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Rihanna Sued by Photographer Over S&M Pop Video

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Rihanna Sued by Photographer Over S&M Pop Video Empty Rihanna Sued by Photographer Over S&M Pop Video

Post by David Tails Wed 16 Feb 2011, 9:08 am

Pop star Rihanna is being sued by celebrity photographer David LaChapelle, who said her S&M video was "directly derived" from his pictures.

LaChapelle, who has photographed celebrities for magazines such as Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone, is suing for unspecified damages.

His case states "the music video is directly derived from and substantially similar to the LaChapelle works".

A spokeswoman for Rihanna, 22, was not immediately available for comment.

The video for S&M has been banned in some countries due to its sexual content.

Full Story : BBC News - Click Here

David Tails

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Age : 42
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