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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

'Arry Spurs
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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:15 pm

First topic message reminder :

Teams to be named by midnight on Thursday 6th September 2012.

Predictions by 12:00 hours on Saturday 8th September 2012.

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 1Bath Rugby vs. London WaspsFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 6
Sunny, 21 degrees, 8mph winds.

Bath Rugby
Manager – inthefastlane
01. Cian Healy 09. Richard Wigglesworth
02. Chris Brooker10. David Skrela
03. Davit Kubrashvilli
04. Louis Deacon11. George North
05. Graham Kitchener12. Anthony Allen
06. Brad Shields13. Aurelien Rougerie
07. Akapusi Qera14. Maxime Medard
08. James Haskell15. Stuart Hogg
16. Richard Skuse 17. Will Tanner 18. Jon Golding 19. Tom Donnelly 20. David Seymour 21. Fourie Du Preez 22. Rob Miller 23. Michael Harris
Overall: Look to dominate in the scrum and use that as a platform to really bring our backs in who will be looking to run at the defence with bad intentions.

Forwards: We will really look to attack and come out on top of the scrum. We have two of the best props in Europe in Kubrashvilli and Healy and we feel we can really punish the Wasps scrum, pushing them backwards. Haskell with look to control it at the back. With our second row partnership we are looking at Louis Deacon to provide the grunt necessary and offering the banker ball while Graham Kitchener will be trying to retain our lineout something we feel he is very capable of doing.

We will be looking for big carries from the forwards with the likes of Shields, Haskell and Healy dangerous runners who can really create gaps for our backs. At the breakdown we will look for Akapusi Qera and Brad Shields to win turnover ball or manage to slow down opposition ball. They will both be looking to cause as much trouble as possible. We will be looking for lots of energy from our forwards to open up holes to be exploited.

Backs: We will be looking to play running rugby with the ball in our hands. Using our forwards to create space we will look for quick ball and get the likes of Medard, Hogg and North who are all deadly runners, running at the Worcester defences. Wigglesworth will control the tempo of the backs and will look to keep the backs calm and composed.. Skrela is a strong runner who will also be looking to get involved in the play along with Allen + Rougerie all of who can dangerously run.

Defence: Look to get our defensive line up quickly and put pressure on the key decision makers and playmakers.

Substitutes: We have some really good options on the bench who we feel can really add to the game. Faumuania is one of the most exciting props in the world who can add power to the scrum as well as being a threat in open play. He will backed on the other side of the scrum by Golding who can do some damage.. Donnelly Is another option who can sure up our lineout. Seymour another if he comes on will look to really get at the breakdown and use his energy. FDP is another quality player who will look to control our tempo. Miller + Harris will look to cause damage against a tired Wasps defence. Both offer great kicking options meaning if we need to shut down the game we can use our kicking options to put the game to bed.

London Wasps
Manager – ‘Arry

01. Ben Daley 09. Mike Blair
02. Sean Cronin 10. Rhys Preistland (k)
03. CJ Van Der Linde
04. Mouritz Botha 11. Jamie Elliott
05. Marco Wentzel (c) 12. Brad Barritt
06. Steve Mafi 13. George Pisi
07. Jonathan Poff 14. Matt Banahan
08. Ben Mowen 15. Mike Brown

16. Nathan Morris 17. Charlie Beech 18. Rhodri Jones 19. Dan Tuohy 20. Jackson Wray 21. Haydn Thomas 22. Dan Bowden 23. Dan Hipkiss

We will play at a high tempo with pace and intensity with plenty of offloading. Our forwards will carry hard, attacking gaps in the Bath defensive line, getting us over the gain line and onto the front foot. We will ensure our carriers have plenty of support to offload to, so we can continue our attacks.

We will look to recycle the ball quickly by getting good numbers to the breakdown, with the first few players rucking past the ball to clear out the Bath players, allowing Blair to get quick, clean ball for us to get out wide and attack the space on offer.

Line speed and aggression is key for us in defence, we will try and prevent Bath from having time on the ball by having quick line speed and tackling their carriers before they reach the gain line, knocking them back and forcing them into mistakes, where we can try and get turnovers and exert pressure on them.

We will look to use the set piece as a platform to build from, on our own ball we will look to turn the scrum legally to erase the Bath back row from helping out in defence before starting our own attacks. We will look to exert pressure on the Bath scrum on their ball and look to target Haskell at eight.

At the lineout Wentzel will be our main go to man, we will also look to use Mafi and Mowen at the tail of the lineout where we can launch attacks from and get our big centers running at the Bath fly half channel, our back row will look to be in Skrelas face throughout the match.

We aim to control possession and be patient, recycling the ball through several phases with Blair controlling our play. If there is space behind the Bath wingers we will look to kick in behind them and put pressure on them with a good chase game.

Barritt will look to take contact and give us potential line breaking options with Pisi running good outside lines, we will attack gaps and half gaps in the Bath defensive line, we aim to win the collisions and get our offloading game going.

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 7Harlequins vs. London WelshFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 50
Sunny, 24 degrees, 6mph winds.

Manager – Steven_Sharks

01. Joe Marler09. Lee Dickson
02. Matthew Rees10. Felipe Contepomi (k)
03. John Afoa
04. Bakkies Botha11. Tom Biggs
05. Steve Borthwick12. Jamie Roberts
06. Tom Wood13. Jonathan Joseph
07. Sam Warburton (c)14. Taku Ngwenya
08. Dave Denton15. Andre Taylor

16. Rob Hawkins 17. Mako Vunipola 18. Kieran Brookes 19. Jerome Thion 20. Carl Fearns 21. Chris Henry 22. Greg Laidlaw 23. Luke Morahan


Game Plan

To use our strong carriers in pack and centres to get across the gainline. Carriers will take the ball at pace, keep the legs pumping in contact, make sure they have support and look for the offload should it be on. Winning collisions is key to quick ruck ball so this is important to us, as we are looking to get quick ball so we can attack wider channels, but you can only go wide once you have earned that right through committing defenders infield and getting quick ball.

