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Orthrus Empty Orthrus

Post by jeromedubois Sun 09 Dec 2012, 8:49 pm

Orthrus Orthru10

Name: Orthrus
Weight: 345 lbs
Height: 6ft 11in
Age: 23
Hometown: Deadman's Corner

(Face/Heel): Heel
Gimmick: Evil Psychopath plays mind games
Personality: Dark, Evil etc
Entrance Music (and if you wish any entrance details):, lights go down Orthrus comes up through the ramp with smoke filled everywhere and walks to the ring with intent in his eyes ( can be used for attacks from behind etc)
Finishing Move: Death from above - Crucifix Powerbomb
Submission Move: Deathly Hollows - Dragon sleeper
Eight most common moves: Chokeslam , Tiger Bomb, Spinebuster, Cloverleaf, Armbar, Package Piledriver, Full Nelson Slam and Dragon Suplex

Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Dirty

Fighting Style (Select three): Powerhouse, Unhanded tactics and Submission expert
Weapon of Choice: Fireball

What Match you're best at: Last Man Standing

Pic Base(Who does your wrestler look like?): Kane without a mask with a scar under the right eye.


Posts : 1589
Join date : 2011-04-06

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