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Parisse and Edwards

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 12:41 pm

Shaun Edwards, Wales assistant coach has weighed into the Parisse disciplinary case in the media before the hearing on wednesday. Edwards basically said " he has form for this offence"

What do you think of this???

I think 3 things:

1. it stinks and he should not be doing this i.e trying to influence the disciplinary people. its not rugby culture to do this - more football culture;
2. previous form is only relevant to penalty and cant be used to decide whether he did it this time or not so it is wrong for anyone to be publicly talking about it;
3. it shows how worried wales are about parisse and Italy.

p.s I know Edwards is English.

p.p.s this welsh regime love to commentate on what is going on with other teams - they did it a fair bit re england rwc2011 (and Fatland has only just brought it up again!!!!!) and now this.

They need to worry about themselves a little bit more !


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by LondonTiger Tue 19 Feb 2013, 12:48 pm

"It's no surprise he has been done for speaking to refs, it's not something he hasn't done before," said Edwards.

"Funnily enough, we were watching footage on Friday from the [Six Nations] game [against Italy] last year and you can clearly hear him on the ref's mic coming out with profanities in the ref's earshot about what damage he was going to do to one of our players if he did the same thing again.

"So, it's no surprise to me that he has been done for backchat to a referee."

So Sean, based on your evidence he was not insulting the ref.

It is all rather silly really. Edwards is experienced enough not to be trapped into saying something daft by a journo, it is not a case of misquoted. Yet I cannot for the life of me work out what he is trying to gain.

Mind you Northern defence coaches have past history in this respect. Dave Ellis used to come out with some pearlers when defence coach for France.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Cyril Tue 19 Feb 2013, 1:20 pm

This coming from Shaun 'Inappropriate Folk Songs Are My Party Piece' Edwards.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 1:31 pm

Basically the wales coaching regmine seem to all be a bit dim when it comes to media and their attempts to "control the narrative" are very misconceived.

It just reflects very poorly on their set up to be honest.

Why cant they shut the feck up and just get on with their jobs as rugby coaches?!

This will just motivate their opponents.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Tue 19 Feb 2013, 1:34 pm

Triangulation wrote:Basically the wales coaching regmine seem to all be a bit dim when it comes to media and their attempts to "control the narrative" are very misconceived.

It just reflects very poorly on their set up to be honest.

Why cant they shut the feck up and just get on with their jobs as rugby coaches?!

This will just motivate their opponents.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by thebluesmancometh Tue 19 Feb 2013, 1:48 pm


It's hard to take your comments seriously when you boast such discourse for the coaching team involved.

I'm not sure everything the Welsh coaching team does has a serious agenda, there are some situations I think they are trying to gauge an advantage, and other times a simple comment has been misconstrued. They have decided not to impliment a 'silence' policy, and decided not to rehash old cliche's like a lot of others do.

Wether this is helpfull or detrimental to Wales performance remainds to be seen, and may probably never be known.

I heard a lot of criticism of the coaching setup pre world cup when boasting about fitness levels, conditioning routines and comments that Welsh players were working harder than anyone else, this culminated in a semi final and teams for a full season had bought into Wales being bigger faster and stronger not to mention fitter, Opposition teams buying into this combined with the Welsh players believing so has given Wales an edge in the final 1/4 time and time again, are they fitter? No chance, but they believe they are.

Then the criticism over Gatland commenting on the English at the RWC, why shouldn't he exactly, the English team had traveled to his country, acted the goats and were given the media attention they deserved, he was probably incensed by a lot of what he saw, as were many kiwi's (especially the black kit that fell apart)

I'm not saying that Edwards was right in commenting on Parisse here, but for me we are constantly seeing the Welsh coaching set up near write the pre match speach for the opposition coach's, it's amazing how they are doing it all the time now. This must be a tactic, and personally I think it may be a clever one. It is well documented that arousal levels in players effect performance, and when over stimulated players can expend energy needlessly. Could this be a tactic to ensure Wales keep their edge late into games?


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Cyril Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:01 pm

bluesman, you're thinking way too deeply about this.

It's not a masterplan, they're both just gobby individuals. We don't hear any of this from Howley.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:09 pm

Nor from Robin McBryde - he just talks about coal and putting things in boxes.

