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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by pete (buachaill on eirne) Fri 05 Aug 2011, 2:56 pm

Choose 6 players from your teams 22 this weekend who, if you had the power to make players play well, you'd like to see play well

Think about in terms of the build up the RWC, back up for injured players, young players who could break into the squad, someone who could fill in a problem position

For me:

Scotland vs Ireland

I'd wave my magic wand over:

Sexton-I want him to have a good game so he gels with Wallace and McFadden
Wallace-I want him to have a good game so he gels with Sexton and so he is recognised by all as an excellent replacement for Darcy
Kearney-I don't really like him from 09 to present I hope he can go back to his running best. ireland needs a solid 15 but one who can counter
Ryan-I'd be delighted if he put in a good showing. Ireland needs locks playing well for the RWC and beyond.
Flannery-Having Flannery back in the mix of things would be great news. We could do with him coming off the bench vs Aus.
Buckley-I'd like him to have a good game because physically he should be a monster and occasionally is. Hope he has a good game and then more of the same!

pete (buachaill on eirne)

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Pal Joey Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:01 pm


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by red_stag Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:03 pm

For me:

Tomas O'Leary
Paddy Wallace
Rob Kearney
Jerry Flannery
Denis Leamy
Donnacha Ryan

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by pete (buachaill on eirne) Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:06 pm

Linebreaker & Stag-


Elsom could really use a good game at this stage. Aus played well against SA but he was largely invisible.

Agree with TOL too Stag

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by dummy_half Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:07 pm

For England:

Tuillagi - so that we have a centre combination that actually provides a threat

Moody - To confirm they are back to being fully fit and in good form ahead of the tournament

Wilkinson - to keep the pressure on Flood to perform well.

Corbisiero - to prove he's the next best loose head prop, so that Payne can be released from the squad.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by red_stag Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:09 pm

Ryan - as I want to see a second row under 30 who can challenge the status quo.

Leamy - as he is an experienced and versatile option who could be a great asset if the performances of old are relived.

Flannery - soundest lineout option Ireland have

Wallace - Could be a new type of 12 for Ireland and IMO if your 12 plays well your backline will play well

O'Leary - if his passing is ok he can use other skills to make him a good option at scrumhalf

Kearney - secure under high ball I want to see him run though.

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by robbo277 Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:09 pm

Moody - a lot of doubt circulating about Moody, I'd like to see him lead from the front, lead England to victory and seal his place in the first XV with a great performance

Flutey & Armitage - would like to see the form from these two that shot them to prominence in the England team. Would be two very valuable players if on-form. Martin Johnson hasn't left himself that much leeway with his squad selection if these two don't come off, so I hope they both play well.

Tuilagi - I think this kid's got it. It would be great to see him run riot and cement his place on the plane. Could be a great option as the utility back sub and a great back-up if Tindall gets injured.

Stevens - I really want to see him go well at tight-head prop. If he can show that he is equally adept at either head, then he'll be a great option for the bench at least. Can be the difference around the park as well as in the scrum.

Hartley - my choice as the future England captain. We need to see a lot more front from the forwards, and I'd like to see Hartley help Moody lead this. Hoping Hartley can carry strong, hit rucks hard and make safe our set-piece.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by mckay1402 Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:11 pm

For wales all of the front five and Mike Phillips

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by pete (buachaill on eirne) Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:12 pm


Particularilly the 1st point there is important for you, your centres have been tame for the last 8 years or so.

Tait provided a spark once as did Fluety but other than that they have been defenders and crash ball merchants, these two could be the change you need. Against a good Welsh centre duo you will learn a lot I'd imagine

Also if Manu can punch ashton again I'd have him back in the team! Whistle


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by pete (buachaill on eirne) Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:14 pm

Kearney running well and TOL passing well would make my Saturday all on their own I think. I may cry for joy

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Cumbrian Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:16 pm

Delon Armitage: some people might be forgetting how good he actually was for England in his breakthrough season. If he gets into the right frame of mind he can be a really strong competitor for the fifteen jersey.

