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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Perfect Jack
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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by JJJohnson Mon 26 Dec 2011, 11:52 pm

Match 1
Dan Morris vs Jack Frost w/Johnny Dice

Match 2
Dicey Reilly/Lex Hart vs Dopant Zero

Match 3
Interfed Cup
Mike Hill vs Shadow

Match 4
Zach Corchia vs Geoff Steel

Main Event
6CW International Title
Jackson Black (c) vs Keith Leone

Last edited by JJJohnson on Tue 27 Dec 2011, 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by JJJohnson Mon 26 Dec 2011, 11:53 pm

( exclusive)

*6CW co-owner John Liederman has made the executive decision to give all talent that sustained injuries in the main event of Atonement the night off.He does however expect all talent present on January 10th.

Mr Liederman would also like to wish Mr.Alex Walker a speedy recovery and hopes that his stay in hospital will not be too unpleasant.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Guest Tue 27 Dec 2011, 11:08 am

The arena lights dim as the crowd quietens down in anticipation. The arena remains dark for a few moments before the titan-tron screen begins to show highlights of the Lethal Lockdown match at Atonement. It goes through all of the death defying moves that occurred during the match, before finally settling on the image of Keith Leone leaving the arena to cheers from the fans. Suddenly a voice comes across the arena.

Voice: I’m back!

“Limo Wreck” plays out as the fans pop loudly and slowly the hooded figure of Keith Leone walks out onto the stage to even louder cheers from the fans. Leone surveys the fans for a moment before walking down the ramp to the ring, before rolling in under the bottom rope and then calling for a microphone. Leone then waits for the crowd to die down slightly, before he begins to speak.

Leone: Now I know it’s cheesy and I would mock any other man for doing it, but hey, everyone can be a hypocrite once in a while. What I want to say is, it’s great to be back.

The fans pop again and start a Keith Leone chant as Leone smiles and nods approvingly, before suddenly his face drops and he becomes much more serious again.

Leone: But you see, things are no different here than they were before I was fired. Genesis still have a tight stranglehold over 6CW, we still have a faltering World Champion at the helm, and we still have a dangerous mystery on our hands, but that can be settled all in good time. Now I can see what you’re all thinking, “Keith, the Rebels beat Genesis at Atonement, they don’t have power anymore, we won.” Well you see people, it’s just not that simple is it. Who are the team who still holds half of all the Championships in 6CW? Genesis. Who is the team backed by the co-owner of this company and will in turn be given every opportunity they need to secure more gold? Genesis. Which team has already taken a 6CW legend not once but twice? Genesis. We may have won a battle at Atonement, but the war is nowhere near finished. There is still a conspiracy that stems from the very core of this company, and when the opportune time arrives, I will be more than happy to crush Genesis, crush Alex Walker and most importantly, crush the Mystery Backer.

The crowd pop again as Keith Leone goes and leans against the ropes and looks out to the fans who cheer his name. Leone then begins to speak again.

Leone: But all of that is for the future, and I find there is too much talk of the future in this company, and sometimes what a guy needs to do is focus on the now. When I was sitting on my ass at home after being fired, watching as Genesis took more control of 6CW, I was forced to focus on the now. When Lierderman phoned me and said how much did I want to get my hands on Walker and get some vengeance, I had to focus on the now, and on Monday night I will have to focus on the present when I take on Jackson Black for his precious International Title. Now at the moment, that title means nothing in this company really. Three guys have contested for it in reality; Jackson Black, the man who could do so much but is held back by the rest of Genesis, Mike Hill, a 6WF reject who decided to come over to 6CW just to get beaten up by new talent, and finally Triple D where the less said is definitely the better. Jackson, you’ve never had opposition like me fighting you full stop, let alone fighting you for that title. I’m going to take that title and make it worth something, rather than being just another belt for the Genesis mantle piece. But I want to you to know before anything else Jackson, what happens at Escalation is nothing personal, it’s just business. You made some bad business decisions in siding with Alex Walker and becoming part of the conspiracy, and now I’m going to be sending a message to Walker by showing him what I can do to his little World Title contender, much like I sent a message to him at Atonement when I destroyed his monster.

The conspiracy is dying Walker, and I am back just to hammer the final nails into the coffin of it. Have a nice time in hospital Alex and I’ll see you soon.

The crowd pop again as “Limo Wreck” plays and Keith Leone winks into the camera, before he going to leave the ring.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Cable Wed 28 Dec 2011, 9:11 am

(Just as Keith Leone is about to leave the ring "Japan's National Anthem" blast throughout the Arena as Team Japan walks out wearing their traditional track suits Kenzaki on the side has bruise on his forehead from the events of the fatal four way tag team #1 contendership match.)

Mike Bird- Please Welcome Future Undisputed Tag Team Champions Dopant Zero and Future International and TV Champion Hidari Kenji....They are TEAM JAPAN!

(Team Japan makes their way half way as "Japan's National Anthem" dies down... Hidari and Dopant Zero are peed....the fans continue to boo)

Hidari- Last Night had to be the worst night in Team Japan's entire career. First off Dopant Zero was robbed in the #1 contendership for the Undisputed Tag Team Titles!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- Secondly over in 6WF while I took out 2/3'd of Team 6WF... That backstabber "The Shadow" pinned Shawn Styles 1...2...3 to put a point up for 6WF.

(The fans boo)

Hidari- There is a conspiracy in this company! Mark my words Alex Walker! JONES! GENESIS! John Liederman! No matter what you do TEAM JAPAN WILL BE DOMINATE IN THIS COMPANY!

TEAM JAPAN does not trust anyone!

(The fans boo up a storm)

Hidari- But I'm not here to talk about what took place on Christmas actually we're out here to confront you Keith Leone!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- Oh you don't know us well let us reintroduce ourselves to the parasites and idiots in this Arena who seem to have amnesia... I am Hidari Kenji these men are Dopant Zero and we are here to take over 6CW! Not because we need to its because we want to and there is not a goddamn thing you anyone in 6WF or in this damn company can do about it!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- You talk about how your 6CW's Savior and your here to save us from Genesis well guess what you need to get in line like the rest of the idiots that are coming back from a suspicious Hiatus....Team Japan is here to take that spot from you!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- You said your here to crush Jackson Black and take his International Championship well guess what YOU ARE LOOKING AT YOUR FUTURE INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION!

(The fans boo)


(The fans continue to boo)

Hidari- I don't care if I'm next in line to defeat Jackson Black or you Keith Leone all I know is that you both will fall victim to Japan and you will be assassinated!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- Its sad that you think you...Geoff Steel, Dicey Reilly or even Perfect Jack can't get the job done even if you did you will fall victim to Team Japan!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- Team Japan been here for over 2 MONTHS AND WE BEEN DOMINATING 6CW!

