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Tna Impact Spoiler

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by HitmanOwl Tue 12 Jul 2011, 8:22 am

Dark Match

1. Eric Young and a partner defeated Robbie E and a partner (couldn't hear his name). Eric Young pinned Robbie's partner. This match was so horrible it was hard to watch.

TNA Impact Taping

Immortal held a party for Mr. Anderson, who had on a nice camouflage tuxedo by the way. It was general donkey kissing all around until the lights went out. Sting appeared in the ring at a poker table and asked Eric Bischoff if he wanted to bet who would walk out with the title tonight. Sting did his Joker laugh and pointed out that he had "friends" tonight that would make sure Immortal didn't screw him. Four Doink the Clown look-alikes appeared in the rafters and Sting flipped the table and got out of the ring

1. Bobby Roode defeated Samoa Joe and The Pope in a Bound For Glory Series match. Good action. Joe kept getting knocked out of the ring and he almost won with the rear naked choke on Bobby Roode, but his shoulders were on the mat and Hebner counted him down for the pin before Roode tapped out... he then argued with Hebner and flipped off the crowd.

2. Austin Aries defeated Shannon Moore. There were a couple of bad missed spots, but it was an otherwise exciting match. Austin Aries has a lot of potential and does a great job in the ring. However, he does this move where he acts like a cat and scratches his opponent, very weird... Aries hit Moore with the chain from the Book of DILLIGAF to score the pinfall. Alex Shelley then came out to check on Moore and helped him out of the ring.

3. Tara defeated Madison Rayne. Tara brought out a present for Madison and sat it in the corner of the ring. It was kind of a normal Knockout match. Rayne threw Tara into the steps and snuck into the ring and opened the present. It was... a tarantula! She got scared and Tara hit the Widow's Peak for the win, then chased Madison all the way to the back holding the tarantula.

Kurt Angle cut a promo about his No. 1 contender status, and his upcoming TNA Title match at Hardcore Justice. He said he's going to kick Anderson's donkey whether it is for the championship or not, and he hopes Sting wins so they can finish what they started in some previous match (couldn't understand him) since he has never beaten Sting. He talked about the Main Event Mafia some as well.

4. Mexican America defeated The British Invasion to become No. 1 contenders to the TNA Tag Titles. Mexican America won when Rosita distracted the ref and they cheated. Big surprise ending there. The entire match was pretty crabby. Hernandez ended up interfering and Anarquia pinned Magnus.

5. Sting defeated Mr. Anderson to win the TNA Title. Pretty entertaining match overall. Mr. Anderson put Sting in a Scorpion Death Lock, Sting hit the Mic Check on Anderson, and referee got knocked out of the ring, as usual in TNA. Bully Ray came down and interfered. The lights went out and one of the clowns was in the ring. The clown proceeded to hit Ray and Anderson with the bat. The lights went out and the clown disappeared. Ray was nowhere to be found, and Sting hit the Scorpion Death Drop on Anderson. The ref crawled back in the ring and counted to three!!! New TNA or Impact Wrestling Heavyweight Champion is Sting! Wow, on an Impact taping... Sting celebrated for a few minutes on the ring and then Impact was over.

TNA Xplosion Taping

1. Alex Shelley beat The Pope in an Xplosion Championship Challenge. I feel like I should expect better from these two. This match was flat and the crowd didn't care. Devon came out after Pope was talking to his kids and watched the rest of the match. Shelley beat Pope via clean pinfall, then came back in the ring and shook his hand. Apparently Pope is making a face turn, as he is kissing everyone's donkey lately. Anyway, that was the anticlimactic finish.

