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Edinburgh team during world cup

George Carlin
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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by RDW Mon 22 Aug 2011, 5:13 pm

Now that the squad is announced we can have a fair idea of the first choice team for the start of the season:

1 - Traynor
2 - Kelly
3 - Gilding / Niven
4 - Cox
5 - Turnbull
6 - Talei
7 - Grant
8 - Denton
9 - Laidlaw
10 - Godman
11 - Visser
12 - Houston / King
13 - Cairnsy
14 - Jones
15 - Thomson

Biggest worry for me are the props - we really are woefully short in that department, especially tight head. We all know they 2nd row situation but at least these guys are fairly decent club players who, although not spectacular, will do a job.

Are biggest strengths are definitely the back row and the backs. That back line is basically our first choice backline and that back row is basically our first choice back row, bar Ross Rennie.

So I think the tactics for the season will be standard Edinburgh stuff - high tempo game and give teams the run around, and avoid an arm wrestle at all costs!


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by George Carlin Thu 25 Aug 2011, 12:15 pm

RDW - have you heard any more about the fitness of the one dimensional rugby hamster that is Phil Godman?
George Carlin
George Carlin

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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by Kingshu Thu 25 Aug 2011, 1:00 pm

I don't know the Edinburgh squad well, enough to judge it, but know that with the call ups it will be weakened.
Always thought Edinburgh and Glasgow would struggle this year, can anyone say how thiis teams compares to other WC depleted teams

The SRU launched a enquiry into the Professional teams and national teams poor performance after the 6 nations, has this been concluded yet? if not is there a timeframe?
if published does anyone know the findings?


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by RDW Fri 26 Aug 2011, 1:53 pm

George - as you've probably seen Godman is starting tonight! Although I expect Laidlaw to shift out to ten when Blair is back.

Looking forward to seeing how Godman plays over the next few weeks actually - he has had a year out to re-charge his batteries (I've always thought he's generally looked sick of rugby before he got injured). Although you say he's one dimensional he is good for Edinburgh and can really get the backline moving.


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by Welshmushroom Fri 26 Aug 2011, 2:28 pm

Talei is at the WC too with Fiji....

That should possibly see Pitman starting at 6. He could be a good Blindside prospect for Wales long term. Edinburgh may use him at lock though as well as hes 6'5 and almost over 18stone.


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by RDW Fri 26 Aug 2011, 2:30 pm

Eh, Who the hell is Pitman?? Have I missed a summer signing here? He isn't listed in the squad on the website....


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by RDW Fri 26 Aug 2011, 2:34 pm

Ah just found out - that guy plays for Glasgow, not Edinburgh!

I think you've had a few too many Mushrooms.... Erm

Us Edinburgh fans would be delighted if we signed an 18 stone 2nd row!


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by funnyExiledScot Wed 31 Aug 2011, 11:15 am

Edinburgh have done pretty well in their two warm-up fixtures by all accounts, winning both, and aren't actually that badly affected by the World Cup, especially in the backs which look extremely strong.

Tighthead is a weakness and I'm not convinced about one of the second row positions (personally I'd use Turnbull and Lozada with Gilchrist on the bench and Cox at 6), but other than that it's a really strong side.


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by RDW Wed 31 Aug 2011, 1:24 pm

Really am concerned about tighthead - even when Cross comes back we really have no back up for him.

Interesting he is playing Cox at 6 when we have a few backrowers and not many 2nd rows.


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by funnyExiledScot Wed 31 Aug 2011, 4:36 pm

I think it's to ensure the pack isn't bullied. Lozada isn't much of an enforcer and neither really is Turnbull (in fact I'm not sure what he is). I imagine Bradley is worried about teams seeing a lighter pack and just mauling and rucking the game into oblivion. When Talei returns I would expect him to come back at 6 with Rennie at 7 and Denton at 8. That's a pretty tough unit and would give more balance to a lighter second row pairing of Cox and Lozada.

A couple of Edinburgh predictions for the coming season. Gilchrist will be in the 1st XV by the end of the season, Lee Jones will be in the Scotland squad and Tim Visser will top the Magners (or whatever) League try scoring list.


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by funnyExiledScot Wed 31 Aug 2011, 8:40 pm

Here's the squad for the Cardiff game.

Forwards from: A N Other, Sean Cox, David Denton, Grant Gilchrist, Jack Gilding, Andy Kelly, Steve Lawrie, Esteban Lozada, Alan Macdonald, Lewis Niven, Roddy Grant, Steven Turnbull, Kyle Traynor, Hamish Watson

Backs from: Tom Brown, Phil Godman, Gregor Hunter, John Houston, Lee Jones, Greig Laidlaw CAPTAIN, Chris Leck, Matt Scott, Jim Thompson, Tim Visser, Simon Webster

Let's hope that Mr A N Other is a 19 stone 6ft 11 second row...........


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Edinburgh team during world cup Empty Re: Edinburgh team during world cup

Post by InjuredYetAgain Wed 31 Aug 2011, 9:40 pm

Good god. Are we reduced to listing AN Other already?
FeS - you are right baout the ideal dimensions of this mystery man but, joking aside, the pack does look a bit undernourished.
I like the look of the backline with Matt Scott getting good write-ups in the warmup games (that i have missed <hangs his head in disgrace>)


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