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The (new look) Power Five Show

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The (new look) Power Five Show Empty The (new look) Power Five Show

Post by x12x Wed 09 Sep 2015, 7:31 am

The (new look) Power Five Show Power10
Welcome to the Power 5 Show!

Will your favourite be at number one?
Will being the champion mean heading straight to the top?
or will something else be the defining factor in the Power 5?

After every 6CW show join your host CJ Holmes as she counts down the latest 6CW Power 5 and gives the final verdict on just who deserves the top spot in the company!

Episode Guide:

Last edited by xviperx on Tue 29 Sep 2015, 9:27 pm; edited 3 times in total


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The (new look) Power Five Show Empty Re: The (new look) Power Five Show

Post by x12x Wed 09 Sep 2015, 7:33 am

The Power Five Show | Episode #1 | 9th September 2015

The cameras go live as we are joined by our beautiful host CJ Holmes in the Power 5 studio sat behind the Power 5 desk. The camera pans over the desk to reveal various items of 6CW merchandise covering the desk with this weeks theme being “international”. The merchandise includes figures of Australian former World Champion Max Adamson, American wrestling legend JJ Johnson and the Filipino leader of the Bent Edge Society Percy Percival. As the camera continues  we see a heart shaped frame with a picture of the Ronster proudly presented inside it, sitting next to it is a picture frame labeled "6CW's biggest loser" which this week features ???

CJ: After a long hibernation we're's the Power 5 Show!

The crew in the background cheer like crazy causing CJ to laugh as the Power 5 title sequence begin to play showing the highlights of Beachfront Brawl. As we return CJ is now stood in front of a huge flatscreen TV, the TV has a big 5 on it which changes to show the superstar she is talking about.

5. Keith Leone
CJ: Now normally when someone not only wins a world title but ends a record breaking reign you'd expect them to be top of any Power Five but for those of you that saw Beachfront Brawl you'll know that it didn't quite have the fairy tale ending that Keith Leone was looking for!

No, at Beachfront Brawl we saw as Leone was finally able to get the decisive win over long term rival and long term EWF Champion Vincent Costello in a brutal match only for it to be cruelly taken away...but more on that later!

The video on the screen shows Leone holding the EWF Title before cutting to him moments later out on the ground before going to the next superstar.

4. Aaron Heath
CJ: Ok, this one could be a contraversal pick but in at number four this week is a man who beat four other men to claim a title shot at the midcard title of his choice...that man is of course...MAJESTIC!

A crew member quickly scuttles on to the screen and whispers in CJ's ear

CJ: ...I mean Aaron Heath!

The crew member gives her a thumbs up before getting off the screen causing the crew to laugh as CJ continues

CJ: That's right, despite the validity of Heath's win being under scrutiny my pick for number four this week is one of the biggest up and coming stars this company has to offer who now has a shot at the title of his choosing. We saw at Beachfront Brawl as Heath pulled the win away from Majestic and are excited to see if he'll go after Thunder's International title, if he'll want to defend for queen and country by taking on Daniels for the UK title or if he'll want to go extreme and face Ryker Kidd!

The screen shows the closing moments of the Freshman Fiveway that saw Majestic's submission win ignored by the ref to give Heath the pinfall victory before cutting to the next superstars

3. The Forgotten (featuring Joshua)
CJ: Seeing that we only really know one member I'm not sure if this breaking the rules but in at number three are a group of men who slowly but surely have been changing the face of 6CW one match at a time. Beachfront Brawl saw The Forgotten move one step closer to complete domination as they not only helped shape the future of both World Championships but also help end the record breaking Tag Team title reigns of what some are saying are the greatest tag team in 6CW history! However, you'll notice that I said “closer to complete domination” as there is still one person stood in their way...

The screen quickly flits through images of the masked men and their various involvements at BFB before cutting to our next superstar

2. Thunder
CJ: ...With great power comes great responsibility!
The man at number two might be a surprise for some but right now he is a man stood in the way of The Forgotten holding influence on nearly every belt in 6CW. At Beachfront Brawl Thunder may not have done things the right way but he showed that when it comes to defending this company he'll do what it takes...with a little help from Enigma, Thunder was able to stop a destructive Jimmy Phillips to not only retain the International Title but to also give The Forgotten a taste of their own medicine!

