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Former player punch up

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Former player punch up Empty Former player punch up

Post by dancingweeman Wed 07 Dec 2011, 5:17 pm

Found this hidden away on the bbc website...

Some people really hold grudges. It seems the 30-40yrs since they played against each other just wasn't long enough for them to forgive and forget!


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Former player punch up Empty Re: Former player punch up

Post by crazy_dave23 Wed 07 Dec 2011, 5:33 pm

Yes, Mike Carlson mentioned this (2?) weeks ago on the C4 NFL game and it also did the rounds on sky sports news (who were struggling to explain the existence of a Canadian football league).

I'm sure Carlson said that one of the two was particularly renowned for being a "dirty" player back in the day


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Former player punch up Empty Re: Former player punch up

Post by WhiteCamry Thu 08 Dec 2011, 8:23 pm

Here it is on Youtube with some interesting comments.

I rememberJoe Kapp when he led the Vikings to their only NFL championship in '69. No one remembers it because it they then lost Super Bowl 4 to the Chiefs, the last SB before the merger.


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