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Wales U20 management a disgrace

Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler
Luckless Pedestrian
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
Glas a du
The Great Aukster
Adam D
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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Wales u 20s vs ABJs now on S4C

Post by maestegmafia Tue 14 Jun 2011, 5:10 pm

First topic message reminder :

The baby all blacks have just done their Song and dance bit. Plenty of choreography and Tongue wiggling, very cute.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:36 am

welshjohn369 wrote:
AlynDavies wrote:I know a lot of you are mentioning the school level of rugby however if you look at the WRU structure and pyramid system you would know Schools rugby was stopped for a reason. Clubs try and run junior teams and this was hindered by schools rugby. Very often we would play rugby on the friday evening for our school and again on the saturday for our clubs and often there would be problems if a player refused to play for one of the sides. I remember our coaches telling me off for going to one training session and not the other. Basically the wru changed it so players wouldnt be playing a silly amount of games and tried to organise it beter which from my experiances is a good thing. these days the clubs do it all. Besides club rugby was always a much higher standard because only players who wanted to play rugby were in those sides. how many school games did you play in where half the boys didnt want to be there and did nothing all game? very often those games were about 2-3 star players who were trying and carried the team, while the rest were messing about.

Well compare NZ to Wales or any of the UK / NH set ups and NZ win ands down. Maybe the WRU and the clubs need to have a long hard look at why we are so far behind NZ! Too many chief's perhaps.

Indeed. In NZ boys play both schools and club rugby, and (in my experience) the boys who're playing both all want to play both. In my final year of High School Anton Oliver was absent from class for over half the year between games for the 1st XV, NZ Secondary Schools, NZ U19 and the Marlborough NPC team. And he aced the end of year exams to boot. Virtually all of my high school's 1st, 2nd and 3rd XV's were all playing club rugby too*, as were the junior teams. But the attitude to getting involved in sport in general is different downunder.

*I was a rare exception, but getting from the farm into town wasn't for weekend matches wasn't a trivial exercise, and to boot I was out working on the farm at weekends so club rugby didn't happen. OTOH in summer I was able to combine school and club cricket no problem.
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by bathmad Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:37 am

Nope, my old man still has the scars on his back where Edwards stamped on him!
Look it up in the history books, think it would be 1965-66 school year.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by mckay1402 Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:39 am

Wow did I ever get it wrong. I really expected this game to be more competative. These players will never be able to compete against their NZ opposite numbers now. they will always be mentally damaged by this result. shocking

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:39 am

BTW guys, the debate on this topic is going the same direction as the other Wales U20 one, so I'm going to merge them.
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:42 am

mckay1402, that's just what Arthur Emyr was saying on commentary. The psychological damage that was done yesterday will be almost impossible to repair.

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by mckay1402 Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:54 am

It's one thing being 96-0 in a full international in South Africa. most of those players managed to carry on playing and some of them have done pretty well but to experience a trouncing like that at that age is going to haunt you forever. I wonder how many of those players will make it to regions...

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 9:55 am

The thing is, when they interviewed some of the players afterwards, to me they didn't actually seem all that upset. If it was me I'd have been distraught. Makes you wonder what thinking they took into the game with them. If they thought they were going to lose form the off, it might not be such a big blow to them psychologically.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Biltong Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:01 am

Just for information sake.

In South Africa kids start playing rugby at age 6, they call it "Bulletjie" or "Leeutjie" rugby depending what province you are talking about.

Even though at this age it is more like a hunting pack of wolves running after 1 prey, they start learning the basics of rugby. How to pass, run, scrum, tackle etc.

From age 9 they represent their schools in a competitive league with schools being classified according to size of school.

There is a representative Craven Week team selected per province for primary schools, in other words under 12 age group selected from the schools in that area.

Once they go to high school they start playing with togs, and once again there are Craven teams selected.

When a child reaches the age of 18 he would have played rugby for 10 or so years.

It is like any sport, the younger you start the better you will be once you reach senior levels.

