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Break in the season?

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Break in the season? Empty Break in the season?

Post by Pot Noodle Miner Fri 10 Feb 2012, 8:36 pm

with the regions struggling with crowd attendances lately does anyone think it may be due to the lack of consistency that their best players actually play for them, usually international players are absent from the regions for about 12 weeks per season just through being in the national set-up & upto 20 weeks in a world cup season and then when they are playing for their regions in the rabodirect they look to be giving about 60% of what their capable of and half the time its like watching 2 teams going through a training run for abit of practice before the HC and internationals.

International rugby is obviously taken far more seriously than regional rugby and i think its a good thing that Gatland asks for his players to be ready for training with Wales a good 10 days before a tournament but would it perhaps be a good idea if Regional/Club Rugby had a break from games between around the middle of January up until the end of the 6 Nations, as there are always many regional games called off during this time due to the weather (obviously not at international level because of the advanced stadiums, underground heating etc) this would allow international players a full 2 weeks to prepare ahead of the 6 Nations and then regional sides would benefit from having internationals in the side around 7 - 8 weeks less than usual and regional players will have time to recover from any injuries and take abit of a break to get back to 100% fitness.

the game in general should'nt lose any momentum from the break as we switch from regional to international rugby in the matter of 2 -3 weeks, the only thing is that the season would'nt come to an end until around mid june,
definately worth a thought IMO

Last edited by Pot Noodle Miner on Fri 10 Feb 2012, 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
Pot Noodle Miner
Pot Noodle Miner

Posts : 137
Join date : 2011-08-18

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Break in the season? Empty Re: Break in the season?

Post by Shifty Fri 10 Feb 2012, 8:38 pm

If 1 professional game of rugby is the same as being in a high speed car crash, then clearly those players need to be rotated to recover.

Players only play 2 weeks in every 3 at best anyway.

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Join date : 2011-04-26
Age : 44
Location : Kenfig Hill, Bridgend

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