Charlie Sharples: I want him really put pressure on Cueto so that when he gets a chance he can supplant him in the team.

Manu Tuilagi: please God, don’t let it all be hype!

Rikki Flutey: I’ve been one of his detractors (mainly down to his injuries/form) if he can get back and play like he did in 09, England could have a backline to be worried about.

Danny Care: He has flaws in his game, but people really should recognise what a talented player he is. His deficiencies have been blown out of all proportion and I would really like him to show people what he can do.

James Haskell: Another one who has been vilified with in an inch of his life. He has the physical attributes, but he really needs to step up. Like it or not, this is a clear indicator that he is being thought of as England’s next no.8. If it goes well I wouldn’t be surprised to see him to head back to England rather than Japan post World Cup.

It is a bit ‘back heavy’ but there are a lot of people who need to prove themselves.

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Standulstermen Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:23 pm

I'd like to see trimble show the form he has for Ulster. he is a very dangerous prospect when on form and would give Deccie a headache in the back three.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by pete (buachaill on eirne) Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:24 pm

If I could choose a 7th I'd choose TOL.

I'd like to hear the opinion of a Scot and a Kiwi on this matter.

Who else would you choose Stand????

pete (buachaill on eirne)

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Standulstermen Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:29 pm

From an ireland perspective we need to see

Paddy Wallace and/or Fergus McFadden
Buckley and/or Court
and TOL.

we need options at scrum half. we need to know we wont be relying on our 2 1st choice props. we need to know we have options at centre if D'arcy doesnt make it


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by MMC Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:31 pm

For Ireland:

Jones - I think this will be a great opportunity for him to showcase his talents in direct comparison to what Kearney has brought to the game before being replaced (or moved to the wing)
What I want to see: Great defence, great counter, solidity under the high ball.

Flannery - I'd absolutely love to see Flannery back and to actually last however long he gets without his calf giving out.
What I want to see: Accurate lineout throwing, a strong contribution around the park, good discipline.

Wallace - I think Wallace gets too much stick here. I'm a fan of him as a 12, but not of him as a 22. I expect him to link really well with Sexton and McFadden.
What I want to see: Great distribution, good understanding with his 10 and 13, strong defence.

McFadden - I think McFadden will relish playing outside a guy like Wallace who'll give him plenty of inviting passes to run on to.
What I want to see: Some outside breaks, good linking with Wallace, strong defence.

Buckley - I want the rampaging Tony Buckley to turn up and stake a claim for selection.
What I want to see: A decent scrummaging effort, big contribution in the loose.

Fitzgerald - I'd love for Fitzgerald to play well. If he can get some confidence back into his game then he has a good chance of making the final 30.
What I want to see: Confidence when attacking, no over-running of passes.

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by pete (buachaill on eirne) Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:38 pm

MMC wrote:For Ireland:

Jones - I think this will be a great opportunity for him to showcase his talents in direct comparison to what Kearney has brought to the game before being replaced (or moved to the wing)
What I want to see: Great defence, great counter, solidity under the high ball.

Flannery - I'd absolutely love to see Flannery back and to actually last however long he gets without his calf giving out.
What I want to see: Accurate lineout throwing, a strong contribution around the park, good discipline.

Wallace - I think Wallace gets too much stick here. I'm a fan of him as a 12, but not of him as a 22. I expect him to link really well with Sexton and McFadden.
What I want to see: Great distribution, good understanding with his 10 and 13, strong defence.

McFadden - I think McFadden will relish playing outside a guy like Wallace who'll give him plenty of inviting passes to run on to.
What I want to see: Some outside breaks, good linking with Wallace, strong defence.

Buckley - I want the rampaging Tony Buckley to turn up and stake a claim for selection.
What I want to see: A decent scrummaging effort, big contribution in the loose.

Fitzgerald - I'd love for Fitzgerald to play well. If he can get some confidence back into his game then he has a good chance of making the final 30.
What I want to see: Confidence when attacking, no over-running of passes.

