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Nadal to play Basel!!

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Tue 30 Apr 2013, 2:08 pm


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Chydremion Tue 30 Apr 2013, 2:13 pm

Hope he draws Rosol first round.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by slashermcguirk Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:07 pm

interesting article here, Fed not to popular with Basel organiser it seems


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Jahu Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:11 pm

Link to OP

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Jahu Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:12 pm

Fed getting too greedy as he ages?

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by hawkeye Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:22 pm

slashermcguirk wrote:interesting article here, Fed not to popular with Basel organiser it seems

I had read this. IMO the tournament director is way out of order. We have no idea what the problem with the contract might be. It could be conditions rather than money but why have a dig at Federer in public. He is certainly not obliged to play this tournament. I can understand there may be problems with a TD who is willing to discuss such matters in public. And despite what the TD is trying to insinuate from what he says Federer has done nothing wrong. However I did read that he intended to play it without a contract. Hope so now that Rafa's playing...


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:24 pm

Let them also enter the doubles I say!

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by JuliusHMarx Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:30 pm

slashermcguirk wrote:interesting article here, Fed not to popular with Basel organiser it seems

From the link "We actually speak the same language, but with Godsick it's not fun" God is sick? Is that even possible?


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by lags72 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:36 pm

Never a wise thing to talk in public about contract negotiations, especially those involving the tournament's highest profile supporter over so many years.

The TD is of course entitled to his views ; but not good to air them in the press whilst the matter is still under discussion.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by CaledonianCraig Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:38 pm

You have to love hawkeye's double standards. I recall when Murray opted out of a tournie recently it was a travesty and Murray was slated for it. As it goes Roger has every right to pick and choose his schedule and is not obliged to enter Basel.

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by slashermcguirk Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:48 pm

I agree tournament director should not have gone out to media with this but i also think it is shocking to request appearance money from your home tournament. This is particularly true when you are already minted like Federer is. as if he needs the money in fairness


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by lags72 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 3:53 pm

They're all at it slasher, I'd put a big bet on Fed being no exception. And right now we only have one side of the story anyway.

Tennis gets these guys on the cheap compared to what some TD's on the golf tour have to pay their biggest names.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Guest Tue 30 Apr 2013, 4:10 pm

I think the way the Basel tournament has behaved has been nothing short of disgraceful.

This is not the first time they've gone public with their criticisms. Considering how much Federer has done for the tournament; a decade of top service, bringing millions in ticket sales and marketing, interviews, product endorsement, TV rights, etc etc, the least they can do is keep their criticisms private. Appalling behaviour. The truth is that the tournament has benefited hugely from Fed's high profile, popularity and success. He's made them far, far more money than they've paid him. He could very easily have gone to another more lucrative (for him) tourney anywhere in the world.

This is an underhanded tactic to place public and emotional pressure on Federer and thus force him to succumb to their demands. They know that not playing in Basel would make it seem as if Fed isn't supporting his local tournie. No one wants that kind of press. They've come out more than once to try and paint Fed as the bad guy in all this.

If I was Roger I would tell them to stick it, hold a press conference and just rip into this greedy, underhanded TD.




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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by hawkeye Tue 30 Apr 2013, 5:02 pm


Ha ha! You don't have the media savvy of Federer. But I do agree the TD has acted disgracefully.

What should Roger do? Well personally I think he should ignore the TD and just play. He doesn't need a contract. But this is because I'm just thinking of myself and I want him to play now that Nadal's playing


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by socal1976 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 5:07 pm

We all know that divas needs to be coddled it is part of their nature. But really the TD is an idiot and shouldn't run his mouth, Federer is the basel tournament without out him I don't think anyone would really care about it. Still you would think Roger could cut Basel a bit of slack with the appearance fees seeing how it is the biggest tournament in Switzerland and he once ball boyed there. This is one of those stories were there is enough blame to go around.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Tue 30 Apr 2013, 5:36 pm

"Roger has always [been our] top
priority,” Brennwald told the Swiss
newspaper Tages Anzeiger. “We have
launched campaigns in the millions
for him and allowed him to promote
his sponsors, which is not very
common. We are grateful for the time
we were allowed to have with him.
The thing is very simple: We have
made an offer to him, which he
refused. We have submitted a second
offer, which he has not responded to.
We do not normally pay a seven-
figure [appearance fee].”

Now that I think about it, Basel's advertising sponsors have always seemed to coincide with Federer's... Thought it was a mere coincidence.

