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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Mind the windows Tino.
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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Strongback Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:32 am

Having watched the WBO world champion Nathan Clevely be so easily beaten last night has made me think of some similar instances were a fighter has lost very convincingly in what was supposed to be a decent match up.

Ricky Hatton getting pulverised by Manny is an obvious one.

I attended the Dunne v Poonsawat fight and the atmosphere was fantastic that night. The great and the good of Irish society were at the fight, Dunne was riding a wave after the Cordoba fight. I have never felt the athmosphere being sucked out of an arena quicker than happened that night. The crowd didn't know what to do. It was the last fight on the card and everybody shuffled out feeling dissatisfied but even more so a bit confused. People's brains were programmed to see a good fight but all they were met with was a destruction and deafening silence.

Can anybody think of more examples of this happening?


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by ShahenshahG Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:43 am

Laugh (D***D H**E)


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Strongback Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:47 am

ShahenshahG wrote:Laugh (D***D H**E)

Only a fanboy like Dave gets excited about Haye V Audley or Chisora. I didn't even watch those fights.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by ShahenshahG Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:06 am

Was talking about wlad.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Strongback Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:12 am

Were you expecting Haye to do something?

To me that was more of a borefest than a one sided destruction. Wlad has long arms but they aren't six feet long. If I want to see running I watch the athletics.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by ShahenshahG Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:15 am

I was expecting him to go in gung ho and try to bomb wlad out and get splattered. Was a genuine anticlimactic fight. I suppose the only good thing about that fight was Wlad finally getting a little credit from all quarters grudging though it was.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Reborn-DeeMcK-Reborn Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:24 am

Think Dunne vs Martinez was worse than the Poonswaat fight. The week before (can't remember what fight it was) Dunne and Martinez were both being interviewed in the ring and Martinez was saying how much he liked Dunne and respected him.....then when Dunne was asked about Kiko he had this smarmy look on his face sayin how he was gonna smash him up easily blah blah blah, showing nothin but disrespect. But then karma hit him like a bolt of lightning and Martinez showed the world that it only takes a few seconds to cave Dunnes toilet paper chin in. Was jumping for joy when Dunne got hammered. Could never stand the guy.

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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Strongback Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:35 pm

Reborn-DeeMcK-Reborn wrote:Think Dunne vs Martinez was worse than the Poonswaat fight. The week before (can't remember what fight it was) Dunne and Martinez were both being interviewed in the ring and Martinez was saying how much he liked Dunne and respected him.....then when Dunne was asked about Kiko he had this smarmy look on his face sayin how he was gonna smash him up easily blah blah blah, showing nothin but disrespect. But then karma hit him like a bolt of lightning and Martinez showed the world that it only takes a few seconds to cave Dunnes toilet paper chin in. Was jumping for joy when Dunne got hammered. Could never stand the guy.

Yeah the Kiko fight is another good example. Similar to Khan getting blasted out by Prescott.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by milkyboy Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:21 pm

Jones toney
Tyson spinks

... Two ends of the spectrum


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by paperbag_puncher Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:55 pm

Froch vs Bute - Was expecting an epic fight with Bute outboxing The Cobra before weathering a storm and hanging on at the end. Not a total domination.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Nico the gman Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:02 pm

Hearns v Duran didn't think anyone could take Duran out like Hearns did.

Hatton v Pacquiao, Mayweather Sr was telling everyone how Hatton would be too strong for Pacman, total blow out and major anti climax.

Nico the gman

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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by mobilemaster8 Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:02 am

Haha never even knew about Dunne vs Martinez! Just had a flick on youtube and it lasted about 40 seconds haha.

Also remember a big atmosphere with Casey vs Rigondeux and the cuban damaged him and ripped his heart out.

Khan vd Prescott
Klitschko vs Haye
Donaire vs Rigondeux (for those of you that prefer a complete brawl)


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Strongback Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:15 am

mobilemaster8 wrote:

Also remember a big atmosphere with Casey vs Rigondeux and the cuban damaged him and ripped his heart out.

Looking back on this fight and given what Rigo has done since it's easy now to see how absolutely crazy it was putting Casey in with Rigo. That was an annihilation of the kind I don't enjoy seeing. It was only Casey's 12th fight and he did little as an amatuer. Madness is the only word to describe it.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by mobilemaster8 Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:56 am

Indeed mate it was very rough to watch. It was similar situation to the hype situation we were all talking about. Was he THAT good? Could he go on to big things? And errrrrr well, it was not nice to see just how different the Gulf in class actually was.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Rowley Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:19 am

Hopkins has been in a few. The Trinidad and Pavlik fights spring to mind. Both interesting enough to see how good Hopkins was but both a country mile away from competitive.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Mind the windows Tino. Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:56 am

You could go right back to something like Jeffries v Johnson.