I like this. Would love to see Jones do well. I was in school with him and he was always ridiculously talented. He deserves to succeed after having the mental strength to come back after those 2 big injuries (especially the 1st)

pete (buachaill on eirne)

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by PenfroPete Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:42 pm

Stephen Jones - great servant and breaking the record for Welsh caps
Mike Phillips - yes he's been a bag o sh!te for the last 18 months / 2 years but we'll need his physicality at some stage at RWC and we want him confident
Toby Faletau - I have seen the future and this boy is it, don't want his confidence knocked
Sam Warburton - don't want the captaincy to weigh him down
Rhys Priestland - has a great eye for gaps and plays 'heads up' rugby. Will be tested defensively
Craig Mitchell - with question marks over injuries and fitness of the Lions front-row we need options

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by propdavid_london Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:43 pm

England -

Sharples (chance for the Bolters spot if he does well)
Flutey (Would love him to regain Lions form)
Tuilagi (someone said it earlier - please not all hype)
Matt Stevens (deserves his chance - hope he monsters oppo in scrum)
Armitage (Got a worse temper than Tuilagi-blows hot and cold even for LI. would like to see his international debut form back).
Care (if he shows form the first choice 9 shirt could be his)

6 to watch from other home nations -
Priestland (liked him for scarlets - great attacking flair, good option to replace Lee B)
Jerry Flannery (great player, love to see the feisty one back playing)
Kearney (been a long time out-see if he can regain form)
Ansbro (promises much creativity in scots midfield-could address a lot of their problems)
Richie Gray (continue 6N form hopefully)
Huw Bennett (prove a lot of his critics wrong - no other reason).


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Post by doctornickolas Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:50 pm

Huw Bennett - Just throw it in straight please

Brad Davies - Been off the boil so a big performance would be good.

Mike Phillips - Come on Son, lets see some of the old you

Stephen Jones, Jon Davies and Doctor Roberts - It's not been the most creative midfield to say the least but I wan't to see them click as they are all individually good players. Glad to see JD playing at 13 this weekend as I think he could be awesome there.



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Post by screamingaddabs Fri 05 Aug 2011, 3:54 pm

I'd actually like to see Wilkinson have a stormer. He can up the pressure on Flood and to be honest, Wilkinson at his Toulon best would probably be my choice to play 10 (and I'm a Leicester fan).

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by R!skysports Fri 05 Aug 2011, 4:11 pm

For Scotland

Jackson - time to grow into the position and start to boss games
Ford - big lad, fast and very good. Needs to be destructive AND throw in straight
Sean lamont - Show the form of a few years agao and terrorise the Irish
Ansbro - A creative mid field would be such a refrshing change
Gray - Boom - time to take control of the line outs, and be a rampaging bull


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by flankertye Fri 05 Aug 2011, 4:28 pm



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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Boston Exile Fri 05 Aug 2011, 4:54 pm

Jacobsen, Ford & Beattie - To show they have recovered their form. 2 were close to burnout and the other returned from injury too quickly.

Jackson - we need a quality flyhalf, want him to build on England and Italy performances to run the game and show he's the real deal

Rennie - To prove recovery from injury so he and Barclay force 100% performances from each other.

Laidlaw - as a 10, need backup in case Jackson injured and not sure of DPs current form. He's also the 10 most likely to do something to break a defense.

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Glas a du Fri 05 Aug 2011, 4:57 pm

Bennett - I'd like to see him playing well just once and justify one of his many caps
Priestland - ditto
Phillips - boy needs to sort himself out

Shane Williams - hero
Stephen Jones - ditto
AWJ - surely the better choice as captain
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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by yappysnap Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:02 pm

Stevens- Can be a very useful dynamic prop when on song
Palmer- Needs to get in and get involved a bit more
Haskell- Hopefully can push Easter to working harder
Wilkinson- Show some attacking threat and better game control
Flutey- '09 form please
Tuilagi- Just don't do anything silly and don't get injured


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by flankertye Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:05 pm

yappysnap wrote:Stevens- Can be a very useful dynamic prop when on song
Palmer- Needs to get in and get involved a bit more
Haskell- Hopefully can push Easter to working harder
Wilkinson- Show some attacking threat and better game control
Flutey- '09 form please
Tuilagi- Just don't do anything silly and don't get injured

Sorry, did you watch Palmer in the six nations? The guy was everywhere! Ran the lineout well, hit rucks, carried well. You know everything you want from your second row. He even won MOM. Locks NEVER win man of the match.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by yappysnap Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:09 pm

Sorry, i actually thought that without Deacon he didn't seem to go too well, and the lineout had problems with him running it.