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Tue 30 Apr 2013, 5:42 pm

Jahu, bud I just saw my link was defective, thanks for saving my ***

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by bogbrush Tue 30 Apr 2013, 5:45 pm

Great as Rafa is, he (the TD) won't get much attention if he lacks Federer.

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by socal1976 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 6:08 pm

It does sound like Federer is being rather harsh and uncooperative in negotiations with the Basel people. If he doesn't want to play that is fine. But to demand seven figures just for showing up to your hometown tournament I think is a bit greedy from Federer. I am all for tennis players making as much money as possible, but they also have to understand that their iconic status in the game also comes with responsibility. Especially since Roger is already making a million a week and could book one or two exhibition matches and make as much or more than that.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Tue 30 Apr 2013, 6:27 pm

Yeah, and its only a 500, total prize money would be what? a million? It is poor form, but the TD has no business revealing this unless he is trying to shame Fed into playing.

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by TRuffin Tue 30 Apr 2013, 8:08 pm

socal1976 wrote:We all know that divas needs to be coddled it is part of their nature. But really the TD is an idiot and shouldn't run his mouth, Federer is the basel tournament without out him I don't think anyone would really care about it. Still you would think Roger could cut Basel a bit of slack with the appearance fees seeing how it is the biggest tournament in Switzerland and he once ball boyed there. This is one of those stories were there is enough blame to go around.

Below aren't my words, but a recap and link I found on the Federer forum.. might explain a little, Federer stepped in and took a paycut and brought in sponsors by agreeing to play for several more years... I would guess was promised to be "reimbursed" with a bump up in fee down the road and when that time came the TD started this tactic- the disagreement began. No one can dispute that Federer could have made more money at more lucrative tournaments overs the years if he didn't play Basel.. it's kept him from both points and money- so it seems greed hasn't been a factor. There is also no doubt that federer has been the draw for Basel and why by several reports I've read is the most profitable 500 tourny on tour. We don't know what's been promised, how and when it was promised, but no one HAS to play if they aren't satisifed with their pay, and no one HAS to pay what they feel is too much for that player... Federer prob feels he has cut Basel plenty of slack, they made a ton of money, now he wants to be paid at the highest level. I don't think that issue is anyones fault, but these public digs by the TD are really bizarre.

I've just read some very interesting comments on a French tennis board... To recap, it seems that back in 2009 when the SI lost their biggest sponsor ( Davidoff) Brennwald asked Roger to accept a fifty per cent decrease of his appearance fees so that the TD could find new sponsors... Roger agreed and promised the new sponsors he would play the tournament for the next 4 years - the sponsors agreeing to back the tournament for the same period...
Then last fall Brennwald decided to go on holiday during the tournament and only came back to attend the final... Roger had to deal himself with the sponsors who wanted new garantees regarding Roger's participation in the tournament in the coming years, but nothing could be decided as Brennwald was away on holidays...
Apparently during the final Marc Rosset talked about that on Swiss TV and said Roger was incensed...
Then once the tournament was over Brennwald started rumours according to which Roger was too greedy and they couldn't afford to spend that much money on a player - remember the "We're not in Qatar" comments from the TD ?
From that moment on Roger has let Godsick deal with the issue and has refused to speak with Brennwall...


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by lags72 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 9:16 pm

Interesting stuff here TRuffin, thanks for posting.

Earlier I did say that we had only the TD's side of the story, and that we should therefore be cautious before drawing conclusions. But this additional insight you have provided sure adds a lot to the mix !


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by ryan86 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 9:49 pm

What kind of tournament director goes on holiday for the one week their tournament is taking place? That's utterly bizarre.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by laverfan Tue 30 Apr 2013, 10:51 pm

Federer played Rotterdam after Krajicek agreed to his participation and fees.

But the dead rubbers had barely been completed before Federer was off to Rotterdam -- lured, we were told, by a $1 million appearance fee, tax-free -- to compete in the ABN Amro event.

Brennwald Doh == Brain Walled.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by socal1976 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 11:11 pm

TRuffin wrote:
socal1976 wrote:We all know that divas needs to be coddled it is part of their nature. But really the TD is an idiot and shouldn't run his mouth, Federer is the basel tournament without out him I don't think anyone would really care about it. Still you would think Roger could cut Basel a bit of slack with the appearance fees seeing how it is the biggest tournament in Switzerland and he once ball boyed there. This is one of those stories were there is enough blame to go around.