(The fans boo)

Hidari- You parasites in this arena will show some respect to a future CHAMPION!

(The fans continue to boo)

Hidari- In 2012 Team Japan will be on the top of the ladder and we will be the most dominate Stable in all of 6CW more powerful than Genesis! 2012 is Team Japan! Keith Leone get in line and we will meet in the future we will have our match and I will show you just like each and everyone of these people day and night that WE ARE THE DAMN DEAL!

(The fans boo)


(Tsukasa grabs the mic)

Tsukasa- As I look into the ring i see a coward you see Keith you left your precious 6CW in ruins while Genesis took over! Dopant Zero are on a mission to take those damn belts from Genesis and mark my words Parasite Killers you will lose that opportunity! We will be the next ones in line for a Title Shot because we are the fastest rising and the most dominate Tag Team in this company!

(The fans boo as Kenzaki grabs the mic)

Kenzaki- You see Keith..From the looks of things Alex Walker is on his deathbed he's going to the emergency room real soon and that power Genesis once had will soon expire... 2012 is Team Japan and 6CW will fall under our control!

(The fans boo as Keith just stare down at Team Japan)

Kenzaki- Watch as we re-cooperate from our loss and dominate in 2012 when we embarrass Dicey Reilly and Lex Hart then afterwards I want those idiots up at the board to put me in a extreme match against Dicey Reilly because he hasn't an actually match since he won the title!


(The fans boo)

Hidari- We will see you in 2012 Keith Leone and we will see how long this return last because it just seems your just buying time until 6CW falls in ruins and that won't happen because Team Japan is here to save 6CW!


("Japan's National Anthem" blast as all three men stare at Keith Leone....scene fades to black)


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by AberdeenSteve Wed 28 Dec 2011, 10:06 am

Keith Leone walks towards the ropes, soaking in the feel good atmosphere he has created within the Braehead Arena. He places a foot out the ropes when “Numb” hits the speakers and the atmosphere is instantly changed into one of pure hate. The boos are raining down from the rooftops as Jackson Black sorely walks out on to the stage. He looks in loads of discomfort as he stands at the top of the ramp.

JT: “Jackson clearly showing the affects of his brutal match up against Geoff Steel at the weekend. Those two guys literally put each other through everything but Steel just had that extra something in the tank to get the win.”

HE: “Extra something? Jackson was screwed at Atonement and you god dam know that!”

Jackson lifts the microphone and begins to talk again.

“Look who managed to crawl their way back in, through the sewers no doubt by your standards Keith. When are you ever going to learn that you’re not wanted here? When is it going to sink into that thick skull that these fans don’t cheer for you for anything other reason than that you promise to take down Genesis. I wouldn’t go around making promises you can’t keep Keith as they will seriously bite you in the ass.

However, it looks like that Mr Leiderman sees you as the man to finally beat me for this International Championship. The thing is Keith, I am peed off and that really isn’t something you want me to be especially as I have a small incline that the reason I am peed off is you. If everyone just thinks back to Atonement, I threw everything at Geoff Steel and when I say everything I even threw the proverbial kitchen sink at the son of a bitch. I had him finished on numerous occasions, yet each time there was something in the way. Be it an unconscious referee, a sly foot on the ropes or some weasel like son of a bitch hiding behind a mask and thinking it is okay to mess in someone else matches.

Ever since that moment Keith, I have been playing it over and over again in my mind. I know whilst I have been in Genesis that I have peed off more people than I could count but who would rip away my dreams from me? Who would be so cold and calculated to wait until right at the end to do so? I went through every name and every possibility but I didn’t hit me until you showed your face at Atonement. The reason I lost the chance to become the 6CW World Champion was right in front of me. It was Keith, and don’t even consider denying it.

So what you waiting for, enlighten us with the truth.”

Black lowers his microphone.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Guest Wed 28 Dec 2011, 11:31 am

Keith Leone smirks at Jackson Black and then starts to applaud him sarcastically, as Jackson looks back unimpressed at Leone, who then begins to start talking.

Leone: Wait a minute a guy screwed out of a World Title shot with Geoff Steel when he had the match won, where have I seen this situation before?

The crowd cheer as Jackson looks on angrily from the stage.

Leone: Oh that’s right, at Born in Fire when you and your Genesis buddies came and screwed me out of my rightful World Title. But the fact of the matter is Jackson, that has been and gone, you and I can whine and complain about it all we want, but it’s not going to get us that World Title anytime soon, especially now we both have Co-owners who hate our guts. But now to deal with that rather heinous accusation you have dealt me Jackson, no it wasn’t me that screwed you over at Atonement. Yes I do particularly hate your guts for the crap that you and the rest of Genesis have put me through and yes I do think that out of Genesis and Steel holding the World Title, I would much prefer to see Steel leading the company. But if I was going to screw you Jackson, I wouldn’t hide under a mask, that’s just not my style. I like people to recognise my handiwork, I don’t try to stab people in the back, I like to shoot them straight between the eyes. If you want to look for guys that would want to stop you becoming World Champ, why not look at the guy who you have been badgering and threatening the power of the past few months. He fired me for knowing something I shouldn’t, why wouldn’t he get rid of you for questioning his power?

Leone shrugs his shoulders as the fans again cheer and Jackson snarls slightly before again coldly looking back at Leone, shrugging off his insinuations.

Leone: But back to this Escalation, you and I for the International Title. Now I know you’re angry that you had Geoff Steel beaten but still you’re not the champ, been there and done that. In fact when you look back at things, the two of us really aren’t that different at all. I have always said that you’re the guy that could be a top competitor if you just didn’t have Genesis holding you back, but you’re just too afraid to fight alone as it’s a big and scary world out there without some backup there for you. That’s where I will always hold the advantage over you Jackson, I’ve always been out there by myself. I’ve never had the backup of a team behind me, I turned down the offer to become the leader of Walker’s pet project for 6CW and I sure as hell refused to work with the “Mystery Backer”, but as I have said before, and that will be revealed at the opportune moment. When is that you might ask? When I feel it is necessary to do so.

You and I are going to war at Escalation Jackson, and we have both been through hellacious matches already, and it’s now time to test just how resilient you are. Can you put that loss behind you and focus on me long enough to get the job done, or are you going to make that one mistake that’ll cost you? Because you know as well as everyone, all I need is one chance and I’ll take it.

The crowd start chanting “Leone” as he lowers the mic and smirks at Jackson Black, who looks back at Keith Leone arrogantly before starting to talk.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by AberdeenSteve Wed 28 Dec 2011, 1:17 pm

Black looks down the ramp at Leone, nothing but pure anger coming from the expression on his face. He can visibly be seen deeply breathing in and out before he raises the microphone to his mouth.