He did play well for his MoM though


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Rugby_Assessor Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:13 pm

flankertye wrote:
yappysnap wrote:Stevens- Can be a very useful dynamic prop when on song
Palmer- Needs to get in and get involved a bit more
Haskell- Hopefully can push Easter to working harder
Wilkinson- Show some attacking threat and better game control
Flutey- '09 form please
Tuilagi- Just don't do anything silly and don't get injured

Sorry, did you watch Palmer in the six nations? The guy was everywhere! Ran the lineout well, hit rucks, carried well. You know everything you want from your second row. He even won MOM. Locks NEVER win man of the match.

I second that. He was immense.


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Post by flankertye Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:16 pm

Fair point Yappysnap, Deacon does call the lineout well. He's a very solid and experienced player.
However I'd much rather see Lawes-Palmer than a combo with Deacon in it. Especially if we play with Croft or Wood.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by doctor_grey Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:35 pm

Understand having Deacon in the mix, but I get zero dynamism from Deacon. He seems he could be the guy in the party no one remembers was there. Nice player, but................

And I know the next question: If not Deacon, then who? Erm, thats a good question? Er, Borthwick (he said with great trepidation)?


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by flankertye Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:41 pm

doctor_grey wrote:Understand having Deacon in the mix, but I get zero dynamism from Deacon. He seems he could be the guy in the party no one remembers was there. Nice player, but................

And I know the next question: If not Deacon, then who? Erm, thats a good question? Er, Borthwick (he said with great trepidation)?

Don't. Even. Speak. His. Name.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Notch Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:52 pm

1) Fergus McFadden. If D'Arcy is out, we basically have two centres in Wallace and BOD who have top-line test experience. There are also Fitzgerald, Earls and Bowe who can play there of course but it would be fantastic to see another specialist put his hand up.
2) Paddy Wallace. Public perception of him is so unfairly negative, no-one gets a rawer deal and at the same time no-one works harder for the team when he pulls on the green jersey and no-one can doubt his commitment and perseverance to the cause. Given his service and undoubted talent, not to mention the fact he may now be going to the RWC as first choice, it would be nice to shut up the doubters.
3) Mike McCarthy. Another incredibly honest and hard-working player. Being from outside Munster/Leinster, he doesn't have a cheering section in the media bigging him up after every half-decent display in the Magners League. He's not written about. He's not talked about. But he is a very good player who's worked so hard to get to where he is. Good luck Mike!
4) Jerry Flannery. It would be so nice to see Fla back and in fine fettle after what he's been through with injuries. No-one can argue with that. It's been a long road back for him, one with a lot of hard work, and I just hope he comes through it okay.
5) Luke Fitzgerald. What's become of the wunderkind of Leinster and Irish Rugby? Lost confidence? Hard to reconcile last seasons performances with the talent he has. But form is temporary, whereas class is... let's see some class on Saturday Luke!
6) Donnacha Ryan. A player I've always rated very highly only to watch him rot away on the bench at Munster with despair. A victim of his own loyalty, he could be a truly top-class lock if he had more gametime. He has all the raw materials. Lets hope he puts them together before its too late.

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Post by nathan Fri 05 Aug 2011, 5:58 pm

Reading the comments I'm pretty surprised by the comments regarding Tuilagi's temperament. It was one incident in a whole season. It's not like he's a repeat offender. I think he's learnt his lesson and will be fine!