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by mckay1402 Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:06 am

rugbyr dreamer

Perhaps they went into it trying not to get any injuries. that would explain the poor tackling...

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:13 am

biltong - cheers for the info. I know in Wales that kids to start playing from a similar age as those in other countries, I just don't think the structures/leagues we have in place are anywhere near competitive enough. Tis starting to become a major problem.

Mckay - Flip knows why we decided not to tackle all match, don't think anything can provide a proper explanation for it....


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:14 am

rugbydreamer wrote:The thing is, when they interviewed some of the players afterwards, to me they didn't actually seem all that upset. If it was me I'd have been distraught. Makes you wonder what thinking they took into the game with them. If they thought they were going to lose form the off, it might not be such a big blow to them psychologically.

I hope this isn't what we'll see from the senior team when they face the Springboks in the World Cup. What's the point of playing if you're not aiming to win?

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:16 am

I know Lucky, tis a bit of a concern. The thing is, I think we have every chance of beating SA in the world cup. The last two times we've met we've been up at half time, and then proceeded to throw the matches away. We're in such a close group we can't afford to throw any match, I really hope we don't see it happen. To play for your country is a huge honour, and should be treated with respect. I would hope to see them give their all for that match.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:27 am

I take it George North wasnt playing then?

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:30 am

No PSW, he's in the training squad for the senior side.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by mckay1402 Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:41 am

I don't think the senior team dare play like that. they would be lynched...

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by welshy824 Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:47 am

the problem is here in north wales, rugby is second choice sport, i mean take this for example in my school, are football team loses most matches yet the one match we had of rugby we won 60-0, our school has a capped u16 welsh international, about 6 RGC players, (1 is swapping codes to widness) and about 5 other good quality players yet our school still focussed on football!!!

the problem is in south wales rugby is the main sport and in south wales every village has a set of rugby posts, but in north wales every village has a footy pitch, I know the WRU are trying to set up RGC but they need to make real investments as otherwise you can never get quality sides with only have the nations potential


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:49 am

It waa the other way round in my school in Pontypool, welshy824. We won the one football match we played, but despite having two sports teachers and two pitches, we played rugby on both. But we never won a game!

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by RubyGuby Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:57 am

How do they work out the semis etc from 3 groups?


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by welshy824 Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:58 am

thats my point though, south wales rugby is so much more popular and have 4 regions, north wales has 1 region (which no one knows much about) the WRU need to unlock the north wales potential and try and get more youngsters from north wales to play. i mean North is the only welsh player currently from north wales, (if i am correct)


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Londonwelsh Wed 15 Jun 2011, 10:59 am

Last nights result just summed up the worrying state of Welsh Rugby at ALL levels. I fear we are going back to the dark old days 🤦

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by PenfroPete Wed 15 Jun 2011, 11:11 am

RubyGuby wrote:How do they work out the semis etc from 3 groups?

RUBY -hope this helps OK Basically, the best runner-up gets the 4th semi-final spot

"1st Seed - Pool winner with most competition points *
2nd Seed - Pool winner with 2nd most competition points
3rd Seed - Pool winner with 3rd most competition points
4th Seed - Pool second place with most competition points

Semi Finals
2nd Seed v 3rd Seed
1st Seed v 4th Seed 2"

Competition points (not points scored in matches) =
4 points for a win
2 points for a draw
1 point for scoring 4 or more tries
1 point for losing by 7 or less than 7 points
0 points for a loss

Last edited by PenfroPete on Wed 15 Jun 2011, 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 11:11 am

Rob McCusker is from North Wales I believe, and he's in the training squad. Not sure I can think of anyone else though Welshy.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Wed 15 Jun 2011, 11:31 am

welshy824, the whole regional thing was a fudge from the start. If they had been really serious about it, they would have included the whole of Wales - and not just nominally.