“Afraid? You couldn’t be further from the truth my friend. When have you ever seen me use Genesis to my advantage? Have they ever helped me out when defending my International Championship? In fact, did they ever help me to become 6CW International Champion? I flick back the pages of match info you’ll find the answer is a no. I got where I am today on ability and determination. Where were you when I came back from 3-0 down to win a Best of 7 series 4-3 Keith? Did you see Genesis helping me out? No, I clawed my way back into that series myself. So don’t you dare stand there and say I am afraid to leave Genesis. I am with Genesis so I can’t enjoy taking out scumbags like you Keith.

Liederman believes you have the ability to take this title off of me but the only thing he is doing is sending you to a grim end. I know it was you that screwed me Keith, you can stand there all you want and say that you don’t stab people in the back and that you take enjoyment from ‘shooting people between the eyes’ but I know it was you Keith. You wanted revenge from BiF and you got it. The thing is though Keith, that every action has a reaction and you are going to get one hell of a reaction from me at Escalation. I am going to show that Jackson Black doesn’t need Genesis and that he has what it takes to go it alone. I will prove to you first hand that I am more than capable of being successful without Genesis. I will show you that I am the most determined and resilient son of a bitch on this roster. You have no idea what you are getting yourself in for Keith.”

Black lifts his 6CW International Title above his head.

“If you want war, you’ll get war.”


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Guest Wed 28 Dec 2011, 1:54 pm

Keith Leone looks angered by Jackson Black’s response and starts to pace up and down the ring before he turns and starts to speak again.

Leone: You see, this is your weakness and always has been, you have a hot head Jackson. You got screwed at Atonement and you picked the first guy you could find as the culprit. You honestly think I’d waste my time in your match when I have Walker and conspiracies to deal with. I had nothing to do with it as I trusted that Steel could get the job done without anybodies help, but that was clearly a mistake by me as we nearly had Genesis with almost total control over 6CW once more. Whoever your trying to deal with obviously has a problem with you personally, not Genesis, not Walker just you, otherwise he’d be trying to help the Rebels as well. It’d be a waste of my time to take you down when you aren’t the figurehead of Genesis, you’re just a mindless lackey who gets wound up by Walker and then sent to do his bidding.

I told you that you were afraid because you’ve always been protected by Genesis whether you like it or not. Mike Hill is a 6WF reject, a has-been, he got a World Title when the 6WF was at a low point and from then on and has lived off of that brief period of time. You’ve always been given the “safe” option, you’ve been given Geoff Steel after Walker saw that he could be beaten by me. You were given Daniel Reilly because at that point Reilly had lost sight of what he was fighting for and was easy pickings for you. However when you look back on it, who did you get protected from. Walker through Internecio at me in an effort to stop me, and it didn’t work, then when I got passed him Walker realised what I was ready to do and got rid of me. You’ve never had to fight with the likes of Dicey Reilly, Lex Hart, etc, the real animals of 6CW who would tear you apart when they got the slightest chance.

That belt over your shoulder doesn’t symbolize that you’re the Champion, it symbolizes that Genesis still has control over this company. It symbolizes that the conspiracy is still strong and that it still has the power to make and break this company. You being Champion just means that Genesis has power still and it sickens me to think that. The people responsible for nearly killing a man are still standing tall in the company, treated as god-like figures because of all of the guys in the company who are too spineless to join up with the Rebels and bring them down. That reaction you talk about is the reaction I expect, it’s what I want, as you see when that little switch clicks in your mind that you want some revenge, it will cost you dearly. You’ll be so focused on trying to get revenge for what happened at Atonement you won’t even be able to focus on the present, where I will be gradually pulling you apart, piece by piece until I have beaten you finally. Then what are you going to tell Alex in hospital? That you and the rest of Genesis weren’t capable of keeping control without him?

Jackson, the war has been going for months already, you’re only just being dragged into it now.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Bentyf1 Thu 29 Dec 2011, 10:34 am

*The camera begins to pan around the arena, showing fans going wild waving signs and chanting 6CW Before the lights go off and the camera focuses on the Titantron. The arena is then brought back into life as Numb screams out over the airwaves, the fans share a mixed reaciton of boos and cheers as a figure gingerly walks onto the ramp. The figure is wearing a casual top with a smart grey jacket over the top with expensive grey trousers and shiny black shoes*

JT: Kenty? what is he doing out here?

HL: I don't know Jeff..he looks pretty banged up after what happened at Atonement, I thought Liederman had given all talent involved the night off?

JT: They have to be in attendance Henry, and quite frankly Kenty should be keeping his mouth shut..

*Kenty hobbles down the ramp on the way to the ring, to a familiar chorus of boos and jeers but some tiny pockets of applause and fans bowing. As Kenty walks up the steel steps to the ring, the camera manages to capture Kenty's face, showing the full scale damage that the match at Atonement did with a few bruises around the forehead, a blood shot eye, a abrasion on the cheek and a cut to the lip. As Kenty stands in the ring, the arena descends back into darkness, as a white beam of light rockets down to the ring engulfing Kenty, accompanied with a Microphone. Kenty snatches the microphone, chews his chewing gum, surveying the crowd before addressing them*


*The fans begin to laugh and taunt Kenty as his voice changes to a squeeky tone. Clutching his throat and fuming, Kenty holds the microphone back up to his lips*


Mr Kenty: You know something? I didn't have to come out here tonight or bring myself to the show tonight, but there is something eating at me and bubbling away in side of me that has to come out tonight. Because I'm sick to my stomach. Well for a number of reasons..

The first most obvious reason is the fact that somewhere, our beloved, rightful owner of this show, Alex Walker is recuperating from his terrible injuries he sustained at Atonement at the hands of the rebels, in the Lethal Lockdown match with Genesis..

*The fans begin to crank up the boos, as Kenty looks disgusted*

Secondly, John Liederman has returned to 6CW..

*The fans burst into raptures of cheers*

And looking from it, from my perspective, its really no surprise or secret, me and Mr Liederman do not get along and its no surprise that the rebels and I don't get along either. But..its not the fact we don't get along gentleman..I really, really, really, really, really..dislike you. I Don't dislike you for what you did at Atonement, I don't dislike you for what you have being doing for the past months making our lives hell, giving us sleepless nights, I don't dislike you for trying to make names for yourself for the first time or another time after sinking into mediocrity..I dislike you because you all share a similar commodity. You have no respect..

*The crowd begins to get restless and start to jeer at Kenty, who looks nonchalant in the ring*

You have no respect for Talent. Alex Walker is still a living legend! and did you Liederman, respect him? No..Reilly, White, Valour, Jack and Leone did you respect him? Huh? NO,NO,NO,NO!

