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Nomadic golf versus a club

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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by Noel Fri 20 Jan 2012, 12:44 am

I took up golf 18 months ago (now 44) and really love the game. Unofficial handicap of 16.When about 10 years of age, for about 2 months,each other weekend, my dad muni player put me and 2 brothers on 9 hole and I loved it then.
Today applied to become a member of a great course with wonderful practice area and very local within 10 mins. Fortunate in that former president and former captain proposing me.
This is where the problem starts. I'm friends with many others and love playing different courses and the craic with these people. How do I maintain this and still put the time aside to integrate with what will hopefully become many friends. I'm sure many of you have had to balance this,but how?
Thing is I love being nomadic golf


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by lorus59 Fri 20 Jan 2012, 2:58 am

When I started playing golf, my brother in law and I would go around and play green fees to all the local courses in our area. We mostly played at the lower price range but they were still not bad courses. I remember when I asked a guy about playing a more upmarket course as he was a member and he said, "They don't really like to have rogue green fee payers." What he meant was people who were not attached to a club and had an official handicap. This was in the border area of Ireland.


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by ScottieD18 Fri 20 Jan 2012, 9:19 am

I think you have to commit to one or the other.

Most of us only have a limited amount of time to play golf and a limited budget. Once you are a member of a club you need to play it often or you do not get value.

The decision is yours of course, but I would recommend the club route. The first year may be difficult but by the second year you should know enough members to get the full benefits. Certianly getting a handicap and playing medals will improve your golf and probably give you more enjoyment.

I hope your new club has a draw for medals. A draw helps prevent cliques and forces members to mix.

Most clubs allow memebers to sign on guests for a reasonable cost, probably equivalent to what you pay as a nomadic golfer. There may be restrictions on frequency, but no reason why you can't invite your nomadic friends every now and again to keep in touch. The etiquite for paying can be tricky. I was on the waiting list at my current club for a few years when a couple of friends were members. When I was signed on the first time they insisted on paying. I always made sure I payed the greenfee on all other occassions as paying a full membership then paying to sign on 2 or 3 guests at a time becomes expensive and is basically unfair on the member.

Best of luck at your new club. Best of luck


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by Noel Fri 20 Jan 2012, 11:00 am

Scottie,thanks for your reply. Makes a lot of sense. I always enjoy a round with someone new. I'll still have trips away 2/3 times a year with mates as well.


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by Eyetoldyouso Fri 20 Jan 2012, 12:14 pm

If you want to have a handicap, you will have to join a club which is signed up to CONGU. There are new regulations concerning handicaps effective 1 January 2012 and CONGU have been running roadshows around the country explaining the new system.

As Scottie says, if you are serious about your golf, then it will have to be a club.
Good luck

Last edited by Eyetoldyouso on Fri 20 Jan 2012, 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by shudofhita4iron Fri 20 Jan 2012, 3:52 pm

go for it noel,like stated the first year might take some time to mix in,but im sure you will make some good friends and obviously meet the odd w****r on the way, but be patient some clubs can be cliquey.


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by kwinigolfer Fri 20 Jan 2012, 3:59 pm

Hopefully one or two of your friends will join your new club also.
And perhaps you have reciprocal arrangements with other clubs as well.
Seems that without spending an awful lot more money, and perhaps with some compromise from your friends, you can enjoy the best of both worlds?

Which is pretty much what I used to be able to do when I played a LOT.


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by McLaren Fri 20 Jan 2012, 4:22 pm


So do you not play much these days?

If not, or even if you play a different amount, how much did you used to play?

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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by George1507 Fri 20 Jan 2012, 4:34 pm

Nomadic golf gives you the chance to play lots of courses, but as far as I can see that's the only upside. You can't compete in competitions, you can't get a proper handicap, and sooner or later your pals will join a club, or get married, or move abroad, or any of a million other things that gets in the way of golf. Then you find you are pretty much on your own, and you can't play when you want to.

One of the nicest things about being a member of a club is that you can just wander up to the club on an unexpectedly nice summer evening, play a few holes, or practice your putting or chipping, then have a couple of beers with all the usual suspects in the bar. It's just the nicest thing....

Last edited by George1507 on Fri 20 Jan 2012, 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Nomadic golf versus a club Empty Re: Nomadic golf versus a club

Post by kwinigolfer Fri 20 Jan 2012, 4:37 pm

Play very little these days, used to play 60 - 80 rounds a year.
Seldom get close to double figures now . . . .


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