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Post by valjester Fri 05 Aug 2011, 6:20 pm

Court because like it or not he is going to be in the matchday 22. A strong performance from him would leave us looking in good shape in terms of our top 3 props.

Cronin hasn't made as big an impact at international level as I thought he would yet. This is a big chance for him and if he can prove he can be trusted it would hopefully mean kidney is less reluctant to take best off if he is having a bad day.

Flannery it would be nice to see him back fit and firing, but most importantly it would mean varley won't make the 30 man squad.

Tol because kidney will pick him anyway so it would be nice if he actually deserved it.

Wallace because the amount of abuse it gets is unfair but mainly because Ireland would, imo, be better suited with him at 12 for the gameplan I'd like to see.

Kearney to show hes still one of the best 15s around.


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Post by rodders Fri 05 Aug 2011, 6:39 pm

Well obviously I want to see all our players play well but I'll have a particular eye on the following:


I'm hoping to see Kearney re-establish himself as a world class player and show he can be the attacking full back we need.


Gets a lot of stick and needs a big game to silence his doubters, especially so with fitness doubts around D'arcy.


A lot of hype coming from the Leinster supporters. I genuinly hope he can live up to it and give us more centre options.


Needs a big game to keep in contention. His physical style could be crucial in NZ.


At his best he can be awesome in the lose. Can also be rubbish and we desperately need another option at TH.


Again we need Court to step up and show his quality to give us more options in the front row.

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Post by Glas a du Fri 05 Aug 2011, 7:16 pm

2) Paddy Wallace.

What, the cow rustling sheep molester? Even after butchering the chance to beat Wales in the 6N?
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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by wales606 Fri 05 Aug 2011, 7:30 pm

Jamie Roberts
Mike Phillips
Shane Williams
Stephen Jones
Rhys Preistland

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by rugbyman Fri 05 Aug 2011, 7:58 pm

Liking the thread Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well 732107

For England I'd go with:

Armitage (I'm an LI fan, but also when he's on form he can be very very good IMO and great to watch)

Corbs (again, I'm an LI fan, but it'd also be nice for England to have a prop who's a strong runner)

Tuilagi (entertaining to watch, would be good to see him at the RWC)

Hape (want to see what LI are getting next season)

Sharples (great to watch)

Banahan (i just like him for some reason)


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by flyhalffactory Fri 05 Aug 2011, 8:00 pm


9 to 15

Tries are what we need guys

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by lostinwales Fri 05 Aug 2011, 8:07 pm

yappysnap wrote:
Haskell- Hopefully can push Easter to working harder

Working harder? The only no.8 around who spends more time with the ball is probably Parisse and thats because Italy dont have many other options.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Meflanker Fri 05 Aug 2011, 8:14 pm

Haskell - I've long thought he could be Englands future at number 8, he certainly has the size and power for it lets see if he can actually put it to good use with some strong runs and big tackles.

Corbisiero - Has looked very good at times this season hopefully he can deliver a performance this weekend with solid scrummaging and strong carries.

Care - A proper live wire who could potentially be a gamebreaker, hopefully he has grown out of his flaws and can give wilko some quick ball that will help the team as a whole, but still with the confidence to have a run himself from the base as that is when he's his most dangerous.

Tuilagi - For obvious reasons to be honest, lets see if the hype is justified. He's up against a decent welsh center pairing if he can perform well here it can only be a good thing.

Armitage - When he first came onto the scene he was outstanding, i remember being furious he didn't get selected for the lions, hopefully he can show some of this form again as he gives a good kicking option as well.

Wilkinson - I just hope he plays to his best, controls the backline well and finishes the game without an injury. After all what team would turn down a Wilkinson who is firing on all cylinders.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by B91212 Fri 05 Aug 2011, 9:20 pm

Corbisiero - Continue the good form he showed in the 6N and put pressure on Sheridan for a starting place.

Stevens - Cement his place in the first choice matchday 22 for the WC

Moody - Prove he is worth his place as player and not just captain (as many seem to think on here)

Care - Is he a viable starting option to Youngs?