They had pre-sold tickets to get your picture taken with Brian Kendrick in the ring, but VIP's had an autograph date with Velvet Sky, who is much more desirable to pose with than Kendrick. As a special added feature, Austin Aries was also on hand to sign and take pics. Another good night for Impact Wrestling.
link -

Last edited by Hobo on Tue 12 Jul 2011, 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Your post gave no details - thought I would help you out)


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Beer Tue 12 Jul 2011, 8:54 am

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Brilliant. Just brilliant.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by talkingpoint Tue 12 Jul 2011, 8:57 am

Hmm Anderson's title run over so quickly, before he even had a chance to defend it at PPV! Not 100% about the logic of the booking on this one. Does Sting really need another title run? Is Sting v Angle a bigger draw than Anderson for the PPV? Who are these other clowns? Sounds like its setting up for a bigger storyline involving Sting and Immortal.

The BFG series match and Austin Aries match sounds good though; there definitely has been some quality wrestling on the show just recently.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Adam D Tue 12 Jul 2011, 8:59 am

gotta say - a step backwards for the tna world title but willing to see where it goes before judging.

The interesting one is the loss of samoa joe - i dont actually think he has peeved someone as its too much of a burial. I think that this might be a start of a reinvented Joe story where he eventually ploguhs through the roster after a turnaround (a mentor, ruthless streak, valet etc)

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Beer Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:00 am

Hobo wrote:gotta say - a step backwards for the tna world title but willing to see where it goes before judging.

The interesting one is the loss of samoa joe - i dont actually think he has peeved someone as its too much of a burial. I think that this might be a start of a reinvented Joe story where he eventually ploguhs through the roster after a turnaround (a mentor, ruthless streak, valet etc)

You mean like they've done the last 2 times?!


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Adam D Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:05 am

pretty much Laugh

I think it will lead back to the main event this time though.

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Beer Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:10 am

Hobo wrote:pretty much Laugh

I think it will lead back to the main event this time though.

Yeah i agree.

I reckon they can do it 1 of 3 ways....

1) Repackage him as a Samoan submission machine who carries round a massive hunting kni....... wait.


2) Have someone join the company that can put him back on the right road. Someone just as extreme and intense; a submission machine.... like Ta.......wait.

ok..... last one....

3) Rapper gimmick with Bowler Hat.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Mr H Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:22 am

I've always said Anderson doesnt draw as Champion.




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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by HitmanOwl Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:25 am

Got a bad feeling sting vs hogan for the strap further down the line!!!

So Anderson has been champ 2 times and both reigns have been abysmal.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Adam D Tue 12 Jul 2011, 9:58 am

As you can see, that is the first time I have ever used photoshop!

Next stop holiday photos and my wife's boobs.

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by talkingpoint Tue 12 Jul 2011, 11:06 am

Yeah I really hope this is the start of Joe version 3.0.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by The_Enigma Tue 12 Jul 2011, 4:20 pm

Seems like since Hogan/Eric have been in TNA they do like the element of suprize by having the world title change hands on their weekly TV show, I mean that's at least 3 times now?

Reading the reports it seems like the match is decent one to watch next week, and tbh I have a feeling Ken won't lie down and take this maybe a Sting/Kurt/Anderson match at Hardcore Justice. Still wanna see what these clowns were that showed up on iMPACT

As for Joe I have no idea what they are doing for him, But he needs something. Also is it true that the young bucks have quit tna?


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Lex-Express Tue 12 Jul 2011, 4:34 pm

yep bucks asked for there release and it was granted.

orlando jordan was released from his contract today as well


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by talkingpoint Tue 12 Jul 2011, 5:03 pm

Lex-Express wrote:yep bucks asked for there release and it was granted.

orlando jordan was released from his contract today as well

TNA are better off without him!


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by ADMIN Tue 12 Jul 2011, 5:06 pm

Max Buck was moaning to me on Twitter a couple of months ago regarding not being used so it came as no shock.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Kenny Tue 12 Jul 2011, 11:31 pm

[quote="HitmanOwl"]Got a bad feeling sting vs hogan for the strap further down the line!!!

Yeh and knowing Russo i can see a screw job in the offing Bischoff helps Sting and screws Hogan .