Below aren't my words, but a recap and link I found on the Federer forum.. might explain a little, Federer stepped in and took a paycut and brought in sponsors by agreeing to play for several more years... I would guess was promised to be "reimbursed" with a bump up in fee down the road and when that time came the TD started this tactic- the disagreement began. No one can dispute that Federer could have made more money at more lucrative tournaments overs the years if he didn't play Basel.. it's kept him from both points and money- so it seems greed hasn't been a factor. There is also no doubt that federer has been the draw for Basel and why by several reports I've read is the most profitable 500 tourny on tour. We don't know what's been promised, how and when it was promised, but no one HAS to play if they aren't satisifed with their pay, and no one HAS to pay what they feel is too much for that player... Federer prob feels he has cut Basel plenty of slack, they made a ton of money, now he wants to be paid at the highest level. I don't think that issue is anyones fault, but these public digs by the TD are really bizarre.

I've just read some very interesting comments on a French tennis board... To recap, it seems that back in 2009 when the SI lost their biggest sponsor ( Davidoff) Brennwald asked Roger to accept a fifty per cent decrease of his appearance fees so that the TD could find new sponsors... Roger agreed and promised the new sponsors he would play the tournament for the next 4 years - the sponsors agreeing to back the tournament for the same period...
Then last fall Brennwald decided to go on holiday during the tournament and only came back to attend the final... Roger had to deal himself with the sponsors who wanted new garantees regarding Roger's participation in the tournament in the coming years, but nothing could be decided as Brennwald was away on holidays...
Apparently during the final Marc Rosset talked about that on Swiss TV and said Roger was incensed...
Then once the tournament was over Brennwald started rumours according to which Roger was too greedy and they couldn't afford to spend that much money on a player - remember the "We're not in Qatar" comments from the TD ?
From that moment on Roger has let Godsick deal with the issue and has refused to speak with Brennwall...

Look I disagree for 500 point event a seven figure payday for showing up is pretty ludicrous, and what other prestigious tournaments could fed be playing in and where at that time of the year. The man should some loyalty to his local fans and nobody is talking about him playing for free. I agree that the TD is not very bright and these type of discussions are best had behind closed doors. And I don't doubt that Federer is the main draw and should collect big fees. And even if he helped them out with the sponsors years ago they have paid the man quite a bit of money in that time frame as well. I mean fed could show up and lose his first or second match. Whatever the case maybe I think he should meet the guy half way. It is important for swiss tennis and the young fans who maybe get that one chance to watch Federer. But again fed is free to make his own decisions but I don't think this is the best use of his clout, just because you are the big draw and have the power in this situation, doesn't mean you shouldn't leave anything on the table. I can't imagine Agassi striking such a hard bargain with vegas or Sampras with LA when they were in similar situations. Again the guy is making a million a week, and even when he leaves the court he can play exhos and make millions more in broadcasting and endorsements long after he hangs it up. To me this is not the best PR move and it isn't very charitable to his hometown fans. That being said the TD is an idiot as well to try to shame Federer into it and burning the relationship.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Silver Tue 30 Apr 2013, 11:25 pm

socal1976 wrote:We all know that divas needs to be coddled it is part of their nature. But really the TD is an idiot and shouldn't run his mouth, Federer is the basel tournament without out him I don't think anyone would really care about it. Still you would think Roger could cut Basel a bit of slack with the appearance fees seeing how it is the biggest tournament in Switzerland and he once ball boyed there. This is one of those stories were there is enough blame to go around.

Good assessment, I suspect that the majority of the top players are like this, but it's still poor form from the TD as you say. Still, if Fed is making fairly unreasonable demands then it's a bit of a shame, his emotional connection to the tournament should surely take priority over any financial gain. He's probably the richest person in the game today, not like he's strapped for cash. TD's out of order as well, but blame on both sides.

On topic, good to see that Nadal's playing this year! I wonder what swayed him?


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by socal1976 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 11:35 pm

Good post Silver, I think it is not the best PR move and if fed can get a deal for a couple hundred thousand less he should do it. The guy will certainly not miss the money Silver. But hey he is a businessman and it is business, but even so you would think that some local boy discount should be in the cards for the fans if not for the TD. If I was the TD, I would step aside and take an advisory positon and let someone else Roger knows and respects make another approach, it seems that there may be some personal issues involved here. And it would certainly stroke fed's ego that the guy he didn't like got replaced.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Guest Wed 01 May 2013, 12:00 am

Socal did you actually read TRuffin's post?