My dad's a Gog, so I have some sympathy! OK

Last edited by luckless_pedestrian on Wed 15 Jun 2011, 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by RubyGuby Wed 15 Jun 2011, 11:57 am

Thanks Penfro Very Happy


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by ospreylian Wed 15 Jun 2011, 12:07 pm

Same old......................When will we ever learn?
Poor coach = poor team= poor preparation=poor players=northern hemisphere.

Time after time we talk about how we must play catchup, how the SH are always ahead, now we can see why, they have better players, with better game awareness, better tactics.

Once we put them under pressure and then they looked ordinary, but the boys tired and ran out of puff, seeing the number 6 AT A RUCK with his hands on his hips just watching said it all...........pitiful.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Luckless Pedestrian Wed 15 Jun 2011, 12:09 pm

That was the number 6 who got sinbinned, wasn't it? Clever boy! 🤦

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by The Great Aukster Wed 15 Jun 2011, 1:38 pm

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Why did Wales move away from the school's structure? Obviously it wasn't working, so by re-instating it why should it magically start to work this time around?

The difference between the SH and the NH is 'sporting emphasis'. NZ and SA put rugby first and so attract and keep the best young athletes. OTOH in the NH football is pre-eminent and with the money on offer why would any sane ball player choose rugby?

The only way the standard of rugby will improve among NH youth is if it becomes increasingly attractive as a professional career, thus keeping more of the better athletes in the game.

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Seagultaf Wed 15 Jun 2011, 2:08 pm

The Baby Blacks won because they were bigger faster and stronger......

In fact I thought when the sides lined up at the start that they were an under 25 side not under 20s. How is this? There is not such a pronounced physical difference at senior level. How do they get to be so big and strong as such a young age? Are they actually under 20?

Rugby is a physical contest, a good big one will always beat a good small one.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Wed 15 Jun 2011, 2:11 pm

Seagultaf, there's lots of Polynesian lads in the NZ U20s, Polynesians tend to mature younger. That's one reason why junior (u15) club rugby in NZ works on a weight basis rather than age.
Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 2:14 pm

Seagultaf, I own a book called 'Bigger, faster, stronger'! It's about putting in place the BFS (bigger, faster stronger) strength and power conditioning programme in schools, clubs and youth settings so that all young athletes have a good base level of strength and conditioning, and knowledge of correct lifting techniques, etc.

Unfortunately, it is an American book and I doubt this sort of thing is being employed in the UK. Certainly doesn't look like the Wales Under 20 boys have been conditioned well from a young age!!!


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Boyne Wed 15 Jun 2011, 2:50 pm

92 - 0???

Can NOBODY stop this madness??!!! So it'll be my great great great great grandchildren who will see a first Irish victory over these freaks..... and when they do it'll probably be in a movie or a dream or something!!


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Pete C (Kiwireddevil) Wed 15 Jun 2011, 2:55 pm

Boyne wrote:92 - 0???

Can NOBODY stop this madness??!!! So it'll be my great great great great grandchildren who will see a first Irish victory over these freaks..... and when they do it'll probably be in a movie or a dream or something!!

"freaks" or "sublimely talented prime physical specimens".

Pete C (Kiwireddevil)
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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by RubyGuby Wed 15 Jun 2011, 3:35 pm

People are making too many generalisations on this one result - The baby blacks have an exceptional side and Wales sent out a 2nd string under 20's that were literally lambs to the slaughter. The only thing it re-emphasises for me is that welsh coaches remain jobs for the boys and until we address this problem from the top then we will continue to fail to maximise on the potential of all age grade players. The performance against Argentina was encouraging but this was a total mismatch and revealed more about coaching weaknesses and organisation than the potential of some of the players. The tactics were naive and the team were rudderless. Similar to the first XV where there is no clear game plan.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Boyne Wed 15 Jun 2011, 3:37 pm

Freaks.... Wink


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by TheGreyGhost Wed 15 Jun 2011, 4:20 pm

"Wales sent out a 2nd string under 20's that were literally lambs to the slaughter"

But...prior to the game we were hearing things like:

"Maybe a more territory based tactic with Shingler at Fly Half or maybe Webster thinks he would be a massive target for the Blacks. He seems like the kind of player who would enjoy being targetted and could be an impact player to come off the bench and hopefully find holes in the NZ defence. Will be a very interesting game"


"I am pretty happy with Richard Websters choices. Lets hope its a good game..."


