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Paris Olympics

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Paris Olympics Empty Paris Olympics

Post by mountain man Mon 12 Aug 2024, 08:35

Overall a really good games I thought.
Some outstanding performances from around the world. Notably Leon Marchand in swimming and USA team in track and field.

Some notable wins for GB, Pidcock(again), Yee and Hodgekinson. Track cycling a bit disappointing but that's only compring to past golds, otherwise very good.

BBC coverage due to broadcast rights had way too much chat, filler and replays of a few GB athletes - Murray, Peaty, Hodgekinson etc but were limited to live coverage so had to fill the hours I suppose.

Think I may have to bite bullet for LA and go pay for view for the games.

mountain man

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Join date : 2021-03-09

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Paris Olympics Empty Re: Paris Olympics

Post by alfie Mon 12 Aug 2024, 09:10

Have been watching just about everything (love the Olympics !) - to the point I have totally neglected cricket - though hasn't been much proper cricket happening has there. Australian live TV coverage every bit as frustrating as what I hear of the BBC so was glad to invest a few dollars on a streaming site which gave access to anything one wanted : well worth it.

A bit surprised we didn't have any topics for the Games on here as I'm sure plenty of posters are keen on particular sports that are included. But for some reason I do not recall , the Athletics section we once had was removed - or am I imagining that ? Not to worry :

Agree with you it was an excellent games. Paris shone -except for the muddy water ! Hope none of the river swimmers get too ill from their dips in the Seine Smile

Marchand was amazing : lot of great swimmers , US , Australian - and the ageless Sweden champ Sjoestroem ; but the Frenchman stole the show for me. Kiwi Canoe star Lisa Carrington staking further claims to be the best ever and the Aussie Fox family cleaning up the slalom version were also highlights.

Athletics the centre piece brought a ton of great performances . Records galore (OK , fast track and the new shoes all help ; but still some remarkable efforts - hopefully won't be too many later revealed as "assisted"... British highlights ? Keely Hodgkinson winning her 800 in superb style : gold after previous silvers and I reckon more to come for her ; and KJT running Thiam so close in the Heptathlon .

Away from the track Yee and Pidcock indeed : and have to highlight also that victory in the climbing by the young fellow Toby Roberts . How they balance themselves to get up those walls bemuses me : makes for a thrilling - if heart in mouth - watch.

Plenty of other stuff one could talk about : wonder if anyone else wants to share their best moments on here ? And yes , mountain man : you should definitely be equipped with Discovery or whatever for LA if you enjoy this as much as I do.


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Paris Olympics Empty Re: Paris Olympics

Post by mountain man Mon 12 Aug 2024, 09:18

Well cricket be included for LA which to me is wrong. Quite a few sports shouldn't be in Olympics I think, football, tennis,golf, breaking(!) etc.

Everyone will have opinion on what should be in or not but some just doesn't seem like the Olympic spirit, however that is defined.

I do like BBC commentary on some sports, Arian Moorhouse on swimming and Chris Boardman cycling were excellent but yes if LA same as Paris I'll be paying I suspect.

Likewise I was surprised no thread on the Olympics hence thought I'd start one right after it ends...

mountain man

Posts : 3140
Join date : 2021-03-09

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Paris Olympics Empty Re: Paris Olympics

Post by Soul Requiem Mon 12 Aug 2024, 12:41

The coverage on the BBC was shocking. They're too fixated on big names and the love in for Murray was tedious, it's been seven years since he was competing for titles and whilst it's admirable he was still competing that was air time he didn't really deserve. Team GB were about a combined second away from turning about 8 silvers or so into golds, had that happened the overall outlook would have been very different.

Doping will always be an issue at these events and find the lack of scrutiny certain countries receive disappointing.

Soul Requiem

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