The image shows Enigma and Thunder celebrating as a big one replaces them and CJ concludes her run down

1. Mike Masters
CJ: I think it clear to see which man left the biggest mark of 6CW Beachfront at number one is a man who not only beat five other men to win the Key To The Kingdom but also a man who cut short Keith Leone's celebrations by cashing in and becoming the new EWF World Champion...of course it's Mike Masters!

Next week at Aftermath we'll see Mike put his new title up on the line against record breaking former champion Vincent Costello and we know that Keith Leone will also want a rematch of his own so things may get a bit rocky for our new champion over the next few weeks but we know that Mike's ego will enjoy every second of it and with a little help from his new found friends in the Forgotten it might be a while till we see a new EWF Champion!

The footage on the screen shows Masters holding his EWF belt as CJ signs off

CJ: Well that's it for our first episode back here at Power 5 HQ! Did you agree with my choices, did I miss someone out? Let me know on the 6CW facebook and Twitter! I've been CJ Holmes, this has been the triumphant return of the Power 5 and I'll see you next time!

The crew behind the camera cheer as CJ waves to the camera and walks off set and the show comes to an end


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Join date : 2013-01-16
Age : 36
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The (new look) Power Five Show Empty Re: The (new look) Power Five Show

Post by x12x Mon 28 Sep 2015, 9:43 am

The show goes live with the beautiful CJ Holmes stood in front of the camera, she is wearing the brand new Forgotten t-shirt and is still next to a cut out of new 6CW Owner Mr Jones

CJ: All hail our new leader...

The crew behind the camera laugh as CJ salutes causing the credits to roll which this week features the men revealed as members of The Forgotten. As we return CJ is once again sat behind her desk...this week it's Forgotten themed and features figures of each member including one that is still masked with a sign on it that reads “HI, My name is Reaper”. The camera travels over the desk as we see the heart framed Ronster photo next to the usual loser of the week photo...this week Glasgow's Most Wanted AJ Harvey and SRA take the spot with the picture showing them being beaten by 6CW new guys, The Alpha Wolves. The camera focuses on CJ who begins to count down this week's Power Five...

5. Chael Kingdom
CJ: Our first name on the list was able to get there due to an impressive debut knocking off 6CW's favourite walking STI Brandon Perez and newcomer Dimitri Pittal...Kingdom showed off some impressive skills picking up a victory on his debut against two huge talents. Tonight see's the former MMA star team up with one of his opponents last week in a hope of keeping his streak going...we look forward to seeing what Chael can do as we can tell we haven't even seen the half of it yet!

4. Cerberus
CJ: Our next name on the list is a man...or should I say Monster who was one of the many returnees at last weeks show. The 6CW Universe watched as The Twisted Maniacal Maniac made light work of the Xtreme Champion Ryker Kid, putting him down with a chokeslam...tonight will we see his reign of terror continue or will our resident super hero Enigma be able to stop him in his tracks?

3. Aaron Heath
CJ: Last week's number five jumps a spot this week after seeing off the tough competition of Jonathan Daniels and Hero in a triple threat match! The winner of the Freshman Fatal Fiveway has seen his momentum hit break neck speed and at a perfect time with his match tonight being the biggest of his career...will the man who some say is the future of this company be able to dethrone Ryker Kidd and claim his first silver wear or will the Xtreme Champion be able to halt the rise of The Anarchist?

2. The Forgotten (featuring Joshua, Mike Masters, Austin Stevens, Hikori, Tyson Armstrong...and so on)
CJ: The way the show ended last week it would be easy to give The Forgotten every spot and still not have enough spots for each member so we here have decided to group them together! After a long time coming The Forgotten's grip on 6CW finally tightened at 6CW Aftermath as a few more of their faces were revealed...the 6CW universe was shocked as more of the men that have been tormenting the rest of the roster stepped out of the shadows to be revealed as former champions of both 6CW and 6WF...but the biggest shock was to come in the form of our number one spot...

1. Mr Jones
CJ: Yes that's right! Our top spot this time around isn't a member of the roster but the new man in control...At Aftermath we saw the return of Michael Jones to the head of 6CW and what a terrifying thought that could be the men who put him out of commission over a year ago!

Ironically, tonight's show see's Mr Jones abuse his power over a man who was a big part of him being in control the first time as Max Adamson and Thunder get put against five of The Forgotten. How far will Mr Jones go to keep control and will their be a second uprising to end his reign of terror?