We will look for our carriers to carry of 9, 10 and 12. This means we are looking for all our players to run lines off the players stood in these positions on each attack. We want each runner to offer a different line so as to keeps the London Welsh defence guessing.

When we get quick ball and have tied in London Welsh defenders, we aim to get the ball into the hands of our outside backs who we feel will be lethal in space in the conditions which the game will be played in. We have lethal finishers outwide and expect to cause damage when they get the ball.

It is vitally important that we are honest at our rucks. We need our players to ruck properly and ruck past the ball so we can get the quick ball we are after.

The quicker the tempo in this game the better for us. We have a mobile pack and an electric set of outside backs which will revel in a fast paced game.

Set Piece

At the scrum we will look for John Afoa to get underneath his opposite number and for our pack as a whole to stay tight and low. We have a strong scrumaging front 5 which will not often go backwards.

At the lineout Steve Borthwick will call the shots, with 5 jumpers we have options galore. When we can we will shorten the line so as to have Carriers (usually Denton and Warburton) to hit in the midfield. We will look to put huge pressure on the London Welsh lineout which we feel can be got at.


Quick line speed and aggression in contact, putting particular pressure on the key decision makers (9 and 10). When we can have two men in the tackle with one taking the legs away and the other concentrating on the ball. Importance on winning the collisions in defence so as to take away the momentum of the London Welsh attacks. Look to legally slow down London Welsh at ruck time with Warburton controlling this.

Key Points

- Strong ball carrying. We have the carriers (Marler, Rees, Afoa, Botha, Denton and Roberts) to get us across the gain line and then have the craft of Dickson, Contepomi and Joseph to take advantage of the spaces available.

- Breakdown - We expect Warburton to dominate this area. Hopefully we can get some penalties out of London Welsh in this area.

- Pace outwide - In Taylor, Ngwenya and Biggs we have pace to burn outwide. Once we get the ball wide, we expect them to cause London Welsh some real problems.

- Aggression - We need our players, in particular our pack, to be very aggressive so as to get the quick ball we require for our game plan.

- London Welsh - They have Kalamafoni, Hines, Wade and Ludik straight into the starting side after they all arrived this week or soon before. Perhaps some bedding in issues might be in place.

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 50London Welsh
Manager – Ozzy3213

01. Alex Corbisiero09. Morgan Parra
02. Chris Whitehead10. Owen Farrell
03. Adam Jones
04. Nathan Hines11. Christian Wade
05. George Skivington12. Jonathan Davies
06. Maurie Fa’asavalu13. Darren Cave
07. Thierry Dusautoir ©14. Andrew Trimble
08. Sione Kalamafoni15. Louis Ludik

16. Bismarck du Plessis 17. Steven Kitschoff 18. David Wilson 19. Dean Schofield 20. Luke Wallace 21. Charlie Davies 22. Butch James 23. Tom Homer


Basic Game Plan

Basic tactical premise for us to control possession and be solid defensively. Focus will be on winning the gainline collisons in both attack and defence. In order to do this we have picked a very big pack to try to physically dominate this area of the game. We will look to apply pressure to Quins by keeping the ball for long periods and wearing them down defensively, and also by maintaining a solid defence and denying them opportunities to get on the score board. Pressure forces mistakes, and we will look to capitalise on any that Harlequins make.

Attacking specifics

  • Play off 9. Parra to pull the strings and get big carriers hitting the gainline at pace.
  • Carriers to look to hit gaps and keep the ball alive by offloading to support runners.
  • Support runners to ruck past the ball quickly if the carrier goes to ground in order to secure quick ball to go again.
  • All opportunities for points with the boot to be taken by Parra, Farrell or Homer as appropriate (penalties or drop goals).
  • If at any time we feel that we are in danger of conceding a turnover then Parra or Farrell will use their boot to kick for touch deep in Quins territory.

Defensive specifics

  • Darren Cave will be defensive captain (he fulfils this role for Ulster)
  • We will look to play a blitz defence with quick line speed to hit the ball carrier before he gets to the gainline and knock him back even further.
  • We will not overcommit to the breakdown. If a turnover is on, we will go for it, otherwise we will legally slow the ball and maintain a solid defensive line to blitz from.
  • Maintain discipline and do not give away penalties.


  • George Skivington to call the lineout and look to vary it up calling short ones in attacking areas with big runners coming into midfield.

Key Points

  • Steve cites winning the collisions as a key factor in winning the game. Our pack is designed to do exactly that. There is real physicality throughout it.
  • We have a massive, but mobile pack in order to effect our gameplan of controlling the gainline.
  • We have a backline that is extremely solid defensively in the belief that if we can stop the opposition from scoring points it will build pressure on them which causes mistakes that we can capitalise on.
  • With the possible exception of Kalamafoni, none of our new recruits are in key decision making positions, therefore the fact that they have not been at the club long is unlikely to have any real effect on how they can perform.
  • By our tactics we are in effect turning this into a big physical battle, which we believe we have the players to win.
  • If we are going well, we will not just unload our bench for the sake of it. Fresh legs will be brought on if required, or replacements would be tactical. If we are on top we want to maintain continuity rather than risk losing the flow of the game by making changes.

