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The Era of Domination!

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The Era of Domination! Empty The Era of Domination!

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Wed 14 Sep 2011, 7:01 pm

Steffano has said that next year will see the start of an 'Era of Domination, led by the exemplary Fernando Alonso.'

He was very praising of the engineers and team members he now has at his disposal at Ferrari. He said they were in better shape than the ) of Red Bull.

Some people may call that a statement silly but what he has done is put more pressure on Red Bull to try and compete with this amazing new set up Ferrari have put together.

Domenicali made clear that he believes the new Ferrari structure - to which the team are now applying the finishing touches - will smash all opposition, leaving rivals Red Bull, McLaren and Mercedes behind.

Towards the end of this excellent statement he goes on to say that the remaining races are going to be used almost like testing sessions as they put the finishing to next years car and through different set ups they are going to solve the tyre problems and also enhance their future package. So Fernando Alonso  is going to try and take 2nd place in the championship whilst setting up a new car for 2012. That is dedication for anybody who thinks he's not a team player. He's a team builder!

This is a big bold statement from Steffano but the after shocks of this can only be positive.

Steffano also went on to describe Fernando Alonso as 'Phenomenal!' ' Alonso has committed to the Ferrari cause by recently signing a new long term contract and it seems he may finally he will be rewarded with a car worthy of his supreme talents!

It seems like Fernando Alonso could be the Personification of Domination in F1 for many years to come when the new Ferrari Team ethos pays off and the team get their results!

Here is this amazing confidence boosting article all Ferrari and Alonso fans have been waiting for! :-

What are people's thoughts about the mother team taking control of F1 again? Will this entice Jenson Button MBE to leave Mclaren and join Ferrari?

Forza Team Ferrari!

Forza Alonso! 
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Critical_mass Wed 14 Sep 2011, 8:56 pm

I cant ever see Button joining Ferrari, i just cant ever see it happening ever. But will eat my hat if he does.

I reckon Ferrari can raise their game, but i dont think they'll leave Mclaren behind. Plus they really do need to raise their games. So far this season they've just been chansing RB, but both Ferrari and Mclaren have been slowly improving. So far its not been consistant and not quite enough. But certainly better then we all initially thought before the season started.

Can Ferrari become the main dominant team in F1 again, possibly, but for me doubtful at least anytime soon. IMO the days of Ferrari's unchallenged dominance are over and even RBs dominance could well be over when the rules change again.

Though none of us know for sure until the actual season starts. You can only go on the previous seasons performance and speculation of how the teams will cope with the rule changes or car design.

Im kind of looking forward to the change of the engines, Ferrari may well come out on top. Though its not good for one team to be dominant all season - even if it was the team i support, Mclaren.


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Wed 14 Sep 2011, 9:44 pm


The only thing that stops teams eras of dominance is the rule changes that occur at the end if the year. Like you said, the engine changes, blown diffusers bans, j-duct bans etc all trying to keep f1 fresh and the teams on their toes.

I believe it is to stop the dominance of one team like Ferrari had in the early noughtys and now to stop Red Bull with their total domination now.

I do believe the rule makers will sway towards what Ferrari want as Ferrari are what makes the draw for people into F1. No disrespect intended for other teams intended, but they are a main commercial pull to all sponsors.

So if they do start their global domination, don't be surprised if rule changes to the sport are delayed!

Forza Alonso!
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Critical_mass Wed 14 Sep 2011, 9:57 pm

I agree Ferrari are a big part of F1, but its wrong to tailor rules to suit one driver or one team. I do wish they'd stop with all the rule changing. I dont mind them changing the rules once in a while but its been every season for a number of seasons. I hope after the engine change they'll leave it alone for a while.


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Sun 18 Sep 2011, 12:20 am

I don't mind when a team dominates. As long as there is competition within the domination.

I believe given a car that generates the desired heat in it's Tyres that Massa could make a fist of it with Senior Diaz! We know what's Massa is like with uncertainty which is why I really hope Ferrari nail it next year and give both drivers the machinery they deserve.

And... Finally know Red Bull of their perch!