It's pretty clear that there's a lot more to this than Federer making obscene requests. Do you really think the richest player in the history of the sport is going to quibble over a few 100,000 dollars when he could make the same amount in a one off exho?

Obviously there's some personal stuff here. Fed probably feels that it was wrong of the TD to go on holiday during the tourney, leaving him to deal with the contract negotiations with the sponsors especially after he (Roger) has been so good to them over the years. Hell, they wouldn't even have hads any worthwhile sponsors had it not been for Roger. The guy was at the tournament to play, not make business deals on behalf of the tournament.

Then after all that the TD starts slating him in public, even mentioning a request for a seven figure sum - the obvious insinuation being that the whole problem is as a result of Roger's greed, nothing else.

It's absolutely disgusting behaviour. Roger should tell him to stick it and announce that he will never play in Basel again unless this TD is removed.

This is a matter of principle not money.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by socal1976 Wed 01 May 2013, 12:10 am

I actually state the TD is a moron and should resign emancipator if you read my post. I don't know how Roger is left to negotiate for the tournament that part of the story is a bit daft that because of a vacation during the tournament Roger had to negotiate on their behalf. It is kind of unbelieveable to me. That being said the TD should step aside, Roger should give them a good guy discount, and he should play Basel. If he doesn't want that is fine no sweat off my back, it isn't like I care that much about Basel one way or the other. And yes I read Ruffin's post, I find some of it to be a bit unbelieveable that because of a week vacation poor Roger had to negotiate with the sponsor's on behalf of the tournament, these deals often take a while to develop and Roger doesn't even negotiate with the TD directly I find it hard to believe he did all this extra work himself with the team he has and with the fact that the tournament is a separate entity with more than one guy working on these long term deals. It is not like these deals are worked out the day of the tournament or some opportunity is lost.

Either way, if you read my post I state that the TD is an idiot who should resign so we are agreed on that. But I don't think fed is going about it the right way either, of course he is free to make his own decisions.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Guest Wed 01 May 2013, 12:19 am

Except Fed hasn't said anything publicly so you have no way of knowing how he's going about it.

Reading TR's post it appears the sponsors wanted further guarantees from Roger on his participation, guarantees he could not give in the absence of the TD (obviously because his contract with the tournament is also up for negotiation). In any case we don't know Roger's side of the story however I doubt very much that he's being difficult because of money. The last time he won the tournament (2011) he cried like it was the Wimbledon final. Obviously this tournament means a lot to him.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 01 May 2013, 1:03 am

Oddly, Fed announced a few weeks ago that he will play Basel this year and it's on his schedule on his web-site.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by hawkeye Wed 01 May 2013, 6:43 am

I heard that Federer was going to play Basel without a "contract". If that's correct he'll just be playing for prize money. The TD is therefore quids in so I'm not sure why he is complaining. Maybe all the cash he's saved was offered to Nadal? Ha ha! I can imagine that might upset some people...


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Wed 01 May 2013, 8:01 am

The plot thickens.
I must be missing something, Fed was organising the sponsors IN tournament? But that must mean he was meeting with sponsors for future Swiss Indoors, no? I dont think they sign up to sponsor the tounament unless Federer gives a guarantee that he will be back. Especially after a meeting WITH the man.

Imagine meeting with the face of a competition, who tells you to sponsor the company, but with no guarantee that he himself will back (Unless, of course, Fed knew Nadal would be there this year, and promised a worthy replacement?)

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by invisiblecoolers Wed 01 May 2013, 2:43 pm

slashermcguirk wrote:interesting article here, Fed not to popular with Basel organiser it seems

This is called making a mountain out of molehill , no where in the article he says Fed is not popular among them, he indeed explains Fed is the top priority. picard

Can I point to some random cricket link and talk about boxing? honestly thats what you did with your link and comment.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by laverfan Wed 01 May 2013, 8:51 pm

kingraf wrote:The plot thickens.
I must be missing something, Fed was organising the sponsors IN tournament? But that must mean he was meeting with sponsors for future Swiss Indoors, no? I dont think they sign up to sponsor the tounament unless Federer gives a guarantee that he will be back. Especially after a meeting WITH the man.

From TRufin's post...

Roger had to deal himself with the sponsors who wanted new garantees regarding Roger's participation in the tournament in the coming years, but nothing could be decided as Brennwald was away on holidays...

kingraf wrote:Imagine meeting with the face of a competition, who tells you to sponsor the company, but with no guarantee that he himself will back (Unless, of course, Fed knew Nadal would be there this year, and promised a worthy replacement?)