*The crowd break out the you suck chant*

I hate to toot my own horn or the horn of Genesis, but I'm the greatest thing ever to grace this company, as our the superstars collected in the Genesis. Let alone Escalation! Oh yeah baby believe it! But its clear to me and clear to the people in attendance tonight and the millions watching on their sky boxes at home, its clear that Liederman, Reilly, Leone, Valour, White and Jack you have no respect for Alex Walker, Genesis or Me. And its Sick..

See were all respectful guys.. and Not only did I respect Alex Walker, and Genesis were all friends. See you guys just see us as robots, under command from Alex Walker giving us jobs and what not to do, but the fact is Liederman and the rebels you all wish you got along with Mr Walker and Genesis, you all wished to find some common Ground with Mr Walker and Genesis. We all know each other inside out..from our personal lives to our finances, our careers and lives at home..

One evening, when the dust had settled on another night where Genesis dominated, the fans had gone back home, the superstars had travelled away to their hotels for the evening. He held us all back in his office and told us, a great quote from Vince Lombadi.."Winning isn't everything, its the only thing" he also told us that good things may happen to good people, but great things happen to those of us who work really, really hard. Alex Walker expects us to grab those brass rings and don't wait for things to be spoon-fed to them like tiny little infants, like the rebels and John Liederman who expect things to be given to them like that on merit. Which is the reason why they are fuelled with Jealousy and disrespect and they channel their emotions and discontent at Genesis, at people who get the job done.

Alex walker is a great man, he is like a father figure to me and Genesis are the best group of collective talent that you people and the rest of superstars in the back can be envious about..and that's why from this point onwards.. I dedicate my career to the genius and the legacy that is..


*Mounting the Turnbuckle, Mr Kenty stares down at the audience, before smirking and then raising the microphone to his lips*


*The crowd hit the roof with jeers as a beamused Mr Kenty tosses the microphone back, still maintaining a position on the turnbuckle looking at a hostile crowd as the scene goes backstage..*


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by AberdeenSteve Thu 29 Dec 2011, 11:05 am

Black calmly stares down the rope at Leone, no change in expression across his face.
“I’m a hot head am I? What makes you think that exactly? I’ve every right to be peed off Keith but to say I am hot head is miles from the truth. The only thing in this building that makes my blood boil is you.

I find it rather amusing that you find me as a mere lackey in the Genesis puzzle. In fact, I find it incredibly stupid for you to think otherwise. I am an original Genesis member; I have seen the fall of Gazzy D and been there when every piece of trash was taken out. Not only that, but I am one of the members to be carrying gold. There is all this talk that when Genesis loses the gold, they lose the power. So how do you figure that I’m not important enough to ‘take out’ Keith? You even said it yourself; the thought of Genesis having power sickens you. We have this company right where we want it, in the palm of our hands.

That irks you Keith, I can see it in your eyes. You know that as long as Kenty & Mikey hold the tag titles and I continue to hold the International Title, you are never going to amount to anything in this company. So I’d seriously reconsider your statement that I am of no importance to Genesis being in control. I knew from day one that when I joined Genesis I was in for warfare. At Escalation you are in for a battle Keith, there is nothing that is going to stop me from becoming the greatest 6CW International Champion and future 6CW World Title especially not a low life like you.

I am focused on retaining this, I never take my eye off the prize but I ensure you Keith that I am also just as focused on destroying you. You may be the one with the hardcore background but I have my own arsenal of weapons. I have the submissions move to leave you on the floor screaming in pain and at Escalation I am going to rip you limb for limb and I’m going to enjoy doing it.”

Black lowers the microphone with a sick smile across his face.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Guest Thu 29 Dec 2011, 11:37 am

Keith Leone looks intensely at Jackson Black for a moment, before a smirk comes across his face and he brings the microphone up to his lips.

Leone: Jackson, only one guys has ever made me submit in my career, and that was Abe Abercorn in his prime. Now as much potential as I think you have, he could have ripped your arm off if he felt like it, so don’t give me threats of you being a “submission” specialist. You see, you’re just like your endless speeches, slow and dull. You rely on your opponent not being smart enough to cope with you, whereas you have a new problem with me Jackson, as even though I’ve taken some bad shots to the head in my career, I’m still a lot more intelligent than most of the guys in the back. That means I have you scouted, I know exactly what you look for in the ring, I know those areas you target and I know everyone one of your “dangerous” moves. Whereas I am more unpredictable, I’m Keith Leone, the guy that no-one is ever sure of. How many people can say in the back that they have survived a Chamber of Horrors match with an irate Dicey Reilly? I plan when needs be and I just do when other problems arise, and at Escalation I will quite happily just kick you in the head with no second thought.

Then there is that hot-head you refuse to acknowledge Jackson. You can deny it all you want, but how many times have you felt incensed that Alex Walker has held you back huh? I mean he didn’t give you a title shot, he made you fight Internecio for it and you had to cheat to win. You didn’t even think twice about trying to take out Internecio out in that match, you just cared about proving yourself. When Mike Hill was kicking your ass week in and week out, you were driven so crazy by it you attacked him from behind just to give you a win, because that’s the kind of guy you are. You can’t keep your head in the game and instead you choose to let your emotions get the better of you, which I can tell you will soon cost you dearly, at Escalation in fact.

But then you did manage to get one thing right. The fact that Genesis still has championships makes me feel physically sick. I’ve worked myself to near death on a number of occasion for both the 6WF and 6CW, and yet I still have only a few scattered title reigns to show for it. I’ve been cheated, robbed and stepped on all of my career because guys are afraid of what I will do when I get power. “What will Keith say if he becomes World champ?” I’ll tell you what I’ll say, I’ll tell every dirty secret that this company has, and trust me when I tell you Jackson, when I do tell all, you’d be highly advised to listen to what I have to say.

But finally, we’re back to the wrong with you, when you think you’re more important to Genesis because you are a champion. You’re still nothing but a pawn to Walker and deep down you know it. I mean come on, Walker had Triple D lined up as the leader before he chose you, he had Gazzy D as the leader before you and hell, he even tried to get me as the leader of Genesis before you were even thought of as a champion. You’re a nobody Jackson, a talented nobody I’ll give you, but still a nobody. You’re only where you are today because you won’t ask questions of Alex Walker, you won’t dare step out of line with him, whereas the rest of us are too spirited to be broken and controlled like some guard dog.

Come Escalation, I’m going to show you what Alex really thinks of you, when I beat you down to a bloodied pulp and there is no-one there to save you, as Alex just then starts looking for another guy to mould into his own ideal superstar.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by AberdeenSteve Thu 29 Dec 2011, 7:36 pm

Black just stares up the ramp at his foe. His eyes don’t leave Keith as he lifts the microphone to his mouth.