Forza Ferrari!
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Critical_mass Sun 18 Sep 2011, 9:17 pm

I just hope we dont have another 5-7 years of one driver dominating.


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Belgarion of Riva Mon 19 Sep 2011, 9:27 am

[quote="Alessandro Ciambella"]I don't mind when a team dominates. As long as there is competition within the domination. [quote="Alessandro Ciambella"]

That's the key thing for me. I wouldn't mind Vettel winning every single race this season if he wasn't always on pole and disappearing into the distance.

If Seb had battles with everyone and won most races fighting with the other guys for victory in close quarters, I would sing his praises. Rossi does it in motogp and is loved by everyone.

That's my problem with Seb. It's not his fault however but it makes for a boring championship. Until that massive performance advantage is removed, there will always be question marks for me about his achievements.

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 19 Sep 2011, 1:33 pm


As I've said on numerous occasions to other people, Moto GP and F1 are two entirely different sports.

As with most motor sports there is a constant power struggle between the designers and the rule makers to try and keep the playing field reasonably level, but in F1 engineering usually has the last word. If one team comes up with an exceptional car, its inevitable that one or two drivers will dominate. To be a real F1 fan, you have to accept this and learn to enjoy all the other facets of the sport (the politics, the engineering, team strategies etc.)

Vettel has only disappeared into the distance on a couple of occasions this season. In most of the races he's won, his lead has been held to just a few seconds. He also just happens to have a knack for putting in blistering quali laps. Its not his fault if the other drivers can't beat him.

Again, I would remind peeps that this is only Seb's second year of domination. Michael Schumacher did it for 5 years with Ferrari. Unless Stefano Domenicali's predictions about Ferarri come true, we could be looking at an even longer period of German-Austrian rule over F1.

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 19 Sep 2011, 1:39 pm

Alessandro Ciambella wrote:What are people's thoughts about the mother team taking control of F1 again? Will this entice Jenson Button MBE to leave Mclaren and join Ferrari?

My thoughts? Firstly that Ferrari will never dominate F1 again like it did with Schumacher...theres too much competition for that. Secondly, Button would have to be insane to leave a team where he is beginning to establish himself and can be certain of fair treatment and not having to bow to team orders (exceptional circumstances aside) for a team where he would have to play second fiddle to Senor Diaz.

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by dyrewolfe Mon 19 Sep 2011, 1:46 pm

Alessandro Ciambella wrote:Domenicali made clear that he believes the new Ferrari structure - to which the team are now applying the finishing touches - will smash all opposition, leaving rivals Red Bull, McLaren and Mercedes behind.

I take it Stefano was interviewed shortly after his medication kicked in? I've no doubt Ferrari will be better next season - maybe on a par with Red Bull, but I certainly don't see them smashing all opposition. Don't forget McLaren have also improved their car over the season and been Red Bull's closest competitors.

I can see Alonso winning some races next season and making the title race a lot more interesting, but it'd be a brave man to bet against Vettel making it 3 in a row. Being ever the optimist, I'd also like to think Hamilton and Button will be in the mix too.

I also expect Mercedes to be moving up the grid. They've got the speed. Now all they need is to improve their handling and do something about their tyre degradation. Expect to see the Silver Arrows get at least a few podiums next season.

Last edited by dyrewolfe on Tue 20 Sep 2011, 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Belgarion of Riva Tue 20 Sep 2011, 10:52 am

dyrewolfe wrote:@Belgarion:

As I've said on numerous occasions to other people, Moto GP and F1 are two entirely different sports.

As with most motor sports there is a constant power struggle between the designers and the rule makers to try and keep the playing field reasonably level, but in F1 engineering usually has the last word. If one team comes up with an exceptional car, its inevitable that one or two drivers will dominate. To be a real F1 fan, you have to accept this and learn to enjoy all the other facets of the sport (the politics, the engineering, team strategies etc.)

Mate I appreciate where you are coming from. They are indeed different sports one down to the car (F1) one down to the talent of the rider and a decent bike (motogp). They are the pinnacle of both sports however and motogp is mostly about the talent of the rider rather than the bike. There's also controversy but no team orders and everyone goes at it hammer and tongs most of the time.

