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What next for Martinez?

manos de piedra
Herman Jaeger
Imperial Ghosty
Gerry SA
captain carrantuohil
Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake
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What next for Martinez? Empty What next for Martinez?

Post by Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake Sun 16 Sep 2012, 12:03 pm

Last nights performance from Martinez was outstanding. Totally schooled the fraud that is Chavez Jr. I cant fault him for getting knocked down in the 12th. A 37 year old fighter that had danced beautifully for 11 rounds vs a desperate oaf swinging for the fences.

So what next for Martinez? Plenty of talk of him dropping to 154 for Mayweather. Personally I'd love to see him go the other way. Up to SMW and a fight against Froch. I think that would be an absolute monster of a fight.

Sadly given Martinez's age, the lure of 2 or 3 big money fights would probably rule that out. Cotto would be a very interesting match up too.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by captain carrantuohil Sun 16 Sep 2012, 12:13 pm

Probably about three options, now, Lionel. Having cleaned out the established/older end of the middleweight division, Martinez will now have to take on the Young Turks at 160. He's begun that process with Chavez. A re-match isn't necessary, but might be lucrative, and that's option number 1.

The second option is to bite the bullet before age catches up with him and take on someone like Golovkin, who is only going to improve. If Martinez is ever going to beat the Kazakh, now is the time to do so.

The third option, of course, is Mayweather, who may be more interested in the match after what happened in the 12th round of the Chavez fight. A difficult match to make, with Mayweather's likely demands, and Martinez may be asked to come in closer to 154 (perhaps 157), but that shouldn't cause too many problems. Money-spinning fight, possibly even winnable, and a good note on which to go out.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by captain carrantuohil Sun 16 Sep 2012, 12:16 pm

Froch and the super-middleweights, by the way, are a non-starter, as Martinez himself has made consistently clear. He's just not big enough, and would be highly likely to get roughed up. Cotto's a possibility, I agree, a fight for which Martinez would have to start a strong favourite.

captain carrantuohil

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Gerry SA Sun 16 Sep 2012, 12:48 pm

Martinez's camp have said they aren't looking for unification fights at 160, due to the WBC not allowing their belt to be unified. So that rules out Geale, Golovkin.

168 isn't an option. Let's remember Sergio is a blown up LMW so SMW wouldn't work!

I think a fight with Canelo or Mayweather would be the ones that make the most sense.

But both are probably too scared to fight Maravilla.

Gerry SA

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by BoomBoomBaby Sun 16 Sep 2012, 1:09 pm

Martinez vs Cotto or Canelo would be good match ups. I can't see the Mayweather fight being made tho. For the record FMJ would do to Martinez what Martinez did to Chavez Jr!


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by sittingringside Sun 16 Sep 2012, 1:12 pm

I'm not sure Martinez is capable of getting down below 160 effectively at his age, it only gets harder. There's money to be made from a Mayweather fight, but I think he would lose badly if I'm honest. All things considered, I think he's better off looking for matches at middleweight. If he gets stripped for fighting another organisation's champion, so what? It's not as though Martinez has a long title reign left in him, and at this stage of his career he doesn't really need a belt as a bargaining chip anyway.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Imperial Ghosty Sun 16 Sep 2012, 1:17 pm

I would like to see Mayweather fight him at the full middleweight limit but he's far too small, he's a tiny 154lber as it is.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Seanusarrilius Sun 16 Sep 2012, 2:48 pm

Martinez easily makes 154

I think he will rematch Junio r tho. The end ing was so dramatic that everyone will want it and the money Martinez makes in a rematch will probably double. Not what I want as I believe Junior is roided and Martinez is getting older.

Anothe roption is Golovkin at 160

Or drop to 154, but Cotto and Mayweather won't want him there. Wold LOVE Cotto ve Martinez or May v Martinez


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Herman Jaeger Sun 16 Sep 2012, 2:55 pm

That's right Sean, he'll definitely want it, I'm not so sure he would if it wasn't a moneyspinner. It'll be a good rematch, Chavez will probably go for it a bit earlier next time, now he knows Martinez struggles with his power.