This is unrelated. See this set of sponsors.

Swiss Indoors...


Rolex seems to be only common current sponsor.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Wed 01 May 2013, 9:52 pm

I dont mean meeting Feds sponsors. What I mean is:

Suppose South African Airways wanted to sponsor Swiss Indoors, but the TD is away, so they speak to Federer. Surely they arent going to sign on (or verbally agree) unless Federer makes gurantees? He is the marquee player

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by laverfan Wed 01 May 2013, 10:01 pm

kingraf wrote:I dont mean meeting Feds sponsors. What I mean is:

Suppose South African Airways wanted to sponsor Swiss Indoors, but the TD is away, so they speak to Federer. Surely they arent going to sign on (or verbally agree) unless Federer makes gurantees? He is the marquee player

... which is what TRuffin is also referring to in his quote. They spoke to Federer to talk about his future participation, which would allow them to make a decision whether to sponsor Swiss Indoors or not. It would have been better to have Federer, SAA (in your example) and Brennwald in the same room at the same time.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Wed 01 May 2013, 10:16 pm

Thats my exact point. For Fed to then not sign on, is suspect.

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by JuliusHMarx Wed 01 May 2013, 10:18 pm

kingraf wrote:Thats my exact point. For Fed to then not sign on, is suspect.

Fed announced a few weeks ago he will be playing Basel.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Wed 01 May 2013, 10:20 pm

I mean initially afterwards.

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by laverfan Wed 01 May 2013, 10:42 pm

kingraf wrote:Thats my exact point. For Fed to then not sign on, is suspect.

If the TD is not in the room, the three-way discussion does not include Federer's requirements vis-a-vis Swiss Indoor participation. Federer agreed with sponsors on participation, contingent on working out his business negotiations with Brennwald, who unfortunately was absent. Wink

Such discussions may have not been successful later when the sponsors were absent, hence Federer's reluctance to prop up Brennwald.

PS: If the TD knew of his vacation plan, why did he not tell the sponsors to wait till all three parties were in one room at the same time. I also find it very bizarre.

Last edited by laverfan on Wed 01 May 2013, 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by kingraf Wed 01 May 2013, 10:45 pm

Okay, that makes more sense. My other theory for Fed not signing on was that he is 31, nearing 32, signing contracts at this stage of his career would inhibit him from retiring on his timeline

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by laverfan Wed 01 May 2013, 10:50 pm

Federer has a lifetime deal (till he retires) with Halle. It would indeed be very strange for him not to support a Swiss tourney, unless he was upset at the TD or his interactions with him. The seven-figure statement was hara-kiri as far as I am concerned.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Born Slippy Wed 01 May 2013, 11:04 pm

Have to assume its true though, in which case surely the question is why Fed was demanding an appearance fee of 6 times the champion's prize. Is that normal?

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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by laverfan Wed 01 May 2013, 11:13 pm

@BS... Nadal @Bangkok was reportedly given €1.5M. Federer was reportedly paid USD 1M for Rotterdam. Djokovic was paid to the same tune for Paris, IIRC.


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by Guest Wed 01 May 2013, 11:33 pm

Born Slippy wrote:Have to assume its true though, in which case surely the question is why Fed was demanding an appearance fee of 6 times the champion's prize. Is that normal?

Because he's a greedy so and so, why else? It's not like he can't make the same amount of money in a one off exho Rolling Eyes


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by invisiblecoolers Thu 02 May 2013, 3:44 am

emancipator wrote:
Born Slippy wrote:Have to assume its true though, in which case surely the question is why Fed was demanding an appearance fee of 6 times the champion's prize. Is that normal?

Because he's a greedy so and so, why else? It's not like he can't make the same amount of money in a one off exho Rolling Eyes

No its coz he is so poor and have to rely on RF foundation for food, to my knowledge he only made like 9 figure mark by his charity. censored


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by lags72 Sun 05 May 2013, 11:21 pm

If this account - translated from the German language 'Blick' magazine - is reliable, then it would seem that Brennwald has now issued a fulsome apology to Roger Federer :


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Nadal to play Basel!! Empty Re: Nadal to play Basel!!

Post by invisiblecoolers Tue 07 May 2013, 6:55 pm

lags72 wrote:If this account - translated from the German language 'Blick' magazine - is reliable, then it would seem that Brennwald has now issued a fulsome apology to Roger Federer :

Hope atleast some of the Fed haters follow Brennwald now thumbsup


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