"We are lucky that due to the fierce competition within the camp for every position, this side is every bit as strong as the starting line-up selected against Argentina."


"Lloyd Peers is one of the true leaders within the squad, giving him the captain's armband for this game is a natural progression for him."

It didn't sound like anyone was saying "2nd string ... lambs to the slaughter", until it was 92-0.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Turkster Wed 15 Jun 2011, 4:51 pm

TheGreyGhost wrote:"Wales sent out a 2nd string under 20's that were literally lambs to the slaughter"

But...prior to the game we were hearing things like:

"Maybe a more territory based tactic with Shingler at Fly Half or maybe Webster thinks he would be a massive target for the Blacks. He seems like the kind of player who would enjoy being targetted and could be an impact player to come off the bench and hopefully find holes in the NZ defence. Will be a very interesting game"


"I am pretty happy with Richard Websters choices. Lets hope its a good game..."


"We are lucky that due to the fierce competition within the camp for every position, this side is every bit as strong as the starting line-up selected against Argentina."


"Lloyd Peers is one of the true leaders within the squad, giving him the captain's armband for this game is a natural progression for him."

It didn't sound like anyone was saying "2nd string ... lambs to the slaughter", until it was 92-0.

yes those quotes really make them seem confident of winning don't they?. 🤦

as if they'd tell the players beforehand they 're rudey poo and got no chance, as wind-up-merchants go you're as bad as our 2nd string u-20's team.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by TheGreyGhost Wed 15 Jun 2011, 5:55 pm

Not a wind up. Just interested in this perspective that Wales deliberately threw the game by fielding the worst team they could muster.

I don't understand the point of that. Surely the structure of the tournament is not conducive to game throwing tactics?

I also heard a lot of talk during the BBs v Italy game that "talk within the Welsh squad was that they'd give the BBs a run for their money, at least."

Did anyone else hear the commentary team for the opener use that phrase?


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by red_stag Wed 15 Jun 2011, 6:13 pm

Grey the sad thing is that I have heard several senior teams use the same phrase. Giving someone a run for their money is not a success and if I'm being honest the phrase is thrown about far too casually.

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Adam D Wed 15 Jun 2011, 7:10 pm

Lydon pinpoints areas of concern
15 June 2011, 7:01 pm
Wales has already started looking at the intensity of rugby played by its young players as the WRU analyses Tuesday's 92-0 record defeat by New Zealand Under 20.
Head of Rugby Joe Lydon has pinpointed the difference in the calibre of games being played by New Zealand youngsters compared to the Welsh as one of the factors in the gulf between the sides.
Lydon and Wales Under 20 head coach Richard Webster refused to make excuses for the defeat but insisted the team will now be determined to regain their confidence when they play Italy on Saturday and in their remaining games.

"It's a huge disappointment to lose with that kind of score line", said Lydon, "and it was especially disappointing that we didn't manage to even get on to the scoreboard.

"We have to look at the key factors in what caused that result, including the system that allowed that to happen.

"At the end of the day, a barometer of how we judge our international age grade set-up is how many international players we produce, and as we've shown in recent years, we have a good record in that regard, with the likes of Sam Warburton, Josh Turnbull, Leigh Halfpenny, Dan Biggar, Jonathan Davies, Ryan Bevington and Scott Andrews all coming through the Wales Under 20 side in the last three years.

"More important however, is the intensity of rugby our players become used to and the week to week playing environment within which they hone the core skills and develop technical and tactical game understanding

"Whereas a large number of the New Zealand side play regular Super 15 rugby, we can't say the same about our Welsh international age grade players. While quite a few have had LV=Cup experience, they are not playing regularly for their regions in high level, intense and important games.