Herman Jaeger

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Seanusarrilius Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:06 pm

Herman Jaggery wrote:That's right Sean, he'll definitely want it, I'm not so sure he would if it wasn't a moneyspinner. It'll be a good rematch, Chavez will probably go for it a bit earlier next time, now he knows Martinez struggles with his power.

Exactly, and that will either lead to Martinez getting stopped later, or Junior getting stopped himself because he leaves himself too open. Point of truth is that Chavez v Martinez II would be huge now. Huge on any scale


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:07 pm

Chavez managed to knock him down late because he had thrown hardly any punches so was still relatively fresh whereas Martinez was very aggressive and threw alot more than usual and wanted the knockout so tired late. In a rematch Martinez won't be looking for the KO as much as he knows the judges won't screw him so will be the same as the first fight without round 12 so there shouldnt be a rematch

Cotto, Mayweather and Canelo are all bigger fights for him and I'm sure he will want one of those although I doubt he can make 154. He isnt a big middleweight but still weighed 168 I think in the 7 day weigh in so cutting that much muscle (which he grown into since his 160 debut) might be hard for a 37 year old. Martinez has very little body fat so the 7lbs is all muscle which is harder to cut

I know he said he is too small but I would like to see him against some of the super middleweights and Andre Ward vs Sergio Martinez would be a huge fight


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by TheMackemMawler Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:10 pm

Martinez Vs Golovkin or Geale are the only fights for me. Maybe Abraham @ middle

Cotto and May should stay clear, too small.

I want to see Martin Murray Vs Chavez or Canelo now

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Seanusarrilius Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:15 pm

Murray gets beat by both I am afraid.

Martinez won't want geale, no money and no real challenge

Golovkin would be epic, might KO Martinez


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by captain carrantuohil Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:16 pm

I want to see Martin Murray v Billy Joe Saunders right now, TMM. Think the youngster has what it takes to win that.

Will Geale risk it all against Martinez now, or bide his time making a couple of defences in Tasmania? Not sure, but could see the Aussie fighting someone like Macklin next, perhaps. Would love to see Martinez-Golovkin.

captain carrantuohil

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:21 pm

Martinez is looking for the big $$$$, hes in the twilight of his career and proved he is PPV worthy and deserves the big money. That's why I can't see a Golovkin fight. Golovkin has had 1 fight in the US and isnt well known but is a harder fight than chavez for Sergio. Sergio would rather rematch Chavez than fight low reward fighters like Geale and Golovkin. Chavez was bossed but is an easy rematch and easy to make and sell. Mexicans will always watch chavez fight and casuals will be shown the 12th round instead of the entire fight so it looked close

Chavez needs to earn the rematch bs a top level middleweight and hopefully the Golovkin-Chavez fight can be made as it has FOTY all over it


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by captain carrantuohil Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:22 pm

Money fight for Froch, alma, but perhaps without the sort of challenge that he's been used to lately. Anyhow, with Froch committed for about the next nine months or so, Chavez would have to establish his credentials against someone else first. You can bet that Junior will be agitating for a Martinez rematch.

captain carrantuohil

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by TheMackemMawler Sun 16 Sep 2012, 3:34 pm

Sean, I wasn't backing Murray against either, I think they would be entertaining fights though.

Martin Murray v Billy Joe Saunders, good call captain.

Arthur Abraham is a career middleweight, he's also unbeaten at the weight. He has amazing power at a 160lb. He needs to go back down. I can see him covering up as usual and eventually KO'ing Martinez.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake Sun 16 Sep 2012, 4:05 pm

I can't see Froch being too big for him. Froch admits he always walks around within a few pounds of the SMW limit. I think Sergio proved last night he could more than handle a bigger, heavier fighter.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Seanusarrilius Sun 16 Sep 2012, 4:16 pm

TheMackemMawler wrote:Sean, I wasn't backing Murray against either, I think they would be entertaining fights though.

Martin Murray v Billy Joe Saunders, good call captain.

Arthur Abraham is a career middleweight, he's also unbeaten at the weight. He has amazing power at a 160lb. He needs to go back down. I can see him covering up as usual and eventually KO'ing Martinez.

Fair enough. Be good to see a Brit in at world level again.

If Junior doesn't get the rematch it's up to SM to pick on someone his own size...and lose!