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 4Leicester Tigers vs. Worcester WarriorsFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 57
cloudy, 22 degrees, 7mph winds.

Leicester TigersFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 4
Manager – LukeLovesLuka

01. Gethin Jenkins09. Dimitri Yachvili
02. Tom Youngs10. Jonny Wilkinson (k)
03. Dan Cole
04. Pascal Pape11. Rene Ranger
05. James Horwill (c) 12. Billy Twelvetrees
06. Tom Croft13. Brian O'Driscoll
07. Sean O'Brien14. Vincent Clerc
08. Ernst Joubert15. Isa Nacewa
16. Andrew Sheridan 17. Christopher Tolofua 18. Brian Mujati 19. Simon Shaw 20. Jacques Burger 21. Micky Young 22. Dominic Waldouck 23. Ugo Monye


We will play to our strengths and play a game built around the intelligence of our HB's and the strength of our lineout in an effort to get our electric back three into space

- Attack the scrum as a weapon - Cole and Jenkins to look to really get the shove on against James and BJ.

- Target the lineout all game. Our lineout is led by Horwill, using either Croft or Joubert as our banker ball, and with Pape and SOB as our other options.
With Yachvili and Wilkinson, we will look to get the ball deep in Worcester territory and contest all lineouts.

- Use the massive line-breakers we have to tire down the Welsh defence.
The likes of SOB, Youngs, Pape and Horwill used off the shoulder at pace off 9/10 crashing through the Worcester defence.

- In general attacking play, we will play off 9 with Yachvili our general pulling the strings. We want Yach and Wilko to control the game, mixing up the point of our attack and looking for where the gaps are.

- Look to play attacking rugby in the backs. 36 to play his natural game with so much experience around him. We want to give BOD time on the ball to release Nacewa, Clerc and Ranger into space.
Croft and Joubert to look to link with our backs and get into space to cause trouble out wide.

- Unload our powerful bench to impact the game in the last 20/30 minutes.

- Wilkinson to kick all penalites.

Worcester Warriors
Manager: prop_lyd

01. Paul James
09. Eion Reddan
02. Richardt Strauss
10. Olly Barkley
03. BJ Botha

04. Ollie Kohn
11. Sean Maitland
05. Luke Charteris
12. Fergus McFadden
06. Ryan Jones (c)
13. Matt Hopper
07. Justin Tipuric
14. James Short
08. Ben Morgan
15. Cameron Shepherd

16. Koree Britton 17. Nathan Catt 18. Chris Budgen 19. Craig Newby 20. Mamuka Gorgodze 21. Kerr-Barlow 22. Sam Vesty 23. Rob Cook


A bit more experience in this squad with a centre partnership and back row who can cause a lot of destruction and a back 3 who are constantly dangerous.


*Experienced front row who will look to dominate the set piece and we have experience on the bench to come on and do similar,

*2nd rows are two players who will look to dominate the lineouts and with Gorgodze we can bring on the confrontation in the 2nd half to switch our style of play,

*Backrow has Tips for the breakdown, Jones for the tackles and wind-up and Morgan providing brute strength off the back of the scrum and off the backs, again the bench provides more breakdown control with Newby.


* Reddan to marshall and Barkley to aim for corners when under pressure but to release McFadden when possible, he will go for goal when in range,

* McFadden to release Hopper who will have a winger on his shoulder at all times and also look for Morgan to break through the defence, Hopper is an exciting runner and will look to take it close off McFadden then drag the defence wide,

* A fast back 3 here who will always look for work and are strong in defence and under the high ball, on the bench we have Cook who is an excellent goal kicker and steady in defence.


*McFadden to lead this,

*Tips to be on 10’s shoulder looking to wrap the ball up,

*Contest at the breakdown and all set piece,

*No silly penalties anymore!

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 5London Irish vs. GloucesterFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 2
Sunny, 23 degrees, 6mph winds.

London Irish
Manager – stnick88

01. Matt Stevens 09. Julien Dupuy
02. Motu Matu'u 10. Nick Evans
03. Martin Castrogiovanni
04. Matt Garvey 11. Marland Yarde
05. Johann Muller 12. Sireli Naqalevuki
06. Jerome Kaino 13. Max Evans
07. Steffon Armitage 14. JP Pieterson
08. Pierre Spies 15. Delon Armitage

16. Grant Shiells 17. James Buckland 18. Jean Baptiste Poux 19. Stuart Hooper 20. Hendrie Fourie 21. Neal De Kock 22. Shane Geraghty 23. Sailosi Tagicakibau

- Look to play a fast, attacking and expansive running game.
- Counter any loose kicks with Armitage, Yarde, JP.
- Evans to control the game and use his experience to get us in the right areas of the pitch.
- Put pressure on Lamb. He is a confidence player and we will look to knock him early on.
- Target the breakdown, get Armitage in quick to force turnovers and secure our own ball quickly.
- Muller is our main lineout jumper, with Garvey, Kaino and Spies all good options.
- This may be Matu'u's debut, but I'm sure this is Perenara and Lamb's first time playing together so the fluidity might not be there.
- Naqalevuki is definitely not a winger, he always players centre for the Chiefs. Evans also plays 13 in France and a lot for Scotland. Both are recognised as centres not wingers.
- Evans to kick all pens for goal, if out of range go for touch.