Vettel can't be blamed for being exceptional this season but it's taken a lot of excitement out of the championship, same with Stoner this season in motogp.

All I want is close racing and not the following; DRS assisted overtaking, tyre conservation etc.


Belgarion of Riva

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Tue 20 Sep 2011, 8:26 pm


As long as aerodynamic devices keep spoiling the clean air and create turbulence that hinders following cars then I see every need for DRS. With the wings on cars the driver in front is generating their own defence mechanism that gives them an advantage and helps protect them through corners while cars behind in the dirty air have Tyres ruined etc.

In order to get rid of DRS you need further reductions in aerodynamic parts on cars that are ruining the air. Riders in Moto gp dont have this problem.

Nobody complained about the J Duct last year helping Mclaren on the straights and low downforce corners. Now, everybody has an overtaking gimmick and people are not happy.

F1 is better for the implementation of DRS in my opinion. The faster cars are getting to the front. Rewards should be for attacking drivers. Not defensive ones.

Forza Alonso!
Alessandro Ciambella
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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Guest Wed 21 Sep 2011, 11:35 am

Your talking Poopie Alessandro. F1 and DRS does reward the faster cars who are found in the midfield or starting from the back, however what DRS does is reduces the punishment of a poor qualifying or mistake from a top driver, as DRS come sunday allows them to stride through the field with relative ease as Button and Webber have proven this year and why Button currently has the most overtakes this season. The overtaking manoeuvres used through DRS have increased the quanitity of overtaking but considerably reduced the quality. Overtaking using DRS has turned overtaking from skilled, risky manouevre into a completely non-contested, unskilled and predictable move. Add to the fact that stewarding this year is strict on defensive weaving adds to the problem.

What I loved about F1 over the years was seeing fantastic 'wheel to wheel' racing and the excitement that a duel for position had during a race. I remember watching races where two drivers fought for a considerable amount of time, with both drivers showcasing their attacking and defensive skills. However, with DRS the defensive driver who is under pressure has absolutely no ability to defend and the move is inevitable with no excitement attached to it at all. F1 is not just about showcasing attacking ability, being able to defend your position is an art in itself. I just feel that DRS has been introduced to liven up the show and it has completely taken away this aspect of the racing which i prefer to see.


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 21 Sep 2011, 1:10 pm

john wrote:What I loved about F1 over the years was seeing fantastic 'wheel to wheel' racing and the excitement that a duel for position had during a race. I remember watching races where two drivers fought for a considerable amount of time, with both drivers showcasing their attacking and defensive skills. However, with DRS the defensive driver who is under pressure has absolutely no ability to defend and the move is inevitable with no excitement attached to it at all. F1 is not just about showcasing attacking ability, being able to defend your position is an art in itself. I just feel that DRS has been introduced to liven up the show and it has completely taken away this aspect of the racing which i prefer to see.

Again, I'll ask the question: just how long have you been watching F1?

Long enough, I presume to remember countless processional races where many drivers have been unable to overtake, despite having marginally quicker cars?

Did you actually listen to any of the driver interviews where they said they knew they had a quicker car, but simply couldn't get past because they didn't have enough of a speed advantage, or because of the hundred metres or so of turbulent air behind the car in front, affecting their own aerodynamics, which also degraded their tyres?

Aero technology and track design over the years (not to mention highly durable tyres) made it way too easy for drivers to defend their positions. It didn't even take a lot of skill. Just keep your car on the racing line and they guy behind you had no chance of getting past unless they were in a far superior car.

I'll agree with you in part that I'm not keen on gadgetry and rules being used to make races more interesting, but you can't deny its worked.

If you think about it, making overtaking easier means drivers now have to work harder to defend their positions, so if anything they have to be craftier now to retain their positions.

Also I would argue that while KERS and DRS have made it easier, a good balance has been struck at most circuits, so far, meaning drivers can't always overtake at will and still have to pick their moments.

The ONLY way you're going to get the kind of "pure" racing you want is by going back to aero designs from the 60s. Nice idea, but I don't see it happening any time soon.

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 21 Sep 2011, 1:26 pm

john wrote:The overtaking manoeuvres used through DRS have increased the quanitity of overtaking but considerably reduced the quality. Overtaking using DRS has turned overtaking from skilled, risky manouevre into a completely non-contested, unskilled and predictable move.

