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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Fists of Fury
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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Adam D Mon 20 Feb 2012, 3:51 pm

Hi all,

Following on from the events of Del Boy and the Hayemaker, I caught up with Frank Maloney at lunch time to ask for his views.

A big thanks to Frank and his team, and should any of you be in the area, Frank has a card on in Aberdeen this weekend - full details here -

To watch the interview:

If you have any questions for Frank for the next interview, please post them below.

Let me know what you think!


Adam D

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Rowley Mon 20 Feb 2012, 3:52 pm

Cheers for this Adam and thanks again to Maloney for agreeing to do this, will watch this when I get home


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by School Project Mon 20 Feb 2012, 3:54 pm

Adam, remember the question about contracts that someone was asking on another thread!

I'm sure you could find it.

Could you ask him where his Union Flag suit has gone for me though?

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Guest Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:09 pm

If, in Frank's opinion, Haye and Chisora should receive lifetime bans, does this make the HW scene any more competitive?

As dreadful a situation as we find ourselves in, it appears that Haye and Chisora are the only two HW generating any sort of interest/controversy at the moment so how does it serve the best interests of the sport to remove the two people making the most headlines (albeit for the wrong reasons)

Are we destined to sit through another tilt at the belts by the recently un-retired Ruslan Chagaev?


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Adam D Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:10 pm

Its interesting that Frank said he would put David Price in with Vitali tomorrow and that he thinks that Vit is past his sell by date.

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Rowley Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:13 pm

DAVE667 wrote:If, in Frank's opinion, Haye and Chisora should receive lifetime bans, does this make the HW scene any more competitive?

As dreadful a situation as we find ourselves in, it appears that Haye and Chisora are the only two HW generating any sort of interest/controversy at the moment so how does it serve the best interests of the sport to remove the two people making the most headlines (albeit for the wrong reasons)

I would guess Dave it would send the message to other fighters that this sort of behaviour would not and will not be tolerated and would also send the message to the world outside of boxing that the sport is not the moral cesspit of professional sport and is not afraid to hit itself in the pocket to send that message out loud and clear. Not holding my breath though


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Guest Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:15 pm

I'd wager Boxing gets it's house in order right after professional Football, Athletics and Cycling


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:15 pm

When are we expecting to see the answers from the questions posed to David Price?

This is more aimed at you, Adam, not Frank as that would be a terribly boring question to ask a boxing promoter.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Adam D Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:15 pm

rowley wrote:
DAVE667 wrote:If, in Frank's opinion, Haye and Chisora should receive lifetime bans, does this make the HW scene any more competitive?

As dreadful a situation as we find ourselves in, it appears that Haye and Chisora are the only two HW generating any sort of interest/controversy at the moment so how does it serve the best interests of the sport to remove the two people making the most headlines (albeit for the wrong reasons)

I would guess Dave it would send the message to other fighters that this sort of behaviour would not and will not be tolerated and would also send the message to the world outside of boxing that the sport is not the moral cesspit of professional sport and is not afraid to hit itself in the pocket to send that message out loud and clear. Not holding my breath though

Thats exactly what he was getting at. Make an example of them. Funnily, he touched upon the very discussion we are having on here (whether its good or bad for the sport)

Adam D

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Steffan Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:18 pm

Its great for the sport. I dont really see how anyone can say its not good for boxing


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Guest Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:20 pm

Thought Frank said the K's were good fighters but were bad for the sport with their insistence on making the HW titles part of "K Bros Inc".


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Fists of Fury Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:22 pm

In terms of publicity I think it has gone down a treat.

At work today everyone is talking about it, even non-boxing fans, and they all think it is funny - nobody has said it is a disgrace that makes them never want to watch boxing again.

It is all about entertainment, and like it or not a brawl is entertaining. I'd much rather see that than see Ali call Frazier all kinds of names etc, in my view the name calling/racist undertones etc are far worse and damage the sport to a greater extent. Let them brawl, now let them fight in the ring: I guarantee shedloads will watch it and boxing will be all the better for it.

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Steffan Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:34 pm

People need to realise that the public want entertainment. Look at WWE. We all know its totally fake but sometimes I watch it with my nephew and fair do some of the badmouthing followed by some guy throwing another guy off a steel cage is great entertainment. Thats why WWE is worth so much

Floyd and Manny not fighting and dodgy decisions are far worse than 2 guys who train to punch someones head in for a living having a bit of fistycuffs at a confrence or weigh in. Im not saying this should happen every week but it is part of the sport to an extent and certainly gets people tuning in not tuning off


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Fists of Fury Mon 20 Feb 2012, 4:43 pm

Steffan, completely agree with the opening of your second paragraph.

A proliferation of belts and a reluctancy amongst top fighters to share the ring with each other is what truly hurts the sport, not a brawl at a presser.

Fists of Fury

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by The Galveston Giant Mon 20 Feb 2012, 5:26 pm

Well said guys.
The Galveston Giant
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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by TopHat24/7 Mon 20 Feb 2012, 5:29 pm

Fists of Fury wrote:In terms of publicity I think it has gone down a treat.

At work today everyone is talking about it, even non-boxing fans, and they all think it is funny - nobody has said it is a disgrace that makes them never want to watch boxing again.

It is all about entertainment, and like it or not a brawl is entertaining. I'd much rather see that than see Ali call Frazier all kinds of names etc, in my view the name calling/racist undertones etc are far worse and damage the sport to a greater extent. Let them brawl, now let them fight in the ring: I guarantee shedloads will watch it and boxing will be all the better for it.

Totally agree, the use of the phrase 'Uncle Tom' is more disgraceful than anything that happened this weekend.


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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Nico the gman Mon 20 Feb 2012, 5:32 pm

Lets be fair its generated more interest in british boxing from the non boxing fan than in many a year,wrong it might be but people love a bit of controversy.

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by The Galveston Giant Mon 20 Feb 2012, 5:35 pm

The non boxing fan was telling me the other month that it was absolutely shocking that Khan got robbed, they of course got this opinion by reading the paper and not from what they witnessed.
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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by The genius of PBF Mon 20 Feb 2012, 7:13 pm

Frank Maloney is just bitter he couldn't make money out of Haye during his big payday's as he was no longer his promoter.

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Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye Empty Re: Frank Maloney gives his views on Chisora and Haye

Post by Guest Mon 20 Feb 2012, 10:14 pm

Hmmmm I was just writing a reflection and summary of the key points of the Frank Maloney video when the screen refreshed itself automatically and I lost all my efforts Sad

So I'll just say thanks to Adam for setting this up and interesting!


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