Manager – Mat

01. Gurthro Steenkamp 09. TJ Perenara
02. Joe Gray 10. Ryan Lamb
03. Nicolas Mas
04. Julien Pierre11. Zac Guildford
05. Tom Palmer12. Matt Scott
06. Imanol Harinordoquy 13. Richard Kahui
07. Alexandre Lapandry 14. Charlie Sharples
08. Jamie Heaslip15. Ian Balshaw

16. Nick Wood 17. Deon Fourie 18. Rupert Harden 19. George Robson 20. CJ Stander 21. Dan Robson 22. Stephen Donald 23. James Simpson-Daniel

Glaws tactics

- Glaws to target scrums. Motutu is in his first game and is usually a sub in super 15. Mas will look to get after stevens and get a wheel on
- Look for lineout domination to starve irish of ball. Pierre, Palmer and Hari to challenge every throw and look to get after motutu's darts.
- Glaws to look to control the ball with a pack of pure ball carriers. We will look to get over the gain line and if safe offload. if not to generate quick ruck ball we want to attack with our backs.
- heaslip will pick up a lot in the first half and look to pick on Kaino who has not played in about a year.
- We have bought in TJ perenara and Lamb as want to play a quick atttacking game once we can win the battle up front.
- lamb to pick up where he left off against glos in real life last week and run the show.
-Scott alongside him acts as a second distirbutor
- Scott and Kahui to target naqlevuki and Evans who are 2 wingers playing at centre.
- Glos back 3 to take quick throw ins and counter any loose ball when the game breaks up
- Impact bench to close out the match
- Should be high scoring so good luck nick

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 9Northampton Saints vs. Newcastle FalconsFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 8
Sunny, 22 degrees, 8mph winds.

Northampton Saints
Manager – Dammit Chris

01. Thomas Domingo09. Mike Phillips
02. Dylan Hartley10. George Ford
03. Carl Hayman
04. Joe Launchbury11. Leigh Halfpenny (k)
05. Alun Wyn Jones12. Matt Giteau
06. Dan Lydiate13. Manu Tuilagi
07. Julian Salvi14. Chris Ashton
08. Sergio Parisse (c)15. Ben Foden

16. Rob Webber 17. Ryan Grant 18. Logovi'i Mulipola 19. Courtney Lawes 20. Julien Bonnaire 21. Joe Simpson 22. Danny Cipriani 23. Siti Siviatu

Tactics: Overall

Saints to play a really expansive, powerful game that plays off the 10-12 and take full advantage of the lack of form of Newcastle's key players. Aim to exploit gaps and give our backline the opportunities to attack space. We have picked a strong, mobile pack that will take the game to Newcastle and make full use of our all international bench to take the game out of Newcastle's reach in the final 20-25minutes of the game.

Aggressive defence is key - we've opted for Lydiate as opposed to Bonnaire with the task of nailing SBW every time he gets the ball. Put in the big hits and play at a high tempo to nullify POC and Thorn in the loose.

Get our forwards to work through the phases but play to the conditions and play off Giteau, who is in cracking form for Toulon.


We are going on the offensive at home and the conditions are absolutely perfect for our team - all of our backs have shown great try scoring form and strongly believe we can outscore Newcastle in tries and with Halfpenny's boot we can keep the score ticking over for 80minutes.

We will look for Ford and Giteau to control the game and have no concerns of Ford's ability to handle the game, especially as he is playing between Phillips and Giteau and has the best tactical kicking game in the Aviva Premiership and we will look to hammer Newcastle in the tactical kicking game.

A lot of our play with come through Giteau, and he will look to put Tuilagi into space and attack Lowe - Ashton will have a field day playing in the same backline as Giteau whose passing will get him into space.

Will also look to launch Launchbury up the middle, great ball carrier, and get Parisse doing the same - Tuilagi will help get us over the gainline.

Salvi picked as no7 to provide the link between forwards and backs – with the whole backline showing good form at the end of last season.


We know we have to stop SBW - Lydiate is in the team to knock him down every time he gets the ball, arguably the best defensive forward in world rugby.

Phillips to really frustrate Youngs and get in his face and wind him up - see if we can get at his temperament. Slow down the ball and then stifle the Falcons attack.

Specifically on Ford, he is now just 3kg lighter than Toby Flood and is a very good defensive player (can't not be with Mike Ford as his dad, so it is clutching at straws targeting him as a weak link there).

Otherwise will play our usual aggressive, controlled defence with Launchbury, Lydiate the main force in the pack and using Tuilagi to put in big hits on Lowe and stop the ball getting to Newcastle back three.

Set Piece

Really strong scrum and this will get stronger and stronger as the game goes on due to the power from our bench in the front row and second row. There will be some real opporunities to use this as a fantastic attacking option when the Falcons bench empties, or starting players tire.

Lineout is very functional with Parisse leading. We've improved this from last week with the addition of Wyn Jones and if there are any issues Julien Bonnaire will come on. No issue with Hartley's darts, personally see him as one of the best lineout throwers in the northern hemisphere.

Key Points

- Form and home advantage - pretty much the whole Saints team is in top form, with try scorers all over the park. We are fortunate to be playing Falcons with a lot of their key players a little out of sorts or have been injured for long periods. That is why we will play expansive rugby and look to take full advantage of the difference in form.

- SBW - will look to get Lydiate to marshall him out of the game and he hasn't been rested at all since playing for NZ so not convinced he will be his usual force.

- Aim to dominate the breakdown with the onform Salvi and with Launchbury, Lydiate and Tuilagi clearing out the Newcastle players and play aggressively trying to force mistakes. We've got a faster pack and will look to secure the ball before POC or Thorn have realised what's happening.

- Backline is buzzing and is scoring tries for fun at present, will look to outscore Falcons on the try count and take every point available with Halfpenny's boot.