“Keith, will you drop it with the ‘Jackson is a hot head’ line please? Do I stand before you looking like some raging bull? I’m not out here, shouting my head off and trying to beat the lift out of anyone am I? That’s a hot head Keith. I am out here merely letting you know that your little rebellion against the evils that be is falling apart. It’s falling apart before it has ever begun might I add.

Do you think it bothers me that I was never Walker’s first choice to be head of Genesis? Would I be stood before still apart of Genesis if it had bothered me. I enjoy being part of Genesis Keith. Like I have already said, it comes with its perks. I get all the woman, extra cash and the major bonus of getting to beat up jumped up little creeps like you. You are a disease Keith and nobody wants you here. The only reason they cheer for you is because you supposedly know a little secret about the background on which Genesis was built. But how many weeks is it now that you have been telling all these people you are going to open the proverbial can of worms and watch as Genesis crumbles? Too many if you ask me.

If you wanted to drop Genesis to its knees Keith, enlighten us with this piece of information you so eagerly tell us about. But the matter of the fact is Keith, you haven’t done it yet and we all know why. It’s because you don’t have any dirty little secret. You were sick of all the boos and decided to make up a lie to get yourself a few cheers. You are pathetic Keith and at Escalation I will prove that.

Make all the claims you want, but when it comes down to it Keith I am better than you. That’s why 6CW International Champion and you are a piece of trash that is well and truly going to be taken out.”


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Crimey Thu 29 Dec 2011, 8:47 pm

The 6CW arena is completely full of people, suddenly the lights turn down and smoke fills the stage and ramp. The titantron switches on and shows Zach Corchia stood backstage, he has a sleeveless hoody on with the hood up and he is looking down. 'Can't Stop' blasts out of the speakers and Zach looks up, he is smiling as he walks down the corridor. The main riff kicks in and Zach Corchia steps out onto the stage and the members of the crowd that know him give a big cheer. Corchia stands on the stage and pulls his hood down and pyrotechnics flash all around him. He sprints down the ramp and jumps up onto the apron, he flips into the ring and climbs a turnbuckle, and raises his arms.

JT: That is Zach Corchia, 6CW's newest acquisition. Some of this crowd already know him from his TWA days and it appears he was quite popular with them.

HE: I wonder whether he can recreate that popular with 6CW fans. He was a former world champion in TWA, but 6CW has one of the most difficult world title scenes to break into in the world of wrestling.

JT: That is true Henry, just think about Atonement's amazing world title match where Jackson Black came short against STILL world champion; Geoff Steel.

HE: Coincidently, Zach Corchia will be thrown into the deep end on the 10th of January, because he'll stand toe to toe with Geoff Steel.

Zach Corchia climbs down from the turnbuckle and stands in the centre of the ring, he is thrown a microphone which he catches in one hand and raises it slowly to his lips.

ZC: Some of you may recognise me...

There is a big cheer from some sections of the crowd.

ZC: And the rest of you will soon understand exactly who I am and what I'm about, and hopefully you'll get why the people who know me give me such a good reception. At Atonement I signed a 6CW contract, I became a wrestler in the already talented roster, but I offer something nobody else does. I fight harder and more fiercely than anybody else. You may get some guys who claim to be intense, who claim to never give up, but I can assure you that not one can hold a candle to me.

I have fought all my life, I fought the critics who said I couldn't make it as a wrestler, I fought the guys who said I was too small, too weak, too damn young! I proved them all wrong by getting signed by a big promotion, I got into the big leagues and you know what, I've only been a part of the big leagues for less than a year and my experience of it is that it's as close as you can get to hell on Earth....and I love it!

When I got signed to TWA, or 6WA as it was known then, I had no idea that on the first night I would win a battle royal to be world champion...or that I'd be immediately screwed! I spent my entire tenure there being screwed over, stabbed in the back, fired and rehired, before it finally went bust. I never once gave up though, every son of a bitch who tried to hold me back failed, because I just kept on fighting, I always had one more punch, one more kick left in me.

I've only recently turned 19, but I will fight with anybody who stands in my way, whether they be 25, 30, 40 or even 65! I don't care what they have achieved, if they are former world champions, are in a Hall of Fame, if they have influenced millions of people, it doesn't matter because I will fight them, and you know what? I could damn well beat them! This ring is where I come alive, and you'll all see that on the tenth of January, 6CW is a big place, but I will make a name for myself. I will fight for you fans, I will fight for every boy and girl being bullied in the world, I will fight for the unspoken for, that is a guarantee!

I could have ended up anywhere after TWA went under, I could have signed for 6WF (Crowd boo), TNA, WWE, you name a wrestling promotion, I probably got a phone call from them...yet at the end of it all I signed up to this company, to be a member of this roster and to fight for you fans. There were a couple of reasons for this, I did it for you fans, because you're the best fans in the world, the atmosphere, the noise in the arenas you fill each week and every month is unreal, it's world famous.

I signed because to be the best, you have to beat the best, and the best are here in 6CWF, they will be backstage right now. I want my name to be in lights, I want my name to be held up amongst the greats, and the only way I am going to do that is if I beat the guys whose names are already in the lights, who are already considered great. 6CWF gives me that opportunity and I will not let it pass.

A big reason, and one I didn't predict, for me signing along the dotted line for 6CW was one beautiful woman. Christy James spoke to me when I first had a look backstage, she was probably the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen, she was so nice, so understanding and it may be cheesy, it may be a little unbelievable but when I joined this company, meeting her again, being able to work with her and speak to her every day was a huge influence one me signing the contract...

Yet, she's gone, missing, taken! When John Liederman offered me the contract, a unofficial, verbal agreement was that I was going to find her, find out who has taken her and get her back, for her family, for 6CW and for me. I know that the person who has taken her is on 6CWF's books, and it won't take long for me to track whatever Bar Steward took her and I will make him pay for taking her away, especially at Christmas. Whoever did it is a sick son of a bitch, but we will find out that if you play with fire, you get hurt!

I've talked out fighting with the best, and true to that, my first 6CWF match, my very first bout will be up against one of, if not the, best there is. World Champion, 6CW Legend; Geoff Steel. He is known worldwide, I've sat and watched him in the ring as a fan, and it's hard not to be impressed. He's not the most pretty in the ring, not the fastest or the strongest, but damn he's good! He's a fighter through and through, some guys are athletes, others stuntmen, but Geoff Steel is a fighter, and that's what has put him on the top.

I may respect Geoff Steel, but I am not going to go easy on him. He will get my best, my very best, I will give it my all, I want to show the world that I can fight with guys like Steel, guys like Dicey Reilly, and the only way I can do that is by going out there and fighting them. So at Escalation on the tenth of January, history will be made, Zach Corchia will make his début and maybe, just maybe, he will overcome the odds and beat the world champion? We can all dream!

