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Putters Empty Putters

Post by drive4show Tue 26 Apr 2011, 8:14 pm

How many putters do each of you have? Are you faithful to one lifelong putter regardless of how well it is behaving or do you chop and change?
I played two rounds yesterday, wasn't happy with my putting in the morning so changed to a different putter for the afternoon round. Played again today and used a third one 🤦

Checked in the shed and I have 2 Scotty's, 2 Odyssey's, a TM Ghost and a Cleveland.

I really need to stay away from ebay Rolling Eyes


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by asdral225 Tue 26 Apr 2011, 8:39 pm

I've had a Ping Anser G2 for ages, after my golfing partner changed to a two ball putter I thought I give it a go so went out and bought a odyssey two ball putter which I never really got on with after six months or so reverted back to my anser.
So now I have a putter for sale

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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Davie Tue 26 Apr 2011, 8:45 pm

For years I used a Slazenger putter that came with the starter set of clubs I bought. The putter long outlasted the rest of the clubs. Then I won a John Letters putter in a raffle and thought I'd give it a go. It has its bad days (it must be the putter, not me, right?) but I've stuck with that for years now


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by SmithersJones Tue 26 Apr 2011, 9:33 pm

asdral225 wrote:I've had a Ping Anser G2 for ages, after my golfing partner changed to a two ball putter I thought I give it a go so went out and bought a odyssey two ball putter which I never really got on with after six months or so reverted back to my anser.
So now I have a putter for sale

Must be something about the Pings - I've had my Pal since the late 80s, briefly tried a tri-ball last year but all that did was make me realise the shaft was too long in my pal. Drivers and irons can improve with technology, but a putter just gets the ball rolling.

Last edited by SmithersJones on Sat 30 Apr 2011, 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I've had it that long I don't even remember what putter I use!)

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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by barragan Tue 26 Apr 2011, 10:36 pm

started out with a ben sayers my grandaddy had. a neighbour lent me a ping zing for a couple of seasons. i then putted with a cleveland for a few years. used a 2 ball one summer before going back to the cleveland. 4th season with my latest, a scotty newport 2 - no plans for a switch.


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by navyblueshorts Tue 26 Apr 2011, 11:52 pm

drive4show wrote:How many putters do each of you have? Are you faithful to one lifelong putter regardless of how well it is behaving or do you chop and change?
I played two rounds yesterday, wasn't happy with my putting in the morning so changed to a different putter for the afternoon round. Played again today and used a third one 🤦

Checked in the shed and I have 2 Scotty's, 2 Odyssey's, a TM Ghost and a Cleveland.

I really need to stay away from ebay Rolling Eyes

There are people, possibly in white coats, who can help you with stuff like that laughing.

I have a 2010 Scotty Newport 2.6 which I've been using ~12 months now and have a strong feeling is in the bag to stay. In the garage I have a Ping VSL (which I like a lot), an Acushnet Bullseye 'Heavy Flange' (ancient, but still pretty sweet) and a replica Geo Low 600 (which I go to when the putting's seriously off as it has a small head and I need to concentrate when using it).

Draw the line at changing 3 times in 2 days though!

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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by The Dazzler Wed 27 Apr 2011, 6:16 am

Wilson blade for me, had it 20 years now, more faithful than the wife(some would say it looks better also) Whistle
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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Maverick Wed 27 Apr 2011, 7:15 am

My god how many putters? I think I have a dozen or maybe more in the garage that have been dabbled with, most never even made it to the course! I to have eBay issues so if anyone has that counsellors number I'll take it, well that and I never get rid of old gear!

I used a Ping Zing 2 from when I was 16 to 20.Then a Ping Anser 2 for a 2 year period, traded up to a YES Emma for about 3 years, then settled on a Cali Del Mar for 5years right up until it was stolen last year, replaced it with a like for like Cali but just didn't feel the same. So have swapped and changed for last few months to get a feel for different putters hence the eBay issues but nothing has helped me settle till this week where the Ping Zing 2 has worked its way back into my bag and my affections and rolling the ball beautifully.

So the only real thing that matters with a putter is does it feel comfortable not how old it is, after all not may developments that can be made to the putter


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Doc Wed 27 Apr 2011, 8:03 am

Putting has held me back for ages, and I reckon that trying different putters hasn't helped. Its the technique I should have worked on and not the putter. I do seem to be getting to grips with it now though, although had 1 nightmare round recently. I'm using a Bettinardi BB25 at present, and love the feel and balance, which helps with confidence so not leaving many short now, and its got great roll-out. I have 2 Oddysey putters, and a KZG forged blade - Just hope I don't add any more to the garage thumbsup


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Supersixfive Wed 27 Apr 2011, 8:19 am

Has anyone ever tried a seemore putter? They are expensive but are they any good?


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by LondonJonnyO Wed 27 Apr 2011, 12:09 pm

I have a newport beach. The ringer has stolen my itsy bitsy spider. I have given away a newport midslant and a circa 62.

Plus that napa

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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Lairdy Wed 27 Apr 2011, 12:38 pm

I have a Yes Sophia and a Ping B60. I've only been playing seriously for about a 1.5 years. The Ping I seriously want to bin. I'd rather snap it than sell it to some poor unsuspecting soul... but that's probably more to do with having the yips when I played with that putter. I cut it down to 33'' and stuck a ton of lead tape on its bum. I think it actually feels better now but still don't have the confidence to use it for more than one round once in a blue moon!

The Sophia I love because it part saved me from the yips. Don't know how I did it with a putter like that but there you are. Wouldnt mind trying a blade that isnt heel shafted now as I often wonder if I'm making things difficult for myself... Currently looking out for Odyssey #6 new black tour series, Circa 62s no.s 1 and 2, rife cayman and maybe a Yes Tracy II. Nothing with more than a half shaft offset because otherwise I might as well be putting with a garden hoe.


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Maverick Wed 27 Apr 2011, 12:43 pm

Talking of putters just heard Ernie Els has resorted to using a belly putter in this weeks ET event. Seems as though he has lost all confidence in all the putters and techniques he's tried


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by The Golfing Bhoy Wed 27 Apr 2011, 12:57 pm

I have a Taylor Made TM4 that I have used for 10 years+, I have always been an excellent putter but I have been having major putting for the last year. I tried numerous putters from our Pro.

Realised quickly it was my stroke and not the putter. Changed my grip to a variant of the claw grip and now back putting almost as well.

Secret is the stroke and being able to read the line. Put these two together and you should be able to put with anything! A new putter is not going to make you putt well if you don't have the fundamentals correct.

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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by oldshanker Wed 27 Apr 2011, 3:31 pm

LondonJonnyO wrote:I have a newport beach. The ringer has stolen my itsy bitsy spider. I have given away a newport midslant and a circa 62.

Plus that napa

Whistle Told that would happen LJ.

I have numerous putters, some in the loft, some leaning up against the office wall, some holding up the beans in the garden.

Have tried over the years dozens, including a whole flock of golden geese, a number of ben sayers benny's, various pings, two thumb grips, big grips, thin grips, centre shafted, heel shafted, ones that came with the irons, ones that have been purchased specially, loaners, finders, and bargain car booters. Even tried a croquet mallet style before they were banned - not surprised, I couldn't miss with it - bloody typical! Actually saw a belly putter the other day, got hold of it and had a few swishes with it until I thought of the derision that would be coming my way.

Can't drive any of them!! furious

It is all in the mind of the 'driver' and presently I am in love with a scotty teryllium - but love is transient, the yips are permanent.


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by K@S Sat 30 Apr 2011, 8:26 am

I have 2 putters, one of which I have had for 45 years, and never feel the inclination to change them. I am therefore curious as to whether those of you that change them frequently keep the same spec( weight, shaft length, loft and lie) or do you try something different when you change putters.

The main difference between my 2 putters seems to be the weight, I haven't a clue what the specs are for my old putter. My old Spalding Synchro-line is brass headed and quite heavy and I now only use if the greens are slow whereas my Ping B60 is a lightweight version and tends to be used if the greens are quick, use determined by the practice green before play.


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by oldparwin Sat 30 Apr 2011, 8:33 pm

I only have one Putter, had it now for about 10 years, its always easy to blame the putter for poor putting strokes, after all its not going to answer you back.

People who chop and change putters, really need to analysis their putting techniques, as it is almost certainly their putting technique that is wrong and nothing to do with the putter they are using.

I would suggest you find a putter that feels good in your hands, and stick with it


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Maverick Sun 01 May 2011, 7:45 am

Don't see anything wrong with changing putters as long as its done for the right reasons 2.g you like the look of it or the way it feels etc but if your doing it because your putting poorly then yes I'd agree you need to look at your stroke first because the club itself doesn't make you a bad putter, you do as an individual.

So if your changing the flatstick because of bad putting my suggestion would be buy one that feels comfortable and book a putting lesson at the same time to learn how to wield it correctly


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by K@S Sun 01 May 2011, 8:11 am

Maverick wrote:

So if your changing the flatstick because of bad putting my suggestion would be buy one that feels comfortable and book a putting lesson at the same time to learn how to wield it correctly

Everone seems to recommend custom fitting for their irons but does anyone get their putters custom fitted?
Given the cost of putters it would seem to make sense to have your stroke analyzed, corrected if needed, and then get the fitter to customise a putter for you.


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Putters Empty Re: Putters

Post by Maverick Sun 01 May 2011, 8:31 am

I know a fey guys that have gone for custom fitting sessions on their putters, but has made no difference to them, As they had putters that were ideal length for them and supposedly sat right for them according to fitting but didn't feel comfortable with them

I think custom fit on drivers, irons and wedges is what we should all do to get the right lofts, lies and degrees of bounce etc as this will help you in countless ways but putter fitting I think is like marmite you'll either love it or hate it. Personally for me its a no go area as I know what feels right for me, I know what length and weight feels comfortable in my hands and I know what i want the feel of the clubface to be like.

But for anyone struggling to get the feel why not give it a whirl


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