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by manos de piedra Sun 16 Sep 2012, 4:32 pm

Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake wrote:I can't see Froch being too big for him. Froch admits he always walks around within a few pounds of the SMW limit. I think Sergio proved last night he could more than handle a bigger, heavier fighter.

Im not too sure. Froch is likely a class above Chavez and doesnt have to drain himself to the extent Chavez does.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by 88Chris05 Sun 16 Sep 2012, 4:41 pm

I think if you asked Martinez, the fight he'd want ahead of all others is Mayweather. As recently as this summer, Di Bella has stated clearly that they could meet Mayweather at Light-Middleweight, or even at something like 152 lb.

I suspect that a lot of people would expect Mayweather to brush this possibility aside, but I'm not so sure. Floyd has, it seems, become a touch braver in his matchmaking over the past two or three years, perhaps jolted a little by the torrent of criticism he's received in the past. If he can get the fight at Light-Middle I have a feeling he might just fancy the job.

That aside, it's difficult to see where Martinez goes. Unifications are, apparently, out of favour, so that's Geale (who'd be beaten with the minimum of fuss, anyway) and Golovkin out of the frame. Chavez has no right walking in to a rematch after last night's dour performance. 168 lb is a no-go for Sergio, unless it's Abraham he wishes to feast on, and again you'd have to question what the point in that fight would be.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by TheMackemMawler Sun 16 Sep 2012, 5:18 pm

Chris do you think abraham would be an easy fight for Martinez?

I see Martinez running rings round him, Arthur not in the fight but walking him down, and eventually landing a KO blow while behind on the scorecards

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by 88Chris05 Sun 16 Sep 2012, 5:23 pm

Interesting take on it, Mackem.

I think Abraham has been on the wane for a while now. I actually quite rated him as a Middleweight; strong, fit as a fiddle, threw a lot of leather and had a serious whack on him, too. Good chin on top of all that.

However, I don't think the step up to 168 lb has favoured him that much. Gets bullied a bit more often, seems a little more cumbersome, less likely to end a fight with one shot etc. You can count on one hand the amount of rounds he bagged against Froch, Dirrell and Ward combined.

I, like you, think Martinez snags all of the early rounds but withstands a late push from Abraham, without ever being in serious trouble, to win a wide decision.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by TheMackemMawler Sun 16 Sep 2012, 5:28 pm

Maybe your right Chris, thats why I'd like to see them fight...

It's either as you say, or a KO victory for Abraham.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Sun 16 Sep 2012, 5:38 pm

Abraham is a different fighter than the one that looked so fierce at 160. He has been well and truly found out and like Chavez struggles with a jab, holds a high guard and struggles to let his shots off. Martinez would be wary of his power but he is shorter and has a smaller reach than Chavez do Martinez should have no problems out boxing him as will constantly land lefts to the body

I actually think it'll be a great fight for Chavez especially if he is serious about moving up to 168 which is what roach warns but not so much arum. It will be an exciting fight and Abraham couldn't hurt his last 2 opponents so Chavez should be tough enough to take his shots


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by azania Sun 16 Sep 2012, 5:44 pm

Martinez not wanting to give up the WBC belt is a poor excuse. The reason is financial and at this stage of his career, he should be chasing the money fights. If that is a rematch then good luck to him. Same outcome. GG would murder him though.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by TheMackemMawler Sun 16 Sep 2012, 5:51 pm

I hear what your saying WHU...but Abraham might recapture what he had at 160 if he moved back down therefore making a fight with Martinez competitive?

I agree Abraham would get his head boxed off, but his style allows for that.... a crab like defence and once in while unleashing hell in spurts. His middleweight record is something like 30-0 with 25 KO's. Flawless really.

Maybe he didn't move up well and maybe if he moved back down he wouldn't regain his middleweight form? It would be interesting if he did though.

N.B. I think Chavez would beat him Abraham at 168. The lad seems to have a cracking chin.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Sun 16 Sep 2012, 6:08 pm

TheMackemMawler wrote:I hear what your saying WHU...but Abraham might recapture what he had at 160 if he moved back down therefore making a fight with Martinez competitive?

I agree Abraham would get his head boxed off, but his style allows for that.... a crab like defence and once in while unleashing hell in spurts. His middleweight record is something like 30-0 with 25 KO's. Flawless really.