There is a much bigger cheer now than there was at the beginning of Zach's speech as more people have started to cheer him. Zach Corchia climbs up to the top rope and raises his arms in the air and there is an audible chant of; "ZACH COR-CHI-A!"


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Guest Thu 29 Dec 2011, 9:43 pm

Keith Leone again slow claps Jackson Black as the fans boo the previous outburst, before Keith brings the microphone to his lips again and starts to speak.

Leone: For all of this time I have told you I have respected your in ring prowess and I was sure that sooner rather than later it was going to be you leading this company, but that little tirade has just shown me otherwise. You have all of the skill to get far in this company, but unfortunately Mr. Scarecrow, you really do lack a brain.

You say you don’t have a hot-head, and yet you seem incensed every time I make an insinuation against you. Now if that’s not a hot-head I don’t know what is. But you still love in denial, you try to be someone your not Jackson, and let me tell you from experience that’s not a healthy way to live. These fans used to cheer for me because I kissed up to them, because I was “lovable” and fun. I would get beaten up week in and week out and then fall into my hotel room and tell myself that what I was doing was right, it was natural for me, because I was so afraid of daring to step out of my comfort zone, in case I didn’t like the big bad world. Now that’s the point I think you have reached Jackson, you’re this talented and brainless suck-up, and you’re too afraid to try and change all of that, because you don’t want the girls and drinks to go away for a while.

That confusion and fear then leads onto you being so protective of Genesis, so willing to do anything that your master asks, as after all, if Alex gets annoyed at you he will throw you straight to the curb like Gazzy D and Triple D before you. That Genesis high life is nothing but a little congratulation from Walker, a treat if you will, for his lapdogs acting so obediently and willingly. Then when he asks, you will come out and attack those “creeps “ as you call them, and you don’t even see the damage being done. You don’t realise that those “creeps” are trying to eliminate the real poison in this company, the man who is tearing it apart from the ground up in an effort to gain more power. That’s all you’re used at Jackson, a hired hand to silence anyone who dares to go against the “plan”.

But there is the greatest problem you face, I’m not one of those “jumped up little creeps” as you call them. Do you want to know why? Because those guys don’t wield the power that I do. That dirty little secret is there alright, and as much as you like to mock me, you know that I have all of the information I could ever want, but why not reveal it all now? Because I can play so many more games with you. Genesis is already showing signs of wear and tear, you’ve already been proven to not be the dominant force you thought you were, but you still have the power to cause problems in this company, for instance you still have that International Title you are so proud of. What I really want to do is watch and see what I can make you do. I’ve already managed to get Walker into a hospital bed and I am slowly watching you drift further and further into denial of the whole situation, and really that intrigues me. I can destroy this conspiracy when I see fit, but I can’t see the fall of Genesis every day, so maybe I’ll watch you all try and cope before you fall.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Fernando Fri 30 Dec 2011, 1:01 am

The picture starts off with the view off the top of the 6cw arena with the moon into the distance

Last night the era of darkness began when my mystery associate disposed of that piece of crap that was Wilson Maine, Maine's soul has been committed to the underworld and will burn for eternity in the flames of hell.

The tide of change is going to pour blood over 6cw as it goes up in flames and burn to the ground where only the strong will survive or you will perish into the darkness.

A man walks into view

The destiny of this man has already been decided in which will be revealed in good time, This man has chosen the route of the golden and will be rewarded with the knowledge that i behold.

Wilson Maine was weak and needed to be removed before he dragged Cerberus down with him through his ineptness therefore i took the cancer that obstructed Cerberus and cut it away leaving his path clear to head towards the promise land.

I took the mere mortal and turned him into the monster he should of been from the beginning, i removed his compassion from his soul and replaced it with a hate filled lust of pain that no mere man can even describe.

Cerberus comes and kneels infront of the man and spreads his arms open wide

Fire will conquer all and will burn forever until i drag everyone into the eternal damnation that is hell............

The clouds roll in as it starts to rain blood from the sky, The moon starts to turn bright red in the sky as fire consumes it until it crumbles to the earth in a blanket of ash


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Perfect Jack Fri 30 Dec 2011, 10:28 pm

The scene opens at the arena car-park as a limousine pulls up. The camera shows the driver getting out and walking to the back. The crowd wait on baited breath as the driver opens the door. Out of the car door steps a well-dressed man. He stands up fully as the camera pans up towards his face. The crowd gain in excitement as the camera man shows none other than Perfect Jack.

Perfect Jack shuts the door and tips the driver. The drive nods graciously as he get's back into the limousine.

Perfect Jack is in a pristine Armani suit as he enters the building to be met by Jack Reynolds.

JR: Perfect Jack it's good to see you, I am...

PJ: Jack Reynolds is it? That's a good name. The perfect name you could say.

JR: Yes sir, how did you know?

PJ: Perfect Jack knows everything. Let's get down to business shall we?

Jack walks on as the scene fades with Jack Reynolds follows behind him.

***5 minutes later, the scene re-opens to Jack and Jack Reynolds sitting in the interview area***

JR: Here we go ladies and gentlemen, a sit-down interview with the returning Perfect Jack.

The crowd cheer as the camera shows Jack nodding in appreciation.

JR: First of all Jack, welcome back to 6CW.

PJ: Thank you Mr Reynolds.

JR: You made a winning return at Atonement helping the rebels defeat the Genesis and in the process cutting years of your life and career by hitting the Perfect Slam on Udo Berg off the stage. How are you feeling right now?

PJ: I won't lie Mr. Reynolds I'm in a lot of pain and i'm thankful for John Liederman for giving me the night off. Lord knows that I need it. As for cutting years of my life? I don't think so Reynolds. This is the perfect body, I'll be fine.

JR: Good to hear Jack. Here's the question that's on everyone's lips, how did it feel when Alex Walker fired you from 6CW the company you call home.

PJ: Well Jack, it hurt. It hurt real bad. To think Alex Walker had the audacity to fire me from 6CW knowing full well who I am. I took it on the chin. I packed my bags and I left. When I left the arena, seeing the faces on the fans, it lit a fire within me. A fire I haven't experienced since my early days here in 6CW. I went home, I spent a few days recovering and thinking about what I was going to do next. I sat at home watching the shows. It angered me. Genesis angered me, seeing what they were doing to my beloved company. I've done bad things in the past, but I'd never jeopardise the future of this company. As the weeks went on I got angrier and angrier. I got vicious. I started to train. I burnt off the weight I put on, I re-built the muscles that have got me through hours and hours of matches against the best of the best. I had a mission. A mission to save 6CW. My return was inevitable. Whether it would have happened last week or next year. Perfect Jack was always going to come back.