So you're saying Vettel's move on Alonso at Monza wasn't brave and skilful?

So you're saying Webber's move on Alonso at Spa wasn't gutsy and risky as hell?

I won't even bother asking what you thought of Button's highly intelligent overtake of both Hamilton and Schumacher at Monza...I know what your answer to that will be. Rolling Eyes

If anyone else has any other examples, feel free to add them.


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by dyrewolfe Wed 21 Sep 2011, 1:28 pm

Alessandro Ciambella wrote:As long as aerodynamic devices keep spoiling the clean air and create turbulence that hinders following cars then I see every need for DRS. With the wings on cars the driver in front is generating their own defence mechanism that gives them an advantage and helps protect them through corners while cars behind in the dirty air have Tyres ruined etc.

In order to get rid of DRS you need further reductions in aerodynamic parts on cars that are ruining the air. Riders in Moto gp dont have this problem.

Spot on Alessandro. Your Alonso and Ferrari obssessions aside, you do actually write some intelligent stuff. Wink

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Guest Wed 21 Sep 2011, 1:35 pm

That didn't stop drivers with the ability of hamilton overtaking throughout the 10' season. I believe a lack of true racers are too blame for lack of overtaking or processional races. Most of the drivers on the grid today complain when there's a bit of rain on there visor Crying or Very sad

It is well known that the abu dhabi race was the tipping point for change in regards to the petrov/alonso situation. The 10' season was an absolute classic season with overtaking moves being completed on many occasions and some fantastic wheel to wheel racing. It is said that the chorus of discontent came mainly from the f1 'casual fan' compared to the hardcore f1 fan who witnessed a breathtaking 10' season. The casual fan watched the final race of the season and were like, 'whats going on here, why can't he pass - this is poor'. As it was the finale of the season and the mass disappointment and views highlighted in the media forced the FIA's hand in my opinion. The Pirelli tyres were in my opinion enough of a change to make a difference in the racing and overtaking opportunities available in f1 and many people i know agree with that


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Guest Wed 21 Sep 2011, 1:40 pm

dyrewolfe you are incorrect as usual. the three moves you just stated did not even involve the use of DRS 🤦

fact. thankyou


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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Alessandro Ciambella Wed 21 Sep 2011, 3:48 pm



I believe that was 'dyewolfs' point. You said the following: -

"The overtaking manoeuvres used through DRS have increased the quantity of overtaking but considerably reduced the quality. Overtaking using DRS has turned overtaking from skilled, risky manoeuvre into a completely non-contested, unskilled and predictable move."

Now dyrewolfs comeback was 3 excellent overtakes that occurred OUTSIDE the DRS zone thus proving overtaking without the aid of the DRS Zone and DRS activation. Very tricky skill in suck horribly spoiled air, but it occurred.

However, your point about 2010 is flawed. Hamilton had an overtaking J-Duct that spoiled the air to increase the top speed of the car he was driving last year. Similar to a DRS system as it gives extra top speed and acceleration BUT it could be used anywhere.

DRS is applied to one, maybe 2 sections (track dependant) which gave Mclaren a massive advantage in spoiled air and therefore explains a lot of Hamilton’s overtakes in 2010 were not down to skill but more to an overtaking gimmick.

You want rid of DRS then you have to get rid of a lot of aero gimmicks.

Forza Alonso!
Alessandro Ciambella
Alessandro Ciambella

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The Era of Domination! Empty Re: The Era of Domination!

Post by Guest Wed 21 Sep 2011, 3:57 pm

ok if thats what he meant! but my point that 'The overtaking manoeuvres used through DRS have increased the quanitity of overtaking but considerably reduced the quality. Overtaking using DRS has turned overtaking from skilled, risky manouevre into a completely non-contested, unskilled and predictable move' is completely true. Ok Mclaren had the F-Duct but by the european phase of the season basically everyone had copied it into there car. FACT! Renault/Ferrari to name a few all had this in use for over 3/4 of the season.

I agree that we need to get rid of all these gimmicks fast.


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