Only time will tell!

CJ stands up from behind the desk and moves in front before signing off

CJ: Once again, that's it from us here at Power 5 HQ! Did you agree with my choices, did I miss someone out? Let me know on the 6CW facebook and Twitter! I've been CJ Holmes, this has been the Power 5 and I'll see you next time!


Posts : 8108
Join date : 2013-01-16
Age : 36
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The (new look) Power Five Show Empty Re: The (new look) Power Five Show

Post by x12x Tue 29 Sep 2015, 9:25 pm

The show goes live with CJ Holmes stood in front of the camera, this week she is wearing an old school Sting t-shirt.

CJ: It's that time again...welcome to the Power 5!

The crew cheer as the credits roll. This week the credits feature the highlights of The Forgotten's attacks. As we return CJ is sat behind the Power Five desk that features figures of Thunder, Max Adamson and The Red Arrows, as the camera moves in we see that the figures are bandaged up. The camera travels past the figures and we see the heart framed Ronster photo next to the usual loser of the week...this week features the smiling faces of the Alpha Wolves opponents Nicky Cassidy and Billy Shaw, the picture shows them in their fast food uniforms, spatulas in hand. The camera then moves back to CJ as she begins the Power Five countdown.

5. The Alpha Wolves
CJ: First in this weeks Power 5 is the team of Jesse and Brandon Wolf!

Some of the crew imitate wolf howls putting CJ off talking for a second

CJ: (composing herself) Slowly but surely these two brothers are making a name for themselves in front of the 6CW Universe...over the past month or so we have seen them take on 6CW teams from the past and look impressive doing so...there have been some out there who have doubted if these two men will be able to handle a tougher challenge but we here at The Power Five say that you can only beat what's put in front of you and personally, I'm excited to see the challenges get tougher as they go!

4. Brandon Perez
CJ: Next up we have a man who is already blocked on Twitter by half of the female 6CW back room staff...that's right...the self proclaimed mayor of Sleazecity...Brandon Perez! This week watched as Brandon picked up a huge victory for his team while pinning love rival Lex Hart in the as some of you may have seen before the match Perez's partners didn't exactly put out the welcome mat for the former “adult star” but this win will do a lot to put the opinion that he doesn't belong in the roster to rest.

CJ pauses for a moment before adding something

CJ: Ps. Brandon...I got your invite and although a few of the girls here at The Power Five have told me that the Bang Bus is a great experience...I doubt I'll be taking a tour any time soon.

CJ winks at the camera sarcastically before moving on

3. Chael Kingdom
Last time out Chael Kingdom made it to number five but this week see's him leap up the rankings due to his impressive form, what is going to stop this man and will it be long until he takes championship gold?! Only time will tell but for now we'll enjoy watching this up and comer impress the 6CW universe...this week Kingdom teamed up with a former opponent to knock off the current UK champion and fellow 6CW Newbie week Kingdom's challenge takes the form of the UK Champion Jonathan Daniels...can his reign continue or will Kingdom be dethroned?!?

A few of the cast snigger as CJ's rubbish joke causing her to cringe before she moves on once again

2. Cerberus
CJ: Another week and another show that see's the Monster Cerberus leave a wake of destruction in his path...this week Cerberus not only put down the super hero Enigma but also left his mark on the Xtreme Title picture taking out champion and contender...will Cerberus stop until that belt is his once again and if not could anyone even stop him? We don't know but one things for sure...if we here at the Power Five saw him coming we'd run for the hills!

CJ pauses one last time before moving on to the top spot

1. The Forgotten
CJ: Here we are at Week three of the new look Power Five Show and a third week in a row that see's the list dominated by the I said before, if we split them up I'm not sure any other superstars could get a look in right now!
This week saw the henchmen of Mr Jones turn it up a few gears as they left a trail of broken bodies with The Red Arrows, Thunder and former Authority member Max Adamson feeling their full force. With Anthony Grace promoting his new film, Keith Leone AWOL since Beach Front Brawl and Gazzy D retired who will back the already hurting members of the 6CW rebellion?

6CW has been at threat before but I honestly think this may be the greatest threat that the company's freedom may have ever it time for Adamson and Co. to accept their fate or can they rise from the ashes and take back the company they love?


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Age : 36
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