Maybe he didn't move up well and maybe if he moved back down he wouldn't regain his middleweight form? It would be interesting if he did though.

N.B. I think Chavez would beat him Abraham at 168. The lad seems to have a cracking chin.

I guess he could make a good return to 160 but we won't know. He put muscle on to get to 168 and has had it for a couple years so burning muscle could have an negative effect on him.

I also think it takes more than a couple of big punches to knock Martinez out and although he was a big punching middleweight I wouldn't say he hit any harder than pavlik and only slightly heavier puncher than Chavez and martinez took big shots off both of those.

Chavez should be able to beat abraham but was hurt by martinez and Abraham too won't be bothered by Chavez size or power as he is built like a tank.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by TheMackemMawler Sun 16 Sep 2012, 6:11 pm

Many possibilities so I think we'd agree they'd be good match ups.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by bellchees Sun 16 Sep 2012, 8:05 pm

I think if Martinez can make 154 without any problems he murders Cotto and Alvarez and beats Mayweather as well. Sergio would hold size, skill and speed advantages over Cotto and Alvarez so I don't see them being competitive really. Mayweather is just too small to beat Martinez who showed he can hurt a durable guy who must have weighed close to 180lbs on fight night. I'd like to see Martinez take on Golovkin but that wont happen and he wont fight at Supermiddle either so his options are limited unless he can make 154 and any of those guys want a piece of him.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Group Cpt Lionel Mandrake Sun 16 Sep 2012, 9:59 pm

bellchees wrote:I think if Martinez can make 154 without any problems he murders Cotto and Alvarez and beats Mayweather as well. Sergio would hold size, skill and speed advantages over Cotto and Alvarez so I don't see them being competitive really. Mayweather is just too small to beat Martinez who showed he can hurt a durable guy who must have weighed close to 180lbs on fight night. I'd like to see Martinez take on Golovkin but that wont happen and he wont fight at Supermiddle either so his options are limited unless he can make 154 and any of those guys want a piece of him.

Cotto, Alvarez and Mayweather would be three awesome farewell fights

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Lance Sun 16 Sep 2012, 10:36 pm

cotto would be the best fight for him, and one i think he would win. i think alvarez would stop him. martinez always gets hit, and has been hurt by far lesser punchers than alvarez.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Imperial Ghosty Sun 16 Sep 2012, 10:50 pm

But then again he's been hit by far bigger punchers than Alvarez namely Chavez and Pavlik, it's a good fight but I can only see Martinez dancing to a comfortable points decision. Alvarez is good no doubt about that but he's pretty much a smaller version of Chavez with slightly more boxing ability.

Lesser chin, lesser power and lesser size makes it an easier fight for Martinez and one in which he should get the KO. I'm longing for Mayweather at middleweight but know it wont happen, a fully legitimate undefeated six weight world champion may finally see him get the credit he deserves.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Sun 16 Sep 2012, 10:52 pm

I think Alvarez needs to fight a true 154lber before we can consider that he can beat a middleweight like Martinez


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Lance Sun 16 Sep 2012, 10:58 pm

WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs wrote:I think Alvarez needs to fight a true 154lber before we can consider that he can beat a middleweight like Martinez

maybe, but i would still fancy his chances more than cottos or anyone currently at MW. martinez could outbox them all and he has great recovery powers when hurt. but alvarez is a great finisher when he has his man hurt if nothing else, and sergio would have to be more careful than he was against chavez


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by bellchees Sun 16 Sep 2012, 11:12 pm

Imperial Ghosty wrote:But then again he's been hit by far bigger punchers than Alvarez namely Chavez and Pavlik, it's a good fight but I can only see Martinez dancing to a comfortable points decision. Alvarez is good no doubt about that but he's pretty much a smaller version of Chavez with slightly more boxing ability.

Lesser chin, lesser power and lesser size makes it an easier fight for Martinez and one in which he should get the KO. I'm longing for Mayweather at middleweight but know it wont happen, a fully legitimate undefeated six weight world champion may finally see him get the credit he deserves.

