ground over any sport, none.
So, do you think Rugby did the right thing?
In this instance yeah absolutely. Fans are already against the idea of a world league in the first place, so it's important to get the finals in the right countries.

But in general rugby would be absolutely foolish to not take money for the middle East. This idea that it's more morally acceptable to take money certain places over others, is honestly complete delusion.
I disagree. I am no idealist - at least that's how my last army psych eval reads - but some messages are important. Some money is fine and then there is dirty money.


Posts : 12219
Join date : 2011-04-30

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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by LeinsterFan4life Wed 7 Aug - 12:54

doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.
Rugby has no moral high ground over any sport, none.
So, do you think Rugby did the right thing?
In this instance yeah absolutely. Fans are already against the idea of a world league in the first place, so it's important to get the finals in the right countries.

But in general rugby would be absolutely foolish to not take money for the middle East. This idea that it's more morally acceptable to take money certain places over others, is honestly complete delusion.
I disagree.  I am no idealist - at least that's how my last army psych eval reads - but some messages are important.  Some money is fine and then there is dirty money.  
Dirty money like from HSBC, who sponsored the likes of the sevens and lions for years ? It doesn't get much dirtier than that.


Posts : 6160
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Age : 34
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World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts Empty Re: World Rugby set to reject Qatar as Nations Championship hosts

Post by doctor_grey Wed 7 Aug - 16:52

LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
LeinsterFan4life wrote:
doctor_grey wrote:
Rugby Fan wrote:Chris Foy of the Daily Mail claims an exclusive on news World Rugby will reject a rumoured £800 million from Qatar to host the first four Nations Championships.

Foy says rugby got cold feet over LIV-style reputational issues, and may also have had some approaches from less controversial financiers, including sovereign wealth funds. Qatar had exclusivity, so World Rugby would need to end negotiations to investigate any other options.
Interesting.  The financially weakest sport shows principles and is declining to do business with some of the same actors other sport have embraced.  Good on us.
Rugby has already taken plenty of money from the middle East though..
Many organisations have.  In the here and now, though, Rugby is doing the right thing.
Rugby has no moral high ground over any sport, none.
So, do you think Rugby did the right thing?
In this instance yeah absolutely. Fans are already against the idea of a world league in the first place, so it's important to get the finals in the right countries.

But in general rugby would be absolutely foolish to not take money for the middle East. This idea that it's more morally acceptable to take money certain places over others, is honestly complete delusion.
I disagree.  I am no idealist - at least that's how my last army psych eval reads - but some messages are important.  Some money is fine and then there is dirty money.  
Dirty money like from HSBC, who sponsored the likes of the sevens and lions for years ? It doesn't get much dirtier than that.
You are right - laundering money for the Mexican drug cartels is illegal, and more importantly, totally and morally unacceptable. Rugby should not have and should not now do business with any organisation which does.


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