I got the call from John Liederman, a man I have worked with closely before. He called me as I was training. We had a brief call. He laid out his plans for 6CW and offered me a contract to return. I didn't hesitate in accepting. I knew I was ready. I felt it in my blood, I felt it within my veins. The fire had reached full burning point. I was back.

JR: Thank you Jack for that answer. Just a few more questions, Genesis are on the ropes, what's next for them?

PJ: What's next? Total destruction of the Genesis. I won't stop until they are through and they are disbanded. I'll take enjoyment in destroying that group.

JR: What about what's next for Perfect Jack?

PJ: When the Genesis are laid to rest, I'm coming for the World Title. I haven't held title gold in a while now. My perfectly chisled waist is looking bare, it needs gold. It's crying out for Gold, it's hungry for gold and I'm going to use every ounce of my perfect body in putting gold around it. The World Title is what I want and as always, I won't stop until I get what I want.

JR: Thanks very much Jack.

PJ: Your welcome Mr. Reynolds, one more thing, you can't beat Perfection.

The scene fades out as Jack exits the interview area.

Last edited by Perfect Jack on Fri 30 Dec 2011, 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Christy got kidnapped :()

Perfect Jack

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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Lee Sat 31 Dec 2011, 4:08 pm

we see video footage from a security camera MON 26TH 00:12AM, what appears to be a hospital wing is shown with doctors and nurses going about their business.

Suddenly a large crash is heard and the doctors start running out of shot down to a room, the camera changes to various angles trying to find a shot of what is happening.

Finally the camera in the room flickers to life as we see seven large doctors trying to restrain a giant on the hospital bed, the camera zooms in and we see that the giant is Udo Berg.

Doctor: Mr Berg please you suffered a massive head injury you need to let us do our jobs!

Udo seems angrier than usual as he roars and shouts things in German.

Doctor: Nurse this man needs to be sedated!

Nurse: He is! any normal person would be out like a light with the amount he has inside him!

Doctor: Then use more!

Nurse: But we....

Doctor: DO IT!

The nurse readies another dose of sedative to try and knock out the giant but as she prepares to administer it Udo grabs her by the head and throws her across the room, then one by on he throws the doctors across the room then finally he groggily stands and grabs the Doctor by the neck and choke slams him onto the hard floor.

Udo staggers out of the room as the camera changes to the hallway, we see Udo slowly making his way to down to the exit as doctors and security try to stop him but meet the same power as the doctors in the ward did.

Udo reaches the front door and the camera changes to an outside CCTV as we see Udo staggering out of the hospital and through the car park and into the darkness of a side street.............


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by AberdeenSteve Sun 01 Jan 2012, 12:33 pm

Jackson just coldly stares down the ramp at Leone. His eyes fixed on his opponent as he lifts the microphone to his mouth.

“You know something Keith, I’m sick of standing up here and have you talking trash about me. The garbage that is coming out of your mouth is nothing short of bull s***. You can stand up there and tell me that I am nothing without Genesis, that Genesis is the reason I am where I am today. But just let me ask you one thing. Where were Genesis when I had Geoff Steel against the ropes, when I had the 6CW World Champion fighting for his life? Where were Genesis when I scrapped myself from 3-0 down to retain the title that is currently over my shoulder? Where were they Keith? I’ll tell you, they were in the back and no-where near those matches.

At Escalation Keith I will prove to you first hand that I can stand on my own two feet. The only person that is going to end up in a bloody mess is you Keith. When my title is on the line, I will fight until my last breath but when the match involves you it is a completely different ball game. I might have just been dragged into this war with you personally but this is one battle you will not be winning. I’ll see you Tuesday Keith.”

Jackson drops the microphone before lifting his International Title above his head. Keith make a hand motion around his waist and can be seen mouthing “See you Tuesday” back at Black.


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Tue 03 Jan 2012, 12:51 pm

The cameras show a wrecked hotel room , there is a tv shaped hole in the window and half naked bodies are strewn all over the floor. In the corner snoring loudly is Dicey Reilly he is naked and hugging a toppled Christmas tree as the camera zooms in the snoring stops , Dicey scratches his backside and rolls over his modesty only saved by a strategically placed Christmas angel .

A mobile phone starts to ring but nobody moves, the camera focuses onto a wardrobe where the sound seems to be coming from, suddenly the doors are flung open and out falls Lex Hart. He is still wearing a party hat from a Christmas cracker and appears to be dressed in no more than a bow tie and a pink thong. Lex stumbles for a second before pulling his phone from the front of his pants

LH" Uhhhhhhhh, wha????????
You're kidding, but it's new Years Day

What ???????? the third, how did that happen????

Lex puts the phone down and looks round the room with a confused look on his face
Lex starts to search the room
DR"Mmmmmmm not yet mother , two more minutes then I'll get ready for school
Lex sees Dicey in the corner
LH" Dicey wake up it's Tuesday"
LH" Its Tuesday!!!!!!"
Dicey starts to come round
LH " And we booked this room Saturday , for one night !!!!!!. Look at the state of this place, what did we do???
DR" Whatdid we do?????
I don't know about you but I had one hell of a new year celebration"
Dicey stands up the angel still in place
Lex looks down and shakes his head
LH" What the??????? No you know what I don't want to know
We've got to get going apparently we've got a match at Escalation

Dicey claps his hands together
DR" Excellent I'm in the mood to kick some ass
LH" But what are going to do about this room????"
DR " Not our problem"
LH" What do you mean, of course it's our problem, look at he state of this place, the tv has been thrown out of the window

DR " Relax lexy, it's all taken care of"

5 minutes later Lex and Dicey are checking out

DR" Just checking out of the penthouse suite, hope you don't mind that we stayed a few extra days
We were just having such a good time we didn't want to leave"

Dicey hands over a credit card
Receptionist" No problem ............................
Mr Walker
No problem at all"

Dicey smiles at Lex as they leave the hotel
DR " This is gonna be a great year"

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Beer Wed 04 Jan 2012, 7:16 pm

The 6CW arena is alive with anticipation. The sound of crackling fire fills the arena as the Titantron flickers into life. The camera moves up from a glowing fireplace to a gentleman sat in a leather armchair, the growling of a dog can be heard as the camera zooms out to reveal the man....

CP: Oh, Hello. My name is Colbert Pickwhislte and it is my most honorable pleasure to introduce myself to you as the newest member of the 6CW brethren.

Colbert takes a sip from a small china cup before puffing on a pipe....

CP: Now, one may look upon me in my vastly eloquent surroundings and wonder who in the jeepers I am, and more to the point, what in the ruddy hell is a misogenistic old fool like me doing in a wrestling federation? Well, one does not beat around the bush. You're looking at the Earl of Ponkleville. The most dashing and debonairre of this most wonderously quaint village. Supreme tea enthusiast, expert bowls champion, and beloved friend to the dainty hedgehog.