If Mayweather were to go up to Middleweight and beat Sergio he would have a strong argument for being the greatest ever, that would be a truly ridiculous win for him, won't happen though.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Imperial Ghosty Sun 16 Sep 2012, 11:22 pm

It's been a dream of mine for a long while, Martinez, Pacquiao and Alvarez then retirement, wouldn't get much better than that.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by eddyfightfan Tue 18 Sep 2012, 12:08 am

martinez really deserves a shot at either mayweather, alverez or cotto- he beats mayweather, but i really cant call the other 2, i know mayweather beat cotto but i think cottos style would give him more problems.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Tue 18 Sep 2012, 12:20 am

eddyfightfan wrote:martinez really deserves a shot at either mayweather, alverez or cotto- he beats mayweather, but i really cant call the other 2, i know mayweather beat cotto but i think cottos style would give him more problems.

Couldn't disagree more. I think martinez has an awful style for floyd but no way is he easier than Alvarez or cotto. Martinez will punch like a mule at 154 and given cotto and Alvarez aren't the hardest to find it wil be easy pickings. Cotto almost got knocked out by floyd in the 12th round so I would worry about his chances of surving. Alvarez has yet to fight a top top fighter and while he has talent and is always improving he, like Chavez, will struggle to get his shots off and get away from the southpaw jab.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by eddyfightfan Tue 18 Sep 2012, 12:26 am

i dont think alvarez will be worried by martinez power, he seems to have a iron chin, maybe im over hyping him but i think he's ready for anyone at the minute. i dont think mayweathers style will draw martinez in like most other fighters, and his power will be to much. cotto however might be able to get in and out and win rounds. that said theres a more that likely martinez will be able to knock him out.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Tue 18 Sep 2012, 12:34 am

eddyfightfan wrote:i dont think alvarez will be worried by martinez power, he seems to have a iron chin, maybe im over hyping him but i think he's ready for anyone at the minute. i dont think mayweathers style will draw martinez in like most other fighters, and his power will be to much. cotto however might be able to get in and out and win rounds. that said theres a more that likely martinez will be able to knock him out.

On what evidence does Alvarez have an iron chin having not fought any true middleweights bar Rhodes whereas Martinez has developed into a fighter who can knock out and hurt middleweights.

If mayweather can't take Martinez power than neither can cotto and mayweather will be much harder to catch. Cotto got demolished last time he fought a southpaw with power and ignoring mayweather his CV has consisted of slow flatfooted fighters who are the opposite of Martinez. Cotto will get cut up from the outside and will be stopped late. Mayweather has a larger reach than cotto and is a lot quicker so will be able to cope with Martinez' jab and speed


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by eddyfightfan Tue 18 Sep 2012, 12:40 am

lopez's punches didnt faze alvarez, and they broke ortiz's jaw. mosley didnt make him flinch either. i know its not 2 world class fighters but canelo is only 22 and he seems to get stronger everytime, hes getting better when the other 3 are going in the opposite direction if anything,

cotto could easily be knockout at any point but think he would still have a better shot than mayweather, who is of similar (or very very slighter better) skill level than martinez, but not as strong or as experienced in tough fights.


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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by Imperial Ghosty Tue 18 Sep 2012, 5:20 am

Skill wise it's no contest between Mayweather and Martinez, the equalizer is the size but can't agree that Cotto stands a better chance at all, he'd be stopped any time after the 7th.

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What next for Martinez? Empty Re: What next for Martinez?

Post by WHU_Champo_League_in_7Yrs Tue 18 Sep 2012, 12:46 pm

eddyfightfan wrote:lopez's punches didnt faze alvarez, and they broke ortiz's jaw. mosley didnt make him flinch either. i know its not 2 world class fighters but canelo is only 22 and he seems to get stronger everytime, hes getting better when the other 3 are going in the opposite direction if anything,

cotto could easily be knockout at any point but think he would still have a better shot than mayweather, who is of similar (or very very slighter better) skill level than martinez, but not as strong or as experienced in tough fights.

Hardly an iron chin not getting hurt by a light welter in Lopez and a shot Mosley

Mayweather may not be as strong but his superior speed makes him far more dangerous opponent than cotto. Martinez fights with his hands down which he won't be able to do vs floyd as he will jump in and out and if Chavez can counter martinez with the right hand, the same punch Macklin and barker had most success with, than mayweather can.


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