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Kay Fabe Wed 13 Jul 2011, 12:22 am

H how can you say Anderson doesn't draw as Champ when he has never been given a chance? For the record Joker Sting has be unbelievably good and I'd rather he or Angle where Champs going into BFG to drop it to Roode and really put him over

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by talkingpoint Wed 13 Jul 2011, 8:22 am

Watched impact! last night and I have to say Steve killed it as the Joker! This is the best work he's done in years - his facial expressions were outstanding; he's obviously been studying the Joker because his mannerisms and promos are just brilliant. When Hogan was beating him up backstage and he just looks at Hogan and says "Oh Cr@p!" before being knocked unconscious by his own baseball bat it was genuinely chilling! When I read that Sting beat Anderson for the title I was a little disappointed in the booking, but I really think the Joker gimmick is working and I'm now really curious to see where this story is going!


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Mr H Wed 13 Jul 2011, 9:44 am

the-gaffer wrote:H how can you say Anderson doesn't draw as Champ when he has never been given a chance? For the record Joker Sting has be unbelievably good and I'd rather he or Angle where Champs going into BFG to drop it to Roode and really put him over

He hasnt been given a chance for that reason - he doesnt draw. He made his TNA debut on January 17th 2010, thats 542 days ago. He has been TNA World Champion for a combined total of 64 days. For someone who is apparently held is such high regard, 64/542 days (11%) as the World Champion in a company lacking star quality doesnt say alot for Anderson. I think that tells its own story as to how much TNA rate Anderson.

On another note, i would be amazed if Robert Roode won the World Title.

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Kay Fabe Wed 13 Jul 2011, 10:01 am

Who does draw in TNA then H? as far as I can see the ratings have been pretty much the same for the last year whether RVD, Hardy, Anderson, Hardy, Sting, Anderson, Sting have been the champ so talking about drawing power is completely unfounded, what has hurt Anderson is the fact no-one has a clue if he is a heel or a face, thats something that TNA must address if they are ever to get the best out of him

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Kay Fabe Wed 13 Jul 2011, 10:15 am

Also while it looks good working out the percentage of days as Champ he didn't walk to TNA to be the man, when he arrived AJ was in the middle of the longest World Title reign in TNA history, Jeff Hardy and RVD where considered the top shelf draws thanks to their history and Hogan publicly threw his weight behind Abyss, Anderson war only ever used as a decoy for a Hardy heel turn at BFG and only then did he become a legit contender.

Bobby Roode is an absolute cert to be World Champion within a year

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by talkingpoint Wed 13 Jul 2011, 10:28 am

on a separate note has anyone noticed how HHH-esque Roode is? Physically they have a very similar build, his ring attire is practically identical, the way he carries himself around the ring is uncannily like HHH and his moveset also bears similarity to HHH - for example they both use the spinebuster. I never noticed it until I watched impact! last night.


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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Mr H Wed 13 Jul 2011, 10:35 am

Nobody draws in TNA, thats the problem! The booking is so lame it doesnt give anyone an opportunity to draw. But that being said, if you gave Anderson the best storyline TNA has ever produced i still think he'd suck because HE isnt a big enough draw to carry it off. Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Sting and RVD are all huge names in pro-wrestling. Ken Anderson for me is not. I bet if Sting v Hogan is booked for the title it would draw more than anything else in TNA this year.

I agree that not knowing if he's heel or face doesnt help, but i cant change my belief that Ken Anderson is not one of the big fish in what is a small pond.

Happy Birthday by the way buddy.

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by Kay Fabe Wed 13 Jul 2011, 1:54 pm

Cheers mate, I'd disagree that he wouldn't draw if given the best storylines, he was considered the best heel in the company when he had his feud with Angle and when he was feuding with Hardy his segments where the highest drawing in the quarterly figures, TNA think they have struck gold with Joker Sting though and I must say I agree

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Tna Impact Spoiler Empty Re: Tna Impact Spoiler

Post by paulscholes Sun 17 Jul 2011, 5:03 pm

I think the BFG top 4 will be
Matt Morgan


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