- Bench is a huge factor for us - every player an international and picked as a game changer. Can dominate the front row in the final 20mins, and both Lawes and Bonnaire can have a huge impact. Simpson to add spark and Siviatu's ball carrying will help too.

- Playing the conditions, it's running rugby time and we've picked a team that can make the best of that e.g. will be playing expansive stuff instead of looking at rolling mauls, which are far more effective in the wet.

- Again with George Ford, he's up against Toby Flood and personally don't see this as a huge difference, many commentators saying that Ford is good enough to start for England (Greenwood, Sir Clive etc). Got no issues playing him in this game.

Newcastle Falcons
Manager – Sgt Pooly

01. Fabien Barcella09. Ben Youngs
02. Rory Best10. Toby Flood
03. Clement Ric
04. Brad Thorn11. Miles Benjamin
05. Paul O’Connell(c)12. Sonny Bill Williams
06. Chris Robshaw13. George Lowe
07. Heinrich Brussow14. Tommy Bowe
08. Toby Faletau15. James O’Connor

16. Lee Mears 17. Scott Wilson 18. Alex Waller 19. Geoff Parling 20. Kelly Brown 21. Luke Burgess 22. Colin Slade 23. Ben Williams





Game plan...Fast paced, high intensity, offloading, dynamic rugby. We’ll look to hit the ground running and hit the opposition fast from the off. We’ll be aiming to control possession and go through the phases. Flood will play flat and look to get our backline into the game whenever possible and keep the high tempo going throughout.

Set piece:

Control the set piece and use it as a focal point of attacks (if weakness seen – POC to call shots). If we see a slight advantage in the scrum that will be targeted especially in opposition half. We’ll look to get the squeeze on and keep the opposition back row tied into the scrum giving Youngs, Flood & JOC more space to work in. POC/Parling will marshal the lineout and look to get fast ball off the top with 4 strong jumpers.

If a weakness is seen in the set piece POC will go for the jugular.

Pack & Breakdown:

Look for strong carries from our pack, tying in the opposition forwards. We’ll be looking to keep the ball alive and look for the offload when on. Our backrow will target the breakdown and look to get in a second tackler to tie up the opposition carriers. Youngs will wait for the call and look to sweep up any turnover ball getting us on the front foot. We’ll look to win the collision with big our physical pack and dominate the opposition pack in the contact.


Look to neutralise the opposition early on and allow out backrow to dominate affairs. Thorn/POC in particular will look to hit the ruck hard and remove attempted turnovers from the equation allowing us to ruck over the ball and control the breakdown. Robshaw will look to target the opposition fly half early on and pressure his kicking. Youngs to sweep in behind the defensive line.


Basically get the backs into play whenever possible with Flood, SBW & JOC the spark. JOC will go looking for the ball in midfield and SBW will come into the line to give us a direct hard runner and alternative/decoy to Lowe. Youngs will eye the gaps and look for the taps to keep us moving. Pace, power and flair in the back 3 to play off the chaos SBW will cause when he smashes through Ford.


SCRUM & LINEOUT – Target throughout, if weakness seen go for the jugular
LINEOUT – With no lineout leader in Saints pack look to target all game. Hartley can really struggle if he doesn’t start well and with no leader or top ops in the Saints pack we can take their first phase ball to pieces.
PHYSICAL PACK – Win the collosion and target rucks to drive through opposition
BREAKDOWN – Brussow/Robshaw to work their magic and Youngs to monitor to attack on turnover ball. Brussow to play the ref early on
FORM – We are Saints bogey team and they always struggle against us
BACKS – World class running options and finishers
ROLLING MAUL – With our big front 5 look to get the rolling maul going off selected lineouts and eat up the ground


GEORGE FORD – As we’ve seen in the bigger games, Ford is not up to this level of rugby (basically Int standard) We’ll send big runners down his channel all day and and with Giteau alongside he has no strong defensive back up.

LINEOUT – Saints have no lineout leader in their pack and with POC one of the worlds best operators they could struggle for ball from their own throw plus allowing us fast attacking ball from own throw. Theres nothing better than quick ball off the top and SBW running into space against Ford/Giteau.

LACK OF CARRIERS IN SAINTS PACK – We’ll be targeting the collision and with no big carrying options in the Saints pack they’ll struggle for front foot ball. With no front foot ball Ford will be on back foot allowing our backrow to target him throughout the game. Not a game to make your first AP start!

SAINTS FRONT ROW HEIGHTS Hayman (6'4"), Domingo (5'8"). This would cause real issues in the scrum with such differing heights and Saints would struggle to be effective as a unit.

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 12Sale Sharks vs. SaracensFantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 11
Cloudy, 18 degrees, 8mph winds.

Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 12 Sale Sharks
Manager – SJE

01. Vasil Kakovin 09. Danny Care
02. Darren Dawdiuk 10. Johnny Sexton
03. Davit Zirakishvilli
04. Dave Attwood 11. Keith Earls
05. Christian Day 12. James Hook
06. Peter O'Mahony 13. Robbie Freuen
07. Fulgence Quedragao 14. David Strettle
08. Louis Picamoles 15. Jean-Marcellin Buttin
16. Lee Imolek 17. Tommy Taylor 18. Luc Ducalcon 19. Stephen Sykes 20. Matt Kvesic 21. Ben Spencer 22. Yann David 23. Nick Abendanoon

Key Points

Attack The Scrum
  • We have gone with a big meaty front 5 to really go for the scrum and get at Saracens here. We will look to build a good platform before really turning the screw as the game goes on. As the subs come into play Ducalcan will look to get at young Lahiff and draw penalties.
Playing The Fringes
  • With Hodgson at 9 our defence know what to expect and know they can neglect the fringes somewhat and focus on FTD at flyhalf. If Doussain comes into play we know to tighten up and will look to really target the fringes as with minimal time with the Squad we feel he can really be got at.
Ticking Over The Score Board
  • In Sexton & Hook we have two players of keeping the score board moving. The same cannot be said of FTD. This gives us greater leeway to use the “darker arts” through the game.