The camera pans around the room and focuses on the wall behind Colbert, the edwardian lampshades pinned around the mounted heads of a Badger and a female....

CP: Ah yes, the mounts upon my wall. Firstly, they are what they seem. The lady you gaze upon was once my 'Duchess', my rock, my childhood fantasy. Until she was revealed as a Nazi enthusiast. My love for my darling Hilderbrandt wilted like a rose in a winter storm. Sadly, my attempts to patch up the torn quilt of our lust was shattered by the disease ridden hunter you see to her left. The fiendish badger. Devil's animal. Tormentor of the hedghog. I must stress, that whilst my antagonistic and vitriolic hatred of this beast knows no bounds, i wish them no harm. Animals are merely creatures that may never aspire to our homsapien like forms. But nonetheless, what happened to my dear Hildy was no more than mere coincidence. I remember it like it was yesterday...

The lights in the room dim as the face of Colbert fills the screen....

CP: It was a snowy day. The winters fog lift around the Ponkleville Forest. The majestic glow of the suns yellowy gaze did pass over the trees with such pleasure that only the most hardened of beasts would not melt in its goldness. Hildy and I had strolled for hours, discussing the marital seperation that would soon befall us. I carried my trusty musket with us to protect us from the indigenous wolves which haunt the forests, when all of a sudden out of the blanket of white, fake gold shot the most demonic and evil of rodents. His eyes a beedy, fiery red, his claws daggered and sharpened. He launched himself, mouth a-widened with venomous hatred. I swung forth my musket toot sweet and aimed at the beast pulling the trigger with the might of a 1000 tanks....... then it came. The horror. The shame. The translucent, glowing red ooze began to fall on the ground. The blanket of white soon a think sludge of red goo. The screams were unbearable. I picked her up and screamed with all my breath, i wrapped her in my arms and rushed back towards the manor, but it was too late. She was gone. By the time i returned for Hildy the police had already arrived, i pleaded my innocence. Protested to the highest order that i tried my utmost to save my darling Hildy.....

The sound of a dog barking interupts Colbert as he begins to grin...

CP: Ah yes, of course, of incredibly rude of me. Let me introduce you to my beloved children, Max and Bygrave...

The camera pans out to show Colbert's Bassett Hounds snuggled by his feet...

CP: My gentle friends. Such lovely mannered creatures. Loyal as a chinese servant to his american family. Now where was I? Oh yes, my appearence. Well, one can assure you that Colbert Pickwhistle is not here to make up the numbers. I'm here to earn my crust and go forth in battle with musket in arms. Don't let my aged appearance delude you, for i'm as strong as an Ox and wily as the humble coyote. And soon I will lay siege to the 6CW communtiy...... You'll soon be stepping into the ring with true greatness, in it's most humble, and glorious form....

Colbert gets to his feet, taking a puff of his cigar....

CP: En Garde!

M&B: 'Woof'!

Colbert grins at the camera as the fans stare in bemusement....


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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Thu 05 Jan 2012, 9:59 pm

Lex Hart is outside the 6CW arena when his phone rings
A huge smile comes across Lex's face and he starts to laugh before hanging up the phone and walking through the entrance where he is approached by Jack Reynolds

JR " A quick word Lex?"
Lex nods and puts his gym bag down

JR" Where's Dicey tonight, it seems strange to see you on your own"

LH" Last I heard he was somewhere in the black country"

Jack looks horrified
JR" Lex you can't say things like that, racism is frowned upon in 6CW and with what's happened in football all sporting bodies are walking on eggshells"

Lex shakes his head
LH" No the black country, the midlands

Jack looks confused

Lex sighs
LH" He's in Birmingham you moron!!!!

Jack looks relieved and a little offended
JR " Birmin..... What is he doing.... Why aren't you???????"

Lex looks a little peeved
LH" Look are we here to speak about Dicey or do you wanna ask me a question????

Jack looks stumped and stares at the floor so Lex picks up his bag and walks off towards the dressing room area

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Escalation January 10th 2012 Empty Re: 6CW Escalation January 10th 2012

Post by Mat Sun 08 Jan 2012, 6:50 pm

"The Next Big Thing" blares out through the speakers and the crowd burst into cheers as Mike Hill strides out onto the ramp. He salutes the fans before swaggering down the walkway tagging the hands of his fans before springboarding over the top rope.

JT:Hill not had the most successful time of it these past few weeks in the Interfed cup.

HE:He needs to buck his ideas up, he's letting the side down at the moment. We don't take kindly to the sort of attitude he's showing.

JT:Hill's trying his hardest, things just don't seem to be clicking.

Mike Hill:Thanks for the as-ever fantastic reception you guys have given me...but I don't want your applause anymore.

*Crowd boo

Mike Hill:No,no don't take it like that. I appreciate the support, I really do but I am not sure I deserve it. In fact I am positive I don't deserve it. These past few weeks I haven't been myself, I have been a poor imitation and I know it. I've not just been letting myself down, as a part of the interfed cup, I have been letting this whole company down and that is just not accpetable.

Why should you guys cheer me when I am letting you down? I know what the rivalry is like between 6CW and 6WF, I have been on the opposite side the most of my career. And it is that fact that is really making me question myself. I've been seeing some of the dirt sheets, some of the forum posts...people seem to think I'm secretly a part of 6WF, that I am deliberately letting them win these matches.

I would seriously hope that you guys are intelligent enough to know that I would never do such a thing. As I have said many, many times before I will always have a place for 6WF in my heart, they gave me the big break I needed, I won the world title there. But now I am in 6CW and I want to win for you guys, I've been trying my best but things aren't coming together...

Until now. I've turned over a new leaf. I've been putting in extra hours at the gym and I feel that I am in better shape now than I have been in my whole time in 6CW. The best of 7 series with Jackson Black took a lot out of me and to be thrown straight into the interfed cup, I have had no real recovery period. But I'm ready now to step up to the plate.

I'm ready to spare you the pain of having to listen to Kenji Hidari and Yarmouth Blade argue over who the leader of this team is. Firstly, how about you put whatever little differences you have aside for the best of this company. And then why don't you two both realise that the real leader of this team is me? Which one of us is the most experienced? Which one of us has the most pedigree? Which one of us is the most talented? Which one of us is the one who epitomises what 6CW is the most?

The answer to all of the above is me, Mike Hill. I'll admit it hasn't seemed like it, but I'm now ready to take those roles back...BECAUSE I AM THAT GOD DAMN GOOD!

*Crowd cheer

JT:Hill fired up and ready to return to his best form.

HE:I don't like him, but an on-form Hill is exactly what team 6CW needs.

6CW Creative

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Age : 30
Location : Malvern!/DiMattEvansWBA

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