Tuilagi - Have we finally got a world class game breaking center? I hope so.

Armitage - To prove me wrong. Don't think he is the second best FB for England. Yes, he had a good 2009 season but the rules were different then, as long as a FB was solid and could kick the ball into next week then they seemed world beaters (ask the Welsh & Irish), nobody wanted the ball for fear of being pinged for holding on. He looked okay coming into the line sometimes but I'm sure he doesn't worry the opposition and I don't trust his temperament but I really do hope he proves me wrong and provides decent back up to Foden. As it stands I would rather have Cueto as the FB back up, especially if it means it free's up more space for others in the final 30.

Really like the look of the England front row. Was always happy to see Sheridan and Cole line up for England but there is definitely potential in Corbisiero & Stevens alongside Hartley.

Last edited by B91212 on Fri 05 Aug 2011, 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by RubyGuby Fri 05 Aug 2011, 9:31 pm

Warburton - Class player and could be a long term Captain for Wales - Great choice IMO
Faletau - Has all the attributes and with Ben Morgan likely to feature next season Toby could be an integral part of a very powerful and dynamic unit.
S Jones - It's a pivotal position and he has to control the game and take the right options.
North - I just think the guy is on another planet and again has all the attributes and more - Absolute beast
Priestland - Good safe head who IMO needs to just get the basics right - Defence can be suspect
Jamie - Needs to go looking for it - his position is under threat and he can't just sit back and wait - He will be key come the restarts with him and Moody challenging for the ball. Time to step up Jamie thumbsup


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by bedfordwelsh Fri 05 Aug 2011, 9:57 pm

I am hoping that

Roberts, Phillips and Davies play well.

I think that


Will have big games.

I think as usual Bennett will have his usual shocker of a game.

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by glamorganalun Fri 05 Aug 2011, 10:28 pm


4 out of 6 of your selection are not English!


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by robbo277 Fri 05 Aug 2011, 11:23 pm

glamorganalun wrote:Robbo:

4 out of 6 of your selection are not English!


5 of my 6 weren't born in England. But they all represent England, so I want to see them succeed.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Taylorman Sat 06 Aug 2011, 12:24 am

Mealamu, Thorn, Read, Gear, O Franks, Weepu.

All havnt played for a few weeks except for Weepu who is starting. If these guys fire, expect a solid win. Likewise if theyre ALL completely flat, we will probably lose.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Pal Joey Sat 06 Aug 2011, 12:33 am

pete (buachaill on eirne) wrote:Linebreaker & Stag-


Elsom could really use a good game at this stage. Aus played well against SA but he was largely invisible.

Agree with TOL too Stag

Pete, sorry... I went to bed so missed your question.

Pocock - want to see his workrate continue, always on the ball. Vital for our defense, turn over possesion & go forward.
Elsom - just his 3rd game back - needs to not only show his best form but more leadership 'pedigree' too.
Genia - in the tradition of great Wallaby halfbacks - he has lots of potential and is always dangerous.
Cooper - need QC to be at his mercurial best, dazzling form required yet again
O'Connor - this kid always amazes me... so much tougher than he looks. = baby-faced assassin with oodles of talent.
Beale - innate rugby player - sort of reminds me of a modern M Ella, always great to watch him run with the ball.

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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by boomeranga Sat 06 Aug 2011, 12:44 am

Alexander, Kepu, Simmons and Vickerman, as our tight five remains as the biggest question mark over us.

QC and Genia, as performing in a match this big would mean they are no longer coming, but have possibly arrived at the pointy end of world rugby. If the first four don't show, the halves will struggle, so we really need those guys to front to have much chance in this game.


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Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well Empty Re: Choose 6 players from your team this weekend who you'd like to see play well

Post by Pal Joey Sat 06 Aug 2011, 12:53 am

Yes, we'll need them to play well too Boomer... how the tight 5 perform will be critical for us. My picks are assuming those front end guys will lay the platform for the rest.

Let's face it - all 22 players will have to rise to the occasion this arvo.

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