Game Plan

  • We will look to play a fast paced attacking game using big carriers running of the 9/10/12 axis to get us over the gain line and generate quick ball.
  • Keeping the ball alive is crucial so our carriers will be looking for support runners to hit on the offload to keep the ball moving and get us further over the gain line.
  • Our back three will look to get involved as much as possible running support lines of the halfbacks and midfield looking for the inside ball or offload.
  • If for whatever reason we aren’t getting quick ball, we will look to take control of territory with the boots of Sexton & Hook and force Saracens to come at us from deep.
Set Piece
  • With a powerful front 5 on show we will look to keep the scrum up and use it as a weapon. On our own feed we will look to get the wheel on and give our 8-9-10 axis as much more room as possible to attack from.
  • In Sarries territory, with 5 jumping options to use, we will look to play off the top and move the ball out to Sexton and the backs.
  • In our own territory, we will look to take the ball down into the maul and drive ourselves into the right areas.
  • We will look to blitz aggressively, playing on the edge of the offside line and coming up at pace, looking to isolate the ball carrier and stop any Sarries momentum before it can get going.
  • Danny Care will play sweeper and cover any chips or grubbers behind the defensive line.
  • We will leave two players sitting deep to cover any kicks and they will look to counter attack off any loose kicks.
  • With the blitz in operation, we will look to be at the breakdown first hitting it hard and fast. If the ball looks available we will flood the breakdown with POM and Quedragao looking to get their hands on the ball.
  • If the ball is not immediately available we will only commit 1 or 2 players to legally slow the ball down and instead look to strengthen the defensive line.

Manager – Driver

01.Matt Mullen 09.Paul Hodgson
02.George Chuter 10.Francois Trinh-Duc (K)
03.Craig Mitchell
04.Lionel Nallet 11.Tim Visser
05.Ali Williams 12.Yannick Jauzion
06.Allesandro Zanni 13.Chris Bell
07.Ross Rennie 14.Mark Cueto
08.Joe Van Nikirk (c)15.Rory Lamount

16.John Smit 17.Max Lahiff 18.Phil Swainstone 18.Phil Dowson 19.Tim Swinson 20.Jean Doussain 21.Paddy Jackson 22.Adam Thompstone

Last edited by Ozzy3213 on Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:44 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by prop_lyd Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:46 pm

Bath 24-23 Wasps
Good matchup here. Can see Bath taking the front 5 in the scrum but Wasps will nick lineout ball here. Backrow to Bath by quite a bit...really like this partnership. Think Wasps'll get more from their 9-10 but it's out wide where they'll struggle with the centres making good breaks but Bath are strong in their back 3 so just ease them home. Steady benches from both, really rate Rhodri Jones who is currently being trained to play on both sides so could be a good asset.

Quins 25-23 Welsh
As mentioned, Afoa will get one up on Corbs however Jones'll do one to Marler. Both have positive lineouts here too but I feel Quins'll just sneak the backrow. Big fan of Kala though Ozzy and as you said he should be ok coming into this game as he's settled in well for Glos (think he's been playing 6 too!). Exciting outside backs here for both teams but I can see Quins getting a bit better ball from 10 compared to Welsh. Welsh's defence will be solid and will ensure they get some good ball but Quins just have that little extra to win.

Irish30-28 Glos
Not sure who the Irish hooker is to be honest! Think Lamb may struggle a bit under pressure and TJ won't take as much control as Genia would. Front 5 to Glos with the back row pretty even. I can see the Irish centres offering a bit more than Gloucester's with the ball they'll get allowing their exciting backs get more ball and Glos' well balanced back 3 chasing the game.

Hopefully do other 2 later

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:15 pm

Bath 21-20 wasps

Can see wasps dominating lineout and there being very few scrums. Bath outside backs take this.
Wasps very tough to beat but in great conditions will not score enough tries this is basically glos vs Worcester in real life


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:19 pm

Quins 24-21 welsh

Great pack battle but quins settled and great back 5. Same
In backs.
Welsh integrating too many new players. Take a few weeks to bed but all good
Signings. Great transfer work pete.

Kalamofoni is glos bench and unfit but a talent ball in hand and an asset in the 1 game I
Have watched


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:28 pm

Northampton 25-20falcons

Saints take front row. Barcella barely played and been sub for
Biarritz and ric yet to play this year I think and not
First choice.

Falcons take second row although not the most mobile and POC slowing down.
Saints take backrow easily. Falcons have form
Issues with faletau and brussow.

Halfbacks one a piece with Phillips nailing youngs and flood much better than ford currently.

After that it's all saints.

Falcons unlucky they have so many injured or out of form players. They have some huge names.

Both benches are mostly injured,out of form or
Just coming back from injury so hard to judge.

Saints best RC side and cannot see anyone beating them

See elsom is in trouble.,25883,9818_8057504,00.html

Who owns him


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:44 pm

Sale 24-21 sarries

Sale balance takes it. Sexton hook is quality and they have more about them and sees the win


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:47 pm

Tigers 21-17 worcester very even pack but more class in outside backs, superior bench and a better attacking threat see tigers take it.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:00 am

Sale Sharks 25 Saracens 20

Will update with reasons in the morning.