"We have to look at why that is - although some of our squad players figured strongly for their Premiership clubs in key British & Irish Cup, SWALEC Cup and Principality Premiership matches, an area already under review, others have hardly played any rugby since the Six Nations and that's something else we need to look at.

"We have to work more closely with the regions and the Premiership clubs in order to produce players who are ready to compete at a high level, even if that means working to further reduce the number of non-Welsh qualified players within Wales.

"The players are coached in the same way as New Zealand, they are taught the same techniques, but New Zealand's execution was much more clinical, and again, that comes down to the intensity in which they play rugby week in, week out."

Head coach Richard Webster was honest in his assessment of the game but insists the team now has to put it behind them in order to prepare to play Italy in their final Pool game on Saturday. He said: "Things went badly wrong for us because we had no ball or field position and we came up against a very strong team that took us apart.

"They capitalised on every small mistake - whereas against other teams you might recover, there was no chance of that with New Zealand.

"Whatever we did to try to turn things around, they found a way of countering that, if we kept it tight, they went wide, if we went wide, they went up the middle. New Zealand are a class above the rest - they beat Australia 62-17 in last year's final which just shows where they are in this age group.

"We will have to look at the reasons for the heavy defeat further when we return home but for now, as a group, we have to put the loss behind us and focus on playing well against Italy on Saturday.

"Wales finished in seventh place in this competition last year, sixth the year before and we have a good chance of improving on those positions which is what we will be aiming to do."

link to article -

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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Guest Wed 15 Jun 2011, 7:19 pm

Well Hobo, at least they are looking into the matter. I won't hold my breath that they'll do anything other than look though!


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by Huwball Thu 16 Jun 2011, 12:52 am

Good to see this c r a p result has stired up so much feeling. I have to say that I feel that we have lost our in-built need to win - it's the taking part culture our nanny state has made the modern parent!

"When I were a lad" back in the 70's (7 years & up), we played full contact rugby with 15 players and had a desire to win, now it's all about tag rugby for kids and certificates for taking part in sports days etc.

This country needs to regrow a backbone! steam

That's my opinion anyway even if I get slated for it.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by emack2 Thu 16 Jun 2011, 4:36 am

Stating the obvious,NZ players will start as tots about 5 mixed sexes playing non -contact.Then they will be sorted by weight from about 10 onwards,play on smaller pitches for shorter periods 60 minutes.Then they play Schoolboy[all ages],club,ITM,S15,maybe Maori/Junior All Black,All Black.There is a proper graded infrastructure,back in the sixities Schools would field 30 teams every Saturday tots up to Old Boys.Kiddies were often coached by All Black relatives.
At age 10 they can perform the basics as well as many top pro`s and they do it for fun.I am assuming that the Welsh side was of roughly similar strength through out the squad,also that they were trying.The Baby Blacks have yet to lose a match in any under20`s match,but will expecttough matches from England,Oz or the Boks.It was lovely to see that not a single penalty was kicked at goal.


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Wales U20 management a disgrace - Page 3 Empty Re: Wales U20 management a disgrace

Post by RubyGuby Thu 16 Jun 2011, 9:22 am

Grey - the welsh team didn't throw the game - they were battered in every department by 15 superior athletes who have been coached properly. If you want to believe the "weslh talk" before the game then that's you're perogative - They made about 8 changes and then tried talking it up. What I'm saying is that it just reveals even more the naivity among the welsh coaches who to all intents are about as cerebral as Godzilla when it comes to rugby organisation and management. Coaching is not just about shoving some ageing x international into a key development role. Webster et al are actually thick as shxx and the outcomes on the field are illustrative of their "get stuck in" approach to rugby. When that fails there is plan B which is the "headless chicken" approach a la lets throw it around all over the place and get picked off like puppets. Plan C is Doh


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