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Casartelli Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:10 pm

The Welsh management 'guys' should all be banned from talking.

At any press conference, Mark Jones should come out and play air guitar on a corner flag, for 6-7 minutes, to a selection of classic rock riffs. Members of the assembled media can call out requests.

This would be more coherent, more fun and less embarrassing for all concerned.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:12 pm

If you and others know what they are like Cyril, why do you get so sensitive about it and read articles and comments containing their ill thought out rants?

I'm glad Mr Edwards has brought Parisse's behaviour to everybody's attention. It's always interesting to hear about other players character traits.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by LondonTiger Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:19 pm

Risca Rev wrote:If you and others know what they are like Cyril, why do you get so sensitive about it and read articles and comments containing their ill thought out rants?

I'm glad Mr Edwards has brought Parisse's behaviour to everybody's attention. It's always interesting to hear about other players character traits.

If you ever listen to the ref mic you will hear all sorts of "blue" language coming from many players. My issue with what Edward's has to say is he accuses Parisse of having a past record of insulting the ref then provides an example where actually he isn't. I just think that sometimes the coaches get so bored with the repetetive press conferences that they try and have a bit of fun.

But, again really this is all a storm in a teacup. Yet another bit of pre-match silliness which excites WUMs and apologists alike.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Cyril Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:19 pm

Risca Rev wrote:If you and others know what they are like Cyril, why do you get so sensitive about it and read articles and comments containing their ill thought out rants?
I just can't help myself. I'm like Curious George.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Guest Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:20 pm



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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:31 pm


I take serious issue with you and your comments above.

I can't believe you have to ask "why shouldn’t he comment on England " ??

The answer is because he should not currently be wearing his "incensed kiwi" hat or his usual "Embarrassing-foot-in-mouth- Wales coach" hat.

The answer is (putting aside the fact that it was a different regime then and the fact that the culture has changed 180 degrees since then anyway) because he is supposed to be wearing his British and Irish Lions Head Coach hat. He is supposed to be leading a unified party and he has singled out England players, not as individuals but collectively and based on their Englishness as being a problem. That is why. If he really felt that he needed to speak about off field behaviour he could have done so without referencing England alone. That would have then covered all tourists including for e.g Mr Phillips.

This is why he has been forced to backtrack at a thousand miles an hour form the same comments you support him making and claim to be "misinterpreted".

I cannot believe that you genuinely had to ask that question.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:32 pm

Ridiculous comment from Bluesmancometh

Then the criticism over Gatland commenting on the English at the RWC, why shouldn't he exactly, the English team had traveled to his country, acted the goats and were given the media attention they deserved, he was probably incensed by a lot of what he saw, as were many kiwi's (especially the black kit that fell apart)


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by LondonTiger Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:40 pm

My parents travelled throughout much of NZ in the first couple of months last year. the rugby people they met had only good things to say about the English team and the community relations stuff they did over there. You know the sort of stuff all teams do, but never makes headlines as it fails to sell papers.

I still remember the Radio 5 interview with Paul O'Connell during the competition, who when asked about the England squad stated he was damned glad the paps could not be arsed to follow them around.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by tatterd Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:42 pm

Triangulation, based on my reading of this board you and "Duty" are the most pro English/anti Welsh posters on here.

Well done.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Bathman_in_London Tue 19 Feb 2013, 2:45 pm

Shock as Captain talks to referee.

Completely irrelevant to whatever he said to some welsh player last year. Personally this sort of thing annoys me, he should be focusing on getting his team sorted for the weekend, not commenting on the french league's disciplinary arrangements.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Biltong Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:22 pm

Gowershowerpower, I removed your pointless post. It doesn't add anything to the thread.

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by rodders Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:24 pm

Biltong wrote:Gowershowerpower, I removed your pointless post. It doesn't add anything to the thread.

Really? I thought it was the most sensible post on here...... Whistle ..... Run

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:28 pm

there was more point to my post than yours biltong...which BTW, most certainly doesn't add anything to the pointless thread. at least mine was on topic.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by 100%beefy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:29 pm

edwards has form for being a plank


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:36 pm

beefy, judging by what has happened, i would say the king of plankville, plankland, is most certainly parisse. the plank.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:37 pm

tatterd wrote:Triangulation, based on my reading of this board you and "Duty" are the most pro English/anti Welsh posters on here.