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by dammit_chris Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:53 am

Guys what is the cut off time for predos, I'm stupidly buy with work and meetings today, but could do a predo before 8pm of that's ok with everyone?


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Driver Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:09 am

Bath Rugby 12 London Wasps 12
Harlequins 24 London Welsh 20
Leicester Tigers 25 Worcester Warriors 19
London Irish 28 Gloucester 22
Northampton Saints 19 Newcastle Falcons 27

Sorry for no explanations bit rushed for time this morning.

Chris i marked you down for the loss as George Ford is no where near the level of this game and i won't rate him based on potential. (I'm posting this because of the nature of the defeat)


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by prop_lyd Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:24 am

Saints 19-22 Falcons
Can see what Pooly means with the height difference causeing a problem and I'm still not a fan of Hartley's scrummaging so feel Falcons will get the edge in the scrum. More experience in the 2nd rows for Falcons but back row goes to Saints with Faletau not played for a bit and Brussouw still out. Better hb combination for Falcons which will release their backs better. Can't really split outside backs, think Benjamin may have a good season too. Going to give this to Falcons for set piece work.

Sharks 25-23 Saracens
See front rows as even but like the experience of Sarries 2nd rows however Sharks do have a useful combination who will work well together. Prefer the Sarries back row here but Sharks stronger on the bench in this area. Backs to Sharks but Sarries will do ok with Visser destroying Strettle to claim two tries. Sharks just have a bit more here.

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Steven_Sharks Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:39 am

Bath 26 - 25 Wasps

Overall I like the Bath pack. I think it will struggle at the lineout but it is very physical and will be a presence in the loose. Wasps pack I think will be a little stronger in the tight. Slight edge to Bath in the scrum (in my head Healy a weak scrumagger but I have no real evidence of this over last 6 - 12 months so can't mark him down at all). Think Poff will control the breakdown.

Across the backlines I see a considerable advantage for Wasps at halfbacks. A very good combo who will work well together. Outside backs go to Bath who have a well balanced and exciting look to them. Wasps not weak from 11 - 15 but Bath have a definite edge, but tough to break Wasps down as a defensive unit.

Tactics both suitable for the selected sides and conditions. Tactics also make for an exciting looking game. Bath just have a little more.

Leicester Tigers 24 - 21 Worcester Warriors

Packs just about to Leicester. Good units and strong at set piece. Worcester also very good so no huge advantage. Probably better balance for Worcester but Leicester that bit stronger in personel. Luke speaks of Lineout in tactics but I think Worcester have the stronger lineout in Charteris and Jones.

Leicester also stronger in the backs, although I don't see how Yach and Wilko will get the best out of the Luke's back 3. Worcester have a better balanced than last week. Barkley/McFaddenn/Hopper isn't the strongest though but it isn't to bad. Good Worcester back 3.

London Irish 25 - 23 Gloucester

Good game this. I think that Gloucester have the stronger set piece with more jumpers and a slightly stronger scrum. Irish the stronger pack in the loose with better carriers and a bit more at the breakdown. Pretty even up front. Irish backrow nicely balanced as is the lock combo. Prefer the backs of Irish, think Lambb struggles but happy to see BAlshaw in there who often gets a very tough ride on here. Very close game, but for me Irish nudge it. Peranara a great find and this Gloucester backline has some brilliant young talents in it.

Northampton 21 - 21 Newcastle

Form issues for 3 of the props on show and I don't know a whole lot about Clement Ric. Scrums pretty even as some big names on show. Nothing between Best and Hartley. Locks go to Newcastle but I don't see a huge dominance in the lineout for them. Plenty of jumpers for Saints. I prefer the balance of the Saints back row and think they are stronger at 6 and 8 with Newcastle stronger at 7. Across the board the packs are very tight with very little in it. Bit more carrying for Newcastle maybe gives them the edge.

Half backs one a piece with Phillips better than Youngs and Flood ahead of Ford. Prefer the Saints centre combo although SBW will make yards through Ford and Giteau, but the plan of putting Lydiate in SBW channel is a good one and will work well. Back 3's just to Saints.

Very tough one to call. Think it has to be a draw.

Sale 29 - 20 Saracens

Without tactics this is a Sale win. Will give Sje some team and tactics feedback. Front 5 to me looks a little weak on paper. Attwood struggling a little at Bath and Dawiduk ok but not really capable at this level. Back row is top notch though and will be competitive against most if not all in this league.

Backline has a decent balance to it. Sexton and Hook a strong combo but relying a lot on Freuan for go forward in the contact area in the back line. Not seen much of Buttin but hear he is a strong option. Overall the backline is good but there are better in the league, although 9,10,12 is very nice. Taylor a weakness on bench at this level. Imolek should go well at Leeds this season and comeback strong.

Driver your side is decent and whilst it would have been tough to get a win here, it might have run Sale close. Need a better option than Hodgson at 9. Form issues with Jauzion, Bell and Lamont in the back line

Last edited by Steven_Sharks on Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to fully predict Irish v Gloucester)


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by CJB Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:51 am

Quins 25-23 Welsh
Overall the edge in the forwards goes to Quins. Welsh have a slightly better front row but Quins in my eyes have a superior second and back row. Half backs about equal, Welsh have a better back three but like the Quins centre partnership. Good subs from Welsh but at home Quins have too much.

Tigers 26–21 Warriors
I think the Tigers have an edge in the front five but the back row is close probably equal. Love the Tigers half backs and a better back five takes it at home.

