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The Lighter Side Of The Paralympics

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The Lighter Side Of The Paralympics Empty The Lighter Side Of The Paralympics

Post by Jimpy Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:37 am

Whilst watching the build up to the Paralympics last night, I saw a focus on ‘blind football’. Basically, the players are either blind or partially sighted and the ball has little bells attached to it. I must say that watching it, I would never have known that the players were blind.

Anyway, I laughed out loud, because it reminded me of a joke I’d heard years ago, and it goes something like this:

A coach load of blind people are on their way home from a day out at the fun fair. Half way home and in the middle of nowhere, the coach breaks down. The driver realises that there’s nothing for it and that he’s going to have to trek to the nearest garage to get help.

“You lot stay here and wait for me” he says to the blind guys, “I’ll be back with help as soon as I can”.

“What are we supposed to do while we’re waiting?” says a spokesman for the blind, “you could be gone for hours”.

“I see what you mean”, says the driver.

He looks around and has a brainwave. Under his driver’s seat is an old football. He takes it out and detaches a few little bells off the cuddly toys the guys have won at the fair. He selotapes the bells to the ball and walks over to the blind spokesman.

“Here, you can play with this, you can kick it around and the bells will let you know where it is all the time”.

“Great idea” says the blind guy, “off you go and we’ll wait here”.

So, off trots the driver. Several hours later he returns with a mechanic from the ‘local’ garage. There isn’t a person to be seen, nobody. Just the old football lying on the ground.

“I don’t understand it” he says to the mechanic, “I left 22 of them here just a while ago. I can’t have lost them – I’ll have to report their disappearance to the Police”.

So, the driver and the mechanic walk the 5 miles to the nearest Police station. When they get there, the driver approaches the Sergeant on duty.

“I don’t suppose you’ve seen 22 blind people around anywhere have you?” he asks nervously.

“Ah yes sir” says the Sergeant, “we’ve got them all in the cells”.

“A passer by caught them kicking the s*it out of a Morris Dancer…..”


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Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Not in a hot sandy place anymore

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