It was a massive event, the eyes of the sporting world focused on the Great White Champion dragged off his farm to beat the upstart black champion.

Despite the fact Jeffries had grown fat and happy in retirement, the world was watching and waiting for him to batter Johnson and bring the belt back to the white establishment. Jeffries was invincible, right?

Wrong. It was a massive anti-climax as Johnson handled him pretty easily before knocking him out in 8. Must have been the biggest anti-climax of all time for the racist white boxing fraternity in America.

Mind the windows Tino.

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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Rowley Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:58 am

Good call Tina, if we are going back in time would also have to add Louis Schmeling II into the mix. Arguably one of the biggest fights ever and you would struggle to imagine a more one sided shellacking.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by seanmichaels Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:44 pm

Castillo v Corrales 2


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by 88Chris05 Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:47 pm

Chavez-Taylor II, as an overall spectacle, was about as anti-climatic and ultimately as sad as it gets.

Despite Taylor's free-fall, Chavez's own patchy form in the year beforehand (outboxed three title fights on the spin by Whitaker and Randall x 2 but somehow escaping 1-1-1 from those bouts) meant that a Taylor win, given how his style had given Chavez kittens first time out, wasn't all that ridiculous a proposition according to the bookmakers' odds.

Naturally, given the controversy of the first fight as well, there was no shortage of people wanting to see it, and it topped a huge bill in Vegas which also included Randall-Coggi I and Trinidad-Campas.

Instead, the world soon saw that Taylor had, at best, three or four good rounds in him before he started getting mauled, man-handled and, from round six to the finish in round eight, basically beaten to a pulp.

Taylor's post-fight interview was the saddest bit, I reckon. A young bloke who is clearly now devoid of any confidence, belief and love for the sport suggesting hanging the gloves up, only for King to be bellowing in his ear that he won't allow him to retire and that he's going to do this and that to rebuild him. All the while Taylor just lets him rant, staring in to the distance like a zombie.

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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by sittingringside Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:18 pm

I think Ali vs Liston II has to be up there, as well as both Foreman vs Frazier fights. Going back a bit, Jimmy Mclarnin's ko over young Corbett was a swift end to what had been a long and circuitous route to the title for Jimmy.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Guest Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:32 pm

Calzaghe/Lacy anyone?

It was billed as a fight that Calzaghe might very well lose or certainly be tested more than he'd ever been before and what we got was a one-sided battering that, whilst enjoyable, soon became almost painfully embarrassing.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by horizontalhero Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:37 pm

Rowley wrote:Good call Tina, if we are going back in time would also have to add Louis Schmeling II into the mix. Arguably one of the biggest fights ever and you would struggle to imagine a more one sided shellacking.
Whilst I agree that it was a one- sided shellacking Rowley, I wouldn't have thiought that many of those watching at the time would have describedit as anti-climatic, or even thought of it in those terms. Given the racial,political and idealogical connatations surrounding the fight, I would have thought a mix of eurphoria and relief would have been felt by every fan watching, not to mention Louis himself, who must have been under almost unbearable pressure to deliver a convincing win over his one time conqueror.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by bhb001 Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:49 pm

horizontalhero wrote:
Rowley wrote:Good call Tina, if we are going back in time would also have to add Louis Schmeling II into the mix. Arguably one of the biggest fights ever and you would struggle to imagine a more one sided shellacking.
Whilst I agree that it was a one- sided shellacking Rowley, I wouldn't have thiought that many of those watching at the time would have describedit as anti-climatic, or even thought of it in those terms. Given the racial,political and idealogical connatations surrounding the fight, I would have thought a mix of eurphoria and relief would have been felt by every fan watching, not to mention Louis himself, who must have  been under almost unbearable pressure to deliver a convincing win over his one time conqueror.
Not if you were supporting Schmeling surely!! You may have felt a little glum after watching it.


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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Small Time Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:37 pm

Kevin Mitchell v Michael Katsidis -Open air stadium....massive sky push...lasted less than 3 rounds :S

Hatton v Pacman - expected a bit of a barnstormer, knew after the first minute I wasn't getting it.

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Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes Empty Re: Big Fights That Were One Sided Anti-Climaxes

Post by Guest Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:05 pm

Small Time wrote:Kevin Mitchell v Michael Katsidis -Open air stadium....massive sky push...lasted less than 3 rounds :S

Hatton v Pacman - expected a bit of a barnstormer, knew after the first minute I wasn't getting it.
Don't get much more barnstorming that watching Hatton put on his bum twice in the opener and out for the count in the next.

People expected Tyson/Bonecrusher to be competitive and it was a dull as anything. Smith didn't want to engage and Tyson didn't know how to force the opening (even resorting to sticking his tongue out at one point) so Mike was the only one doing anything even though it was a lot of ineffective nothingness


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