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Hobo Empty Hobo

Post by JJJohnson Tue 11 Feb 2014, 11:44 pm

Name: Henry Oscar Bentley Oxendale
Nickname: Hobo
Class: Face
Date of Birth: 2/5/80
Catchphrases: Dont Fear the Reaper, fear the Hobo.

Wrestling Type (Brawler,hardcore etc) : Unorthadox

Appearance (Pic Base):
Attire: Suit trousers and waistcoat.
Extra Info: Sometimes wears a dusty top hat

Entrance Music: Dont fear the Reaper by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Example of Entrance: (like a quick description of their entrance)

The lights dim and the opening chords of Dont Fear the Reaper plays out. A single spotlight points down to Hobo who does an a MVP style arms extended jump.

Finishing Move (3 maximum) : The Hobo Cuddle (Running splash to the corner, as opponent falls forward, into a bear hug before a black hole slam)

The Dumpster - torture Rack submission

10-12 (Or more if you wish) Common moves: The Soft Shoe Shuffle (face first Russian leg sweep), The Hobo handshake (poke to the eye), Double arm supplex, Old School Cool (raking the back), Down and Out (4 punch combo before an elbow to the top of the head)

Submission moves (if applicable): The Dumpster (torture rack)

High Flying moves (if applicable): Flying elbow

Aspirations/Hopes: To bring back past glories.
Hope to accomplish: Winning the 6cw World Championship to add to his collection.
Want to do:
Short Term: Number 1 contender match
Long Term: Dual belt holder - tag and world titles

Hobo redefined the 6wf and took it from its lowly beginnings to its very heights. It was no coincidence that all of 6wfs record buy rates were during his reigns. Starting off as a homeless man, fighting for food, his entourage grew when he joined forces with Bezerker to form a stable called Trash TV.

Trash TV went on to recruit various members over the years, the most notable and loyal being Enforcer who was the first big name recruit. He was tempted to join after Bezerker was revealed to be Diablo.

Other notable members were the Producers who became tag champs in their own right.

It later was revealed that Hobo was not in fact penniless but actually a billionaire, with a team to make him appear homeless. Often cited as an efed version of DX but more rubbish, Trash TV made shows more light hearted but at the same time remained constant threats to whatever titles they went after.

After disappearing from 6wf for a while, Hobo returned as a heel known as Bane. However, his heart was never in being the bad guy and he shortly disappeared for good, giving his identity over to Charles Rondeau who after extensive plastic surgery was mistaken as the real Hobo, whilst Henry retired quietly. The last 12 months of Hobos in ring career was not Hobo at all but that of Charles Rondeau.

Before Wrestling: Multi Millionaire through stock trading and a biscuit empire (probably). He also claims to have made his fortune by inventing Pritt Sticks although there is no evidence to support this claim.
Success/Failures: Winning every title in the 6wf bar the Euro title.


Posts : 9803
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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