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Weight LOSS during a fight.

Fists of Fury
manos de piedra
Mr Bounce
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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by Mr Bounce Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:15 pm

Much is often made of fighters making weight and how much they gain between the weigh in and the actual fight (Gatti was notorious for this). How about actually DURING the fight though? It would be interesting to see how much weight is lost during a frantic 12 round affair, if any at all.

Mr Bounce

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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by manos de piedra Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:28 pm

Holyfield claims to have lost about 20lbs during his first fight with Qawi. His body had started to burn muscle tissue which led to him collapsing afterwards and being hospitalised. When they weighed him at the hospital he was something like 165lbs despite weighing in as a cruiserweight before the fight.

manos de piedra

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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by johnson2 Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:45 pm

manos de piedra wrote:Holyfield claims to have lost about 20lbs during his first fight with Qawi. His body had started to burn muscle tissue which led to him collapsing afterwards and being hospitalised. When they weighed him at the hospital he was something like 165lbs despite weighing in as a cruiserweight before the fight.

Absolute nonsense, manos. Not doubting the fact that you have heard that story, but it is a physical impossibilty to lose that much weight during a fight.

They will weigh roughly the same amount. The only weight loss will come from losing fluid, some of which will be replenished between rounds.


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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by Fists of Fury Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:47 pm

Can't agree with that stat, manos, it just isn't possible.

A couple of lbs in water weight may be the only loss.

Fists of Fury

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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by azania Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:48 pm

I remember Gary Mason going into a health farm prior to a Brit title bout to get fit. He came out his heaviest ever.



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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by azania Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:49 pm

Johnson2, you dont drink as much water as you sweat out. You dont see boxers gulping water in bucketloads between rounds.


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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by johnson2 Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:51 pm

azania wrote:Johnson2, you dont drink as much water as you sweat out. You dont see boxers gulping water in bucketloads between rounds.

Never said they did, although I am not sure just how much you think they sweat out.


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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by manos de piedra Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:54 pm

johnson2 wrote:
manos de piedra wrote:Holyfield claims to have lost about 20lbs during his first fight with Qawi. His body had started to burn muscle tissue which led to him collapsing afterwards and being hospitalised. When they weighed him at the hospital he was something like 165lbs despite weighing in as a cruiserweight before the fight.

Absolute nonsense, manos. Not doubting the fact that you have heard that story, but it is a physical impossibilty to lose that much weight during a fight.

They will weigh roughly the same amount. The only weight loss will come from losing fluid, some of which will be replenished between rounds.

I just reread the passage there and what he says is he weighed 186lb for the fight and weighed 171lb afterwards in hospital. Thats about a stones difference. I would have thought that was possible. When he left hospital fully hydrated a day or two later he was up to 196lbs.

This was a 15 round fight remember. Im not an expert on the weight issues just going off what Holyfield himself says. In certain conditions I would have thought it was possible to dehydrate down about 15 pounds. I remember in USA 1994 world cup where some matches were played in ridiculous humid conditions in the middle of the summer that some players reported losing up to a stone during some games. The Holyfield/Qawi fight was a real battle so it wouldnt surprise me if its true. But as I say Im only going off Holyfields own words.

Last edited by manos de piedra on Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

manos de piedra

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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by Union Cane Thu 16 Feb 2012, 2:54 pm

"Holyfield recounts what happened after the fight. He had no recollection on how he got back to his hotel room that night, but while in the shower he was overcome by severe cramps in his legs, back, arms and neck. As he shouted on his wife to get help, Holyfield collapsed and knew straight away that he was badly dehydrated, but he had no idea to what degree of dehydration until he went to the hospital and was informed what had happened to his body during the fight.

First, Holyfield was asked how much he weighed going into the fight. The doctor knew but wanted to make sure, “186 lbs” was the reply. The doctor then replied, “well the problem is you now weigh 171 lbs!”

Holyfield lost over 15 pounds in weight during the fight."
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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by Valero's Conscience Thu 16 Feb 2012, 3:10 pm

Holyfield recounts this in his autobiography which i've read.

No one knows for sure but I can't see why 15ibs over 15 rounds isn't possible i.e. 1ib a round of sweat. I maybe wrong but I think he said it was so hot that night in the arena that they had to wipe the canvas 3 times?

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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by azania Thu 16 Feb 2012, 3:19 pm

johnson2 wrote:
azania wrote:Johnson2, you dont drink as much water as you sweat out. You dont see boxers gulping water in bucketloads between rounds.

Never said they did, although I am not sure just how much you think they sweat out.

Obviously they sweat out more than they drink.


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Weight LOSS during a fight. Empty Re: Weight LOSS during a fight.

Post by OasisBFC Thu 16 Feb 2012, 3:38 pm

of course they will come out lighter. but it's mostly all water weight.

f1 drivers lose as much as 4kg of weight in one race.


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