Irish 32–29 Gloucester
Irish don’t have the strongest front row but they have a good second row combination. If Kaino was on top form then perhaps the back row battle would be closer but Gloucester are stronger. Nick has the better set of half backs and I really feel that Nick Evans can control the game for Irish. Prefer the Irish back three and the Gloucester centres. Strong bench from Gloucester but at home Irish have enough.

Saints 28–29 Falcons
Prefer the Saints front row but think Newcastle have a better second row combination by a long way. Falcons have more quality in the back row but perhaps form issues. Much better half back combination from Newcastle and can see Ford struggling. Not much in the centres, SBW factor for Newcastle but Lowe is the weakest of all four. Very good back threes, possibly an advantage to Saints. So hard to call

Sale 26–19 Sarries
Not much in the front row, Sarries have a better second row but Sale are strong in the backrow. Also very dominant in the half backs and centres. Not much in the back three but with home advantage and a lack of tactics for Sarries its an easy win for Sale.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by dammit_chris Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:09 pm

Been a long day in the office, so finally got round to the predos.

Quins 36 - 32 Welsh
Can see both teams getting over the 30 point mark with the attacking threats and the way the game will pan out. With Wade on the wing, Welsh have a really good try machine and can see him getting a few. Can see Quins winning this with a bit more overall.

Bath 22 - 24 Wasps
Similar opinion to Pete's with this, so wont go into more detail.

Tigers 17 - 15 Warriors
Tigers do have the edge in front five, but backrow very good from Warriors - would give home advantage a big sway here, but issue for me is lack of creativity of TIgers 9 and 10, which really hampers the flow and try scoring options out wide.

Irish 29 - 30 Gloucester
Motu on debut could have some issues going straight into the team, and Gloucester have a great lineout and will get a lot of joy here. Also can see the backline getting some real joy in the Irish 12-13 channel and will sneak a win due to conditions.

Sale 33 - 27 Sarries
Sale are a very tough team to beat at home and think SJE has put out a really good team, which will cause the new look Sarries team some issues. Sale have match winners all over the park, whilst I see Sarries will be hindered by Hodgson at no9 until he picks up form or the conditions get worse. Entertaining game, but more class on display from the home team.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:33 pm


Bath Rugby 23 London Wasps 21
Leicester Tigers 29 Worcester Warriors 20
London Irish 34 Gloucester 26
Harlequins 29 London Welsh 22
Northampton Saints 27 Newcastle Falcons 28
Sale Sharks 31 Saracens 21

(Chris predictions are not included as they were after the cut off time.)

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Sgt_Pooly Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:37 pm

Happy with that win! Very Happy


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Steven_Sharks Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:40 pm

How does the scoring system work now pete?

is it 0.5 for every winning predo? Tried to calculate our result but got it wrong.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:49 pm


Bath Rugby 23 (T: Qera, Kitchener C: Skrela 2 P: Skrela 3)
London Wasps 21 (T: Banahan, Mafi C: Priestland P: Priestland 3)

Leicester Tigers 29 (T: O'Brien, Nacewa, Monye C: Wilkinson P: Wilkinson 4)
Worcester Warriors 20 (T: Hopper, Morgan C: Barkley 2 P: Barkley 2)

London Irish 34 (T: Matu'u, Yarde 2, Dupuy C: Evans 4 P: Evans 2)
Gloucester 26 (T: Perenara, Heaslip, Guildford C: Lamb P: Lamb 3)

Harlequins 29 (T: Biggs, Denton, Afoa C: Contepomi P: Contepomi 4)
London Welsh 22 (T: Wade, J.Davies P: Farrell 4)

Northampton Saints 27 (T: Ashton, Foden, Mulipola C: Halfpenny 3 P: Halfpenny 2)
Newcastle Falcons 28 (T: Flood, Benjamin, Lowe C: Flood 2 P: Flood 3)

Sale Sharks 31 (T: Picamoles, Earls 2, Care C: Sextion 4 P: Sexton)
Saracens 21 (T: Zanni, Visser C: Trinh-Duc P: Trinh-Duc DG: Trinh-Duc 2)

Last edited by Ozzy3213 on Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:51 pm

Yes it is Steve, 0.5 for each winning predo. Our game worked as follows...


divided by 9 predictions =
24.56 - 21.67

You got all 9 predictions so 4.5 added =
29.06 - 21.67

I got a bit of a touch in that you end up rounded down and I end up rounded up which gave me the LBP.

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Driver Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:54 pm

Visser top try scorer in the league - Boom!

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Steven_Sharks Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:57 pm

Ah right okay. I rounded up 24.566666 to 25 then added 4.5


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by SirJohnnyEnglish Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:47 pm



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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by prop_lyd Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:03 pm

Going to be a long season for me I think!!

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:05 pm

You and me both prop. I think you have a tough pack, so will pick up more wins come the winter months.

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by stnick88 Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:15 pm

The likes of Hamilton, Morgan and Gorgodze will serve you well in Winter prop. And having Steyn and Barkley who are both great kickers.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by LukeLovesLuka Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:22 pm

Great win for Pooly. Didnt see Chris losing for a while.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Ozzy3213 Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:56 pm

I didn't see him losing that one either luke, but I guess 5 of the managers did. Them's the breaks I guess. All about opinions. League table has an interesting look with Gloucester and Saracens in the bottom four, it's a while since that happened I think.

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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Sgt_Pooly Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:02 pm

I think Matt started last season quite low down then went on a big run when he got his WC players back.


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Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two - Page 2 Empty Re: Fantasy Aviva Premiership Round Two

Post by Sgt_Pooly Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:04 pm

I'm Saints bogey team Smile


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