Well done.

You must be joking.

Have you been on here 2 seconds? There are some proper WUMS on here who talk of nothing else. In fact they even make special bickering threads to cater to it!

I try to be anti stupid and pro sensible.

I call it as i see it and Gatland and Endwards (who is English) have both been out of line recently in my opinion.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Jimpy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:40 pm

Triangulation wrote:
tatterd wrote:Triangulation, based on my reading of this board you and "Duty" are the most pro English/anti Welsh posters on here.

Well done.

You must be joking.

Have you been on here 2 seconds? There are some proper WUMS on here who talk of nothing else. In fact they even make special bickering threads to cater to it!

I try to be anti stupid and pro sensible.

I call it as i see it and Gatland and Endwards (who is English) have both been out of line recently in my opinion.

Whether they have been or not, it does seem rather pointless when you consider the problems they have 'at home' to sort out.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:46 pm

yes jimpy, pointless, but do you honestly think a 7 second throw away comment has caused the welsh management to disregard any potential problems that they think they may have within the camp?

such a pointless thread.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Jimpy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:52 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:yes jimpy, pointless, but do you honestly think a 7 second throw away comment has caused the welsh management to disregard any potential problems that they think they may have within the camp?
such a pointless thread.

It certainly wouldn't suprise me. We're unlikely to see any of the Welsh management on Mastermind in the near future, thats for sure.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by RubyGuby Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:53 pm

So Edwards sais "Parisse has history in that department" and everyone else goes hysterical - fecking brilliant picard


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:54 pm

correct, that is because they are busy masterminding the 6 nations championship that they will win after disposing of italy, scotland and finally arrogantland.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:54 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:yes jimpy, pointless, but do you honestly think a 7 second throw away comment has caused the welsh management to disregard any potential problems that they think they may have within the camp?

such a pointless thread.

Depends on how much you value rugby culture gowershowerpower.

I would have thought that is quite important and very much a subject of interest to posters on these boards.

There has been a pattern of it from wales regime for a while now.

While were on the subject im also very with Brian Moore and very much against all the biatching against refs that is coming thick and fast from English AP coaches post defeats.

It is just unacceptable.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:58 pm

it's professional sport tri. and with professional sport comes media talk.

nothing to do with culture. it's a business.

just because you find it unacceptable, doesn't mean it won't happen.

and that is why the thread is pointless.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 3:59 pm

hahaha ruby....perfectly summarised.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:03 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:it's professional sport tri. and with professional sport comes media talk.

nothing to do with culture. it's a business.

just because you find it unacceptable, doesn't mean it won't happen.

and that is why the thread is pointless.

An interesting take on an opinions and discussion board Gower!

I paraphrase you below and as with the Tina Fey impersonation of Sarah Palin there is no need to alter your words or meaning. They speak for themselves.

"Things will continue to happen regardless of our opinion of them. So there is no point in experessing an opinion of them"


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by offload Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:08 pm

When it's quiet in the world of rugby and there is a natural lull in the number of quality original posts on the v2 forum - it's better to keep it that way.

Coaching teams should refrain from unecessary comments as should partisan posters.

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:10 pm

"Pointless things of no consequence will continue to happen regardless of our opinion of them. So there is no point in expressing an opinion of them, because after all they are pointless. However, pointless people, with nowt better to do, will make the pointless thing seem like an issue, when there is actually no point, such that it all becomes pointless"

I have not changed my meaning, just clarifying the point.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Jimpy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:11 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:"Pointless things of no consequence will continue to happen regardless of our opinion of them. So there is no point in expressing an opinion of them, because after all they are pointless. However, pointless people, with nowt better to do, will make the pointless thing seem like an issue, when there is actually no point, such that it all becomes pointless"

I have not changed my meaning, just clarifying the point.

Don't you find it a bit ironic then, that you're helping perpetuate this 'pointless' article?


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by 100%beefy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:12 pm

It's like a plank convention


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:14 pm

i find it extremely ironic, that amongst all the pointlessness, i am making a perfectly valid point.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Jimpy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:15 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:i find it extremely ironic, that amongst all the pointlessness, i am making a perfectly valid point.

And so eloquently too...



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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by gowershowerpower Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:17 pm

i am glad you are moved jimpy.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Scrumpy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 4:40 pm

For the good of the game I hope he gets away with it, it wasn't in an International match so the ban should only be for Stade.

But I find this behaviour from Edwards very strange more suited to the Premier league not Rugby Union.

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Triangulation Tue 19 Feb 2013, 5:18 pm

He's grassing him up inacurrately as it happens.

It's anti-rugby behaviour and it stinks.

It belies some fear on Wales' part.

I can see Italy beating them.

That is all really.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Biltong Tue 19 Feb 2013, 6:05 pm

gowershowerpower wrote:yes jimpy, pointless, but do you honestly think a 7 second throw away comment has caused the welsh management to disregard any potential problems that they think they may have within the camp?

such a pointless thread.
For someone who insists this thread is pointless you have a lot to say, eh?

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Knowsit17 Tue 19 Feb 2013, 7:13 pm

Wales haven't lost to Italy since 2007 and Parisse has skippered his side in nearly all the defeats they've suffered against us since. So no, I daresay Wales are not "worried" about either Parisse or Italy. They ought to be wary of the very realistic threat Italy pose at home but worried, I doubt it. We've had the beating of Italy with or without Parisse in any year worth mentioning and even when we've been in poor form at that.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by 100%beefy Tue 19 Feb 2013, 9:07 pm

Its about time Wales stopped worrying and went out and played their game plan instead of waiting to have to chase a game which is a symptom of a lack of confidence caused by poor management and leadership on the park.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Allty Tue 19 Feb 2013, 9:21 pm

I have to agree with that


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by thebluesmancometh Tue 19 Feb 2013, 9:26 pm

Now Tri, once again because of your over dramatic response, and your clear bias your points are devalued...

You have mentioned Wales and the Welsh many times now with criticism and without highlighting the Welsh management team, but neither guys your condemning are Welsh so please rephrase it to Kiwi/Englishman or a part of the Welsh management team. And trying to leave the slights regarding the Welsh teams performances if you could also OK

I believe if you feel Gatland has made a bit of a fool of himself regarding his English players interview (I won't say comments as if you actually read them it's a non story) then surely you believe Marler is just as idiotic for claiming England would win the world cup tomorrow?

As British and Irish Lions coach Gatland has to adress every issue in travelling to Oz, if anyone thinks for 1 minute the media won't be trying to trip them up, or put a focus on one of the nations as having a long rivalry and more intense rivalry than the others you are deluding yourself. Ausy journo's would love nothing more than to catch Farell and Cole tossing dwarfs in a local bar!! English player will attreact more media attention than anybody else, just as the English national team were massacred by the NZ media!


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by nganboy Wed 20 Feb 2013, 1:16 am

"English player will attreact more media attention than anybody else, just as the English national team were massacred by the NZ media!."

Hey didn't that kiwi coach say something just like that?

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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by Jimpy Wed 20 Feb 2013, 8:56 am

Knowsit17 wrote:Wales haven't lost to Italy since 2007 and Parisse has skippered his side in nearly all the defeats they've suffered against us since. So no, I daresay Wales are not "worried" about either Parisse or Italy. They ought to be wary of the very realistic threat Italy pose at home but worried, I doubt it. We've had the beating of Italy with or without Parisse in any year worth mentioning and even when we've been in poor form at that.

If Italy play like they did at home against France, there's no ifs or buts, they'll beat Wales comfortably.


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Parisse and Edwards Empty Re: Parisse and Edwards

Post by 100%beefy Wed 20 Feb 2013, 8:59 am

Jimpy wrote:
Knowsit17 wrote:Wales haven't lost to Italy since 2007 and Parisse has skippered his side in nearly all the defeats they've suffered against us since. So no, I daresay Wales are not "worried" about either Parisse or Italy. They ought to be wary of the very realistic threat Italy pose at home but worried, I doubt it. We've had the beating of Italy with or without Parisse in any year worth mentioning and even when we've been in poor form at that.

If Italy play like they did at home against France, there's no ifs or buts, they'll beat Wales comfortably.

If Italy play like they did away against Scotland, there's no if or